Ebony Empress Shows - Ebr Award Winner

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 544:42:00
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The Ebony Empress Shows has been voted Business Online Talk Show of the year 2014 by the EBR Awards. Ebony Empress is the host and she is based in London. Ebony has a passion to help her listeners find the love they want and deserve. She has her own unique style of hosting and once bitten you will forever be smitten by her charm and humour. These are a variety of shows that are all about Life, Love, Dating, Self Development and Self Growth. Relationships are affected by the way we think and our ability to understand who we are. Ebony wants to support your personal growth and encourage you to love yourself and others...... Enjoy the journey!!


  • Ebony presents Eryca Freemantle - Leading Makeup Artiste

    02/03/2013 Duration: 01h32min

    Tonight I am so honored to present Eyrca Freemantle, award winning Make up artist on Ebony’s Inspirational Hour. Eryca is an international makeup artist, product developer, trainer and grooming pioneer. She has been in the beauty business for 30 years, working with some of the biggest names in the industry. Her main (focus) is developing makeup lines for multinational brands and writing makeup and beauty courses for some of the best establishments in the world. She is Makeup Industry Intelligence. Eryca willingly shares her journey, from a major car accident, leaving her with no hair and multiple scars on her face to becoming one of the leading consultants in the world.  “Every woman is beautiful, regardless of her age, size or colour” Connect with Eryca @ www.erycafreemantle.com Or eryca@erycafreemantle.com Join the conversation by calling 3479457556  

  • Let's talk about PHONEY men and MESSED up women

    28/02/2013 Duration: 02h19min

    Tonight we are talking about PHONEY Men and MESSED up Women. Throughout this week I have had conversations with Men and Women about the way people we meet and trust love to lie, live in denial, avoid certain truths and shadow box their way through relationships, It's time to clear the air. Check out this show if you want to hear some plain truths. The gloves are off... Join the conversation on 3479457556 Ebony x

  • Why can't people be faithful in relationships?

    26/02/2013 Duration: 02h05min

    Tonight we talk about the lack of faithfulness in relationships. Why do people feel the need to cheat behind a partners back? Would more people have better relationships if they believed a partner would never cheat? Can you tell someone is likely to cheat by the way they behave? Are people born cheaters or is it the lack of love in the relationship that creates a cheater? If you were a cheater in the past what made you change? These are questions that never seems to have an answer that anyone can agree on. We get a chance tonight to try and work it out together. See you at the top of the hour!! 3479457556  

  • Ebony's Inspirational Hour with Reggae Star, Barry Boom

    23/02/2013 Duration: 01h37min

      Tonight I will be sharing my Inspirational hour with Barry Boom an outstanding Reggae artist.Boom is an experienced, successful musician, singer and songwriter. He has a musical pedigree that few in any musical genre can match.  We will learn more about the man behind the music, what has inspired his songs and his experience of working in the music industry. Boom has also been happily married to his writing partner and wife Valerie for nearly 30 years and they have four children; 2 boys and 2 girls: - André, Renée-Louise, Ashley-Paul and Layla. Barry shares his new album Everyday Life with listeners tonight.. Boom has emerged as one of the cornerstones of British reggae music. Check out Barry's electronic press @ myppk.com/get/barryboom Join us in this conversation by calling 3479457556 prefix 001 if you are calling from the UK.  See you at the top of the hour!!  

  • Is there ever any justification for a crime of passion?

    21/02/2013 Duration: 02h05min

    Tonight we discuss crimes of passion and why they happen?   A crime of passion, or crime passionnel, in popular usage, refers to a violent crime, especially murder, in which the perpetrator commits the act against someone because of sudden strong impulse such as sudden rage or heartbreak rather than as a premeditated crime. The act, as is suggested by the name (crime passionnel - from French language) is often associated with the history of France. However, such crimes have existed and continue to exist in most cultures. No one would say this is right, but are these crimes understandable given that human emotions can be deadly?Have you ever hurt a partner that cheated on you? Let's chop it up!! Join the conversation on :347 9457556

  • What would you do for the one you love?

