Ebony Empress Shows - Ebr Award Winner

Terms and Conditions for dating and relationships?



Tonight we are talking with Kinte Indyshowcase about the terms and conditions for dating and relationships. If you are unsure about what dating terms and conditions are all about, tonight's show will clear that up. Most heartache in relationships result from miscommunication.  How do you ensure the person you are dating is on the same page and understands where you are and what works for you? Where does dating stop and a relationship start?  Kinte is the host of the Mars/Venus Show.... “Men and Women Talk: the Mars/Venus Show” is a radio show with a panel of women and men talking about issues of the day. This program deals with a wide range of topics such as relationships, Dating being superficial, the workplace, Catfishing and much more. Mondays 6pm pst/ 9pm est @ www.indyradio.org •Email: Marsvenspodcast@gmail.com •Voice mail: (662) 771-1306 Join as we talk about our dating terms and conditions  3479457556 follow Ebony @ http://www.ebonyempresstv.com email http://ebonyempressuk@gmail.com