Ebony Empress Shows - Ebr Award Winner

Could Open Relationships be the future for happy love connections?



Tonight we talking with It's Real Radio about the merits and the long terms effects of open relationships. I guess this is an important topic given the average love relationship in 2014 lasted about 2 years. Are more flexible agreements the answer to making our love connections last? Are 20 year plus marriages a thing of the past? An open relationship is essentially having your cake and eating it too, romantically speaking. When two people agree to be in an open relationship, they admit they love and care about each other but mutually agree that they want to see other people too. Oftentimes those in an open relationship consider themselves to be in love with each other, but they can have lesser attachments and sexual relationships outside of their main love interest without any ill effects on their primary relationship. Join us on 3479457556 with your view or hit the chatroom with your comments Follow Ebonyhttp://www.ebonyempresstv,com