Ebony Empress Shows - Ebr Award Winner



The Ebony Empress Shows has been voted Business Online Talk Show of the year 2014 by the EBR Awards. Ebony Empress is the host and she is based in London. Ebony has a passion to help her listeners find the love they want and deserve. She has her own unique style of hosting and once bitten you will forever be smitten by her charm and humour. These are a variety of shows that are all about Life, Love, Dating, Self Development and Self Growth. Relationships are affected by the way we think and our ability to understand who we are. Ebony wants to support your personal growth and encourage you to love yourself and others...... Enjoy the journey!!


  • How we self sabotage our relationships

    16/07/2015 Duration: 01h36min

    Tonight we are talking about self sabotaging our own relationships. According to http://www.psychalive.org/sabotaging-relationship/  Love hurts. The saying is both tired and true. Yet, as much as it gets lamented in pop songs or portrayed on movie screens, we don’t really let it sink in. Part of us feels, once we find the right person and make the smart choices, love will be easy — blissful, less complicated than all those other relationships around us. The twisted truth is, the closer the relationship and the better the choice we’ve made, the more pain we can expect to feel. Love doesn’t just wound us, because people disappoint us or because circumstances change. It can hurt most when it is at its best. So...is this why we sabotage our relationships? Let's talk about it...

  • Seven wrong reasons for having a relationship

    09/07/2015 Duration: 02h04min

    Tonight  we talk about the book by Barbara De Angelis....Are you the One for me? We will discuss how to know who is right and how to avoid who is wrong. According to Barbara there are 5 deadly myths...1, True love conquers all  2.When it's true love I will know, it will be love a first sight. 3.There is only one true love person for me. 4. The perfect partner will fulfill you in everyway 5.The perfect love partner is the one with who you have sexual chemistry. Hmmm what do you think? Let's talk about it.... Call in on 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom http://www.ebonyempresstv.com    

  • How is the dating experience for singles across the pond?

    02/07/2015 Duration: 01h33min

    Tonight we are talking about what is going on in singlehood across the pond. We will be talking to Cynthia DeLeonardo who is a relationship host based in New York. We will be exchanging stories about what's really going on in the singles world. Cynthia can be found at http://www.barethisandthatrelationship.com.  We are really looking forward to connecting and exchanging information. Join us on 3479457556 prefix 001 if you are in the UK. Please comment in the chatroom www.ebonyempresstv.com      

  • Is it is better to be married than to live alone?

    23/06/2015 Duration: 01h32min

    Tonight we are talking about the merits of singlehood and whether we are happier, more satisfied with life, more prosperous, healthy or sexually fulfilled when we live alone. According to the office for national statistics in London 43% of women 18-49 are not married and a woman aged 25-44 is five times more likely to be living alone than she was in 1973. There is evidence in a survey conducted by Relate and YuGov which found that 81% of people who are married or living together feel good about themselves compared to 60% of singles. This obviously depends on the quality of the relationship. It has been found single people feel better about themselves than those in average relationships. In 2010 Kinsey found that among women aged 30-39. 12% of those who were single had sex only a few times a month compared to 50% of married women. According to another report women who have high self esteem and are confident about their bodies had high levels of satisfaction whether they were single or not. Let's talk about it

  • Recognising Emotional Unavailability and avoiding it's trap

    16/06/2015 Duration: 01h41min

    Tonight we are talking about how to recognise your own emotional unavailability. It is not uncommon for most people to at some point in their life experience a relationship with someone emotionally unavailable.  When you find you are attracting emotionally unavailable partners you need to check in with yourself. The problem may have something to do with what's going on inside you. Lady Tee and Ebony will be talking candidly about their own experiences and how you connect with those who seem to have shutdown and left the building.  What are the red flags that tell you something is seriously wrong with this picture? How do you ensure you do the work with yourself before you start throwing stones, knowing you live in a glass house? Join us on 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom http://www.ebonyempresstv.com

  • Looking for love in all the right places

    11/06/2015 Duration: 01h35min

    Tonight we are talking to Director Menelik Shabazz about his new film,'Looking for Love' that will be released on 2 - 5 July 2015. This film has already been well received in the UK and provokes a deep, meaningful discussion about some of the reasons black relationships do not succeed. We will also be updating you on our dating experiences and sharing stories. Join us on 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom See you at the top of the hour

  • The dating game that singles play

    04/06/2015 Duration: 02h08min

    Tonight we are talking about the dating game that singles play when they are trying to attract the opposite sex. We will be sharing our stories and experiences. Join and learn more about what's going on .... Call in on 3479457556 to join the conversation or comment in the chatroom. For updates on future shows follow this show on blogtalkradio or on twitter @ http://www.twitter.com/msebonyempress http://www.ebonyempresstv.com      