    19/02/2013 Duration: 02h03min

    Tonight Will Daniel-Braham Transactional Analysis (TA) Psychotherapist joins me and we are talking about: What would you do for the one you love? Most of us may have our own list of things we refuse to do in the name of love, but it may not be so easy to list the things we would do for the one we love. How far have you gone in the past? How was your efforts rewarded? Did your actions make your partner happy or did it all end in tears? Would you move to another state or country to find love? Are you open to making sacrifices in order to have the love that you want or be with the person you want to share your life with? If you wish to join the conversation please call or Skype 347 9457556 You can contact Will @ www.personalpoweruk.com Check out Ebony @ www.ebonyempress.co.uk Follow Ebony on Twitter: ebonyempress@morebeingyou http://www.facebook.com/ebonyempress2

  • Ebony's Inspirational hour with Malik Muhammad

    16/02/2013 Duration: 01h27min

    Tonight I am sharing my Inspirational hour with Malik Muhammad. Malik is a proud past student of Edna James All Age, William  Knibb Memorial High School and Munro College in Jamaica.  He studied law in London. Malik Mohammad is now living his passion as a Motivational Speaker, radio presenter and author His book EMPOWER yourself to SUCCEED is now available in Foyles, Charing Cross Rd, London W1. It focuses on giving people the tools to feel empowered to acheive their goals in a specified time and motivate them to overcome major obstacles. Malik’s expertise is based on applying 8 Principles of Self Empowerment that help people to be successful, see returns on their investments and make measurable progress. Malik is available for presentations, seminars, workshops and panel discussions. Log on to www.tropicalfm.com every Monday 8-10.pm for his radio show: The Next Level.You may contact me directly on +44 (0) 7958 514554 also via his website: www.be-motiv8d.com / twitter: @thoughtexchange/ Facebook: Malik M

  • True LOVE is giving,True LOVE is....

    13/02/2013 Duration: 01h05min

    With less than 24 hours to Valentine's day, tonight James Valentine has a conversation with me about what Love is and what love isn't. Why do find it so hard to love when love is suppose to be a good thing?  Could it be that the challenges of basic human survival, war, poverty, abuse, etc. Life circumstances, such as the necessity for people to work many hours in order to survive, have made it so that most of us, even under fairly healthy family circumstances, do not consistently receive loving experiences in our lives. This lack of tender caring inhibits our pure ability to love and be loved and  may explains why romantic relationships can be so difficult and painful for so many people. You can join our conversation by calling  3479457556 .  

  • 10 ways to get a date for Valentine's Day

    12/02/2013 Duration: 01h38min

    It's only 48 hours from Valentine's day in the UK so tonight we give you some tips to help you get a date. Check out this show if you plan to be at home with a TV dinner for on Valentines Day, it may change your life. If you have a date you can still come and hang out with Ebony for a countdown celebration to her birthday on February 14th. See you at the top of the hour. Join the conversation 347 9457556            

  • Ebony's Inspirational Hour - Each One teach Each One

    09/02/2013 Duration: 01h11min

    Tonight I speak to Lola Owolabi, she is passionate about women reaching their full potential, she recognises the unique gift of strength ,creativity and innovation, given to women, which enables them to multitask and be all things in different scenarios, in line with this, Lola is the founder and director of Ebony Business Network , which encourages and advises fledging women entrepreneurs, she also runs Proud2BME , a community project, which through a range of different activities, boosts the self esteem of young female teenagers, so that they are less likely to make decisions, which could have an adverse effect on their immediate and future. Lola Is the Personal Development Director for GWIIN ( Global Women Inventors and Innovators Network), she is also on the board of Trustees of Wandsworth Women's Aid. Lola is a seasoned entrepreneur having bought and sold items ranging from slimming teas to home made skin care, she currently owns Eloquence Boutique in Central London.Lola serves as a magistrate on the Eas

  • Can Women in the 21st Century SUBMIT to their Man Part 2

    07/02/2013 Duration: 02h10min

    Tonight we talk about the issue of women submitting to their man. What does it mean to submit? Is this concept outdated and no longer relevant to modern day thinking? Ladies if you love your husband, boyfriend, lover or significant other would you submit to that person? Men are you still looking for a woman that has this quality?Let's talk about it347 9457556 See you at the top of the hour!!Ebony x

  • Can 21st Century women SUBMIT to their man?