  • What does it take to make step parenting work? Part 2

    28/05/2015 Duration: 02h04min

    Tonight we are talking to Tola Onibanjo about Step-parenting and how she managed to successfully parent her children.  If you are dating and you or your partner have children this show will help you. On Tuesday we started the conversation and we continue it... Tola Onigbanjo popularly known as ‘WiseTola’ is who one would call a woman of many hats. A mother of 5 & a grandmother, an author, radio presenter, host and also the founder of Women4Africa an organisation which seeks to ‘celebrate the ordinary woman doing extraordinary things’ which has also been dubbed as the largest gathering of African women in Europe. Despite her wearing many hats, she still finds time to put family first. Her passion for parenting is what led to her writing her very first ever book which is titled ‘STEPS – It’s Time To Quit Step-Parenting And Become A Parent’. The book as the title suggests is about step-parenting and deals with real life as Tola speaks from her own experiences and how she handled issues that are most likely

  • What does it take to make Step parenting work?

    26/05/2015 Duration: 01h35min

    Tonight we are talking to Tola Onibanjo about Step-parenting and how she managed to successfully parent her children.  If you are dating and you or your partner have children this show will help you. Tola Onigbanjo popularly known as ‘WiseTola’ is who one would call a woman of many hats. A mother of 5 & a grandmother, an author, radio presenter, host and also the founder of Women4Africa an organisation which seeks to ‘celebrate the ordinary woman doing extraordinary things’ which has also been dubbed as the largest gathering of African women in Europe. Despite her wearing many hats, she still finds time to put family first. Her passion for parenting is what led to her writing her very first ever book which is titled ‘STEPS – It’s Time To Quit Step-Parenting And Become A Parent’. The book as the title suggests is about step-parenting and deals with real life as Tola speaks from her own experiences and how she handled issues that are most likely to arise in such family relationships. Tola Onigbanjo  Found

  • How can dating be more fun for women in 2015?

    21/05/2015 Duration: 02h03min

    Tonight we talk about making datng more fun for women.... Single women have more freedom in 2015 to choose to date in various ways. They can meet potentials in traditional places or online. There seems to be a lot of choice but when women actually date is it fun? Do we know what it takes to make it fun for us? Or do we just go with the flow and wait for potential mates to make the decision? Let's talk about it.... Call in 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom http://www.ebonyempresstv.com

  • Want to end dating drama?..... Maybe time to try a Matchmaker

    12/05/2015 Duration: 01h39min

    Tonight to we talking to Siobhan Copland about the dating dramas and the benefits of using a professional matchmaking service. If you tried dating recently and found it hard to find genuine, honest people who share your interests and passion for life, then listen in and learn about an alternative option, for finding a partner. Siobhan Copland is the Director, Matchmaker of Matchmaking agency Catch Me Cupid, catering to London and Dubai based professionals. She has matched up and coached hundreds of professionals seeking relationship success. And hosts a weekly radio show on dejavufm, Saturday's 10am-Midday. Check her out @ www.catchmecupid.co.uk Call in and join the conversation on 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom www.ebonyempresstv.com    

  • How you get prepared for a hot date

    07/05/2015 Duration: 01h33min

    Tonight we are talking about how you get prepared to go on dates. Imagine you meet a really hot prospect and they want to date...... How do you prepare? What should you wear? Where to go? Should you even allow a goodnight kiss? Vix Gee will be updating us on her progress towards her dating goals. Lady Tee will tell us about her plans to date. Should be an interesting conversation.... Listen in and be the fly on the wall.... It will be juicy. Join us on 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom www.ebonyempresstv.com  

  • How to have success and maintain a great relationship with your partner

    05/05/2015 Duration: 01h42min

    Tonight we are talking to Brooklyn Mclinn who is a efficient in Life Coaching and Personal Development, he Informs, Motivates, Inspires and Transforms people to lead them from where they are to where they want to be. He has a book currently being published called "My Book Of Favorite Quotes". Join us tonight and be Inspired.... You can connect with Brooklyn @ http://lifestrategymeetup.wix.com/lifestrategymeetup?fb_ref=Default Call in and join the conversation on 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom http://www.ebonyempresstv.com If you want to date and you need some help connect wih Ebony @http://m.empressmatchmaking.com

  • Are Black Women nicer to men they date outside their race?

    30/04/2015 Duration: 02h03min

    Tonight we are talking to award winning dating expert Erin Tillman, the dating advice girl about Black women and how we behave when we date outside our race.. Just last week before Baltimore kicked of there was a video going around facebook alleging that black women are nicer to men who are not black. It's alleged they save the ghetto behaviour for their own. Is the media creating a story that is untrue? Is there some truth in the rumour or just more lies to keep us divided?. The Dating Advice Girl, Erin Tillman, is a dating expert, social life consultant, author, speaker and radio host based in Los Angeles, California. Over the past 6 years she has helped singles successfully navigate through the early stages of dating through her book, The Dating Guidebook (www.TheDatingGuidebook.com), over 100 dating-related articles for various lifestyle and dating sites, radio and TV segments and through her weekly radio show, The Dating Advice Girl Radio Show on 99.3 KCLA FM (voted one of the Top 10 Best Dating Podcast

  • How do we recover after trauma and love ourselves totally......

    28/04/2015 Duration: 01h34min

    Tonght we talk to Angela Rahman - Author, CEO & Editor Nubia Ltd about her book...Finally in love with myself Born to Jamaican parents in Manchester, England, Angela started Nubia Magazine in July 2008, initially as a project in Medway, Kent, after experiencing discriminatory practices whilst teaching, together with the rise of Black Minority Ethnic community in the area. Before moving to Kent, Angela provided PR and communications services to corporates in London for many years and, with a BA in Journalism and Humanities, she realised that she could use her skills to make a real difference in the community.Angela has recently published her first book, ‘Finally In Love With Myself”, one of many tool books, to support survivors and victims of emotional and psychological abuse after overcoming two dysfunctional abusive marriages. Angela, also works as an English teacher, who previously ran a social enterprise and now runs Nubia Ltd a private company, that offers creative media services and publishes two c

  • How to know if you are with a fake (RERUN)

    21/04/2015 Duration: 01h34min

    Tonight we are talking about fakes and how to identify those who are living or being a lie. Is it the way that they walk? Is it the way they talk? What makes someone unbelievable? Are there any signs to look out for? A fake is someone who has a false or misleading appearance . One that is not authentic or genuine; a sham. To contrive and present as genuine; counterfeit. To simulate or to feign. Have you ever totally believed that someone was genuine...They promised they would be there for you, to support you and be by your side. But when it never happened and they do a 360 degree turn around and swear they don't remember or they didn't mean it the way you heard it, what is that about?  Is that a fake or what? Join Tee and Ebony as we talk about...How to know if you are with a fake?

  • How many ways can you love a woman? Part 2 Q&A/Discussion

    16/04/2015 Duration: 01h35min

    Tonight we are discussing Tuesday's Show andk the book Lov(H)er...by George Lee Jr.....If you haven't listened here is the link http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ebonyempress/2015/04/14/how-many-ways-can-you-love-a-woman I also have a really important question for my male listeners. So be ready... See you at the top of the hour.. Call in on 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom

  • How many ways can you love a woman?

    14/04/2015 Duration: 01h05min

    Today  Ebony Empress will be talking to George Lee Jr about his book... “Lov(H)er”    George Lee Jr. began writing at the age of 12 beginning with poetry and Hip Hop influenced rhymes and songs. In his mid-20s he began publicly performing his poetry in the form of spoken-word in and around NE Ohio open-mics, coffeehouses, bookstores, art galleries and universities under the pseudonym of Echo.    By the time he was well into his 30s, he had been a member of several spoken-word collectives having performed in Akron, Detroit, Columbus, Atlanta, New York City, Philadelphia as well as his hometown of Cleveland among many other cities. This platform also awarded him the opportunity of auditioning and then qualifying as a finalist to perform on HBO’s now defunct DefPoetryJam in 2005. Join the conversation on 3479457556 www.ebonyempresstv.com

  • 10 ways for men to manup and get the relationships they want

    07/04/2015 Duration: 02h03min

    Tonight we talk to Brian Begin the founder and lead success and confidence coach at FEARLESS... http://www.thefearlessman.com/   https://www.facebook.com/TheFearlessMan He specializes in presence work-getting people “out of their heads” (over-analysis) and into a deeper, more conscious relation with their body. This helps students eliminate the noise of their minds and identify the true insecurities, fears, and limiting beliefs that are holding them back. They can then strip away those beliefs, build authentic confidence, and be more present to connect with others at profound levels, as well as find the drive to pursue world-class success.  Though dating is a specialty, FEARLESS confidence and internal work is truly universal and often focused on career and other areas of life.Brian grew up in a family that struggled with finances and moved often. He found himself shy to the point of agoraphobia-not wanting to leave the house-with much of his adolescence spent by himself. It wasn’t until he was 21 that Brian

  • Will hurt people hurt you just because they can?

    31/03/2015 Duration: 01h33min

    Tonight we are talking about how hurt people affect us in our daily lives. Some people love drama that's a fact and they say misery loves company. So how do you avoid people who want to hurt you just because they have no way of dealing with their own pain? There are so many stories of men and women who go out of their way to make an ex partner hurt. Why? What do we gain from inflicting pain? Why do hurt poeple hurt people? Call in and join the conversation on 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom http://www.ebonyempresstv.com    

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