    05/02/2013 Duration: 01h13min

    Tonight we talk about the issue of women submitting to their man. What does it mean to submit? Is this concept outdated and no longer relevant to modern day thinking? Ladies if you love your husband, boyfriend, lover or significant other would you submit to that person? Men are you still looking for a woman that has this quality?Let's talk about it347 9457556 See you at the top of the hour!!Ebony x

  • What's ugly? Is beauty skin deep?

    31/01/2013 Duration: 02h05min

    Tonight we want to find out what you define as ugly and what you see as beauty. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and beauty is only skin deep but how do you see yourself? Why do we need to fill our breasts, lips and butts with silicone to feel attractive to men? Is it ok to be bald or should men who can afford it get a hair transplant in order to feel better about themselves. What lengths are we willing to go to make our skins lighter or darker? Let's chop it up!3479457556

  • I am Single, Smart, Sexy, Successful why not MARRY ME?

    29/01/2013 Duration: 02h02min

    Tonight we are looking at What's going on in Singleland. Why when you are single and all of the above Men and Women still don't want to commit. Is it like Steve the dean says 'why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free' or are there other reasons why the marriage proposal does'nt happen? Is there a time limit for dating and if you exceed the time, is it time to move on and wake up and smell the coffee? I have a surprise spoken word artiste joining me this is a show not to be missed!! See you at the top of the hour join the conversation on 3479457556

  • Interview with Brigette Hall - An emotional enigma....

    27/01/2013 Duration: 01h35min

    Tonight successful Author, Brigette Hall explains why she wrote the book,'An Emotional Enema let that sh*t go.... She talks to Ebony about her own experience with relationships and some of the life lessons in her book. Emotional damage has left some of us  crippled and our partners do not understand how we need to be loved. This breaks down into two issues - forgiving the past and understanding what your love language is. Enjoy the podcast You can find this book on Amazon Follow on Twitter: Ebony Empress@ morebeingyou

  • What's your game? Is this relationship about ME, YOU or US?

    24/01/2013 Duration: 02h05min

    Tonight we are talking about the selfish way that people conduct themselves in relationships.Why do men and women struggle to work as a team?. When you are dating it's often an assumption that once we connect with someone, WE want this to work so WE have each others back.  There is a belief out there that once you fall for that person they automatically become a team player. Are you a team player? Are you dating OR in a relationship with someone that is a reluctant or lazy participant?  Are you the one that is always planning the next night out, the holiday, etc, etc.  Does your partner lack imagination or seem to be unable to initiate anything that is about your happiness?  Do you really believe in an US or is this really about ME,ME, ME and more ME? Let's talk about it  347 9457556              

  • I can forgive you, but I cannot forget what you did

    22/01/2013 Duration: 02h07min

    Tonight we talk about forgiveness with Transactional Analysis (TA) Pychotherapist Will Daniel Braham. www.personalpoweruk.com Human behavior suggests that people are “hard-wired” to retaliate when they have been hurt by another person. Our pride or self-esteem is injured. Our expectations or dreams are disappointed. We lose something very valuable to us. We want recompense for the damages. Can you ever really forgive or is it a temporary lapse of memory until something triggers it and then it comes flooding back. If the person accepted responsibility would you be able to forgive and let it go. Let's talk about it!! If you have been hurt in the past and you need help, please call in Will loves to answer questions on air. You do not need to share intimate details or names. Connect with Counsellor Dawn Miller@ www.don'tknockme.co.uk Email: dawn@don'tknockme.co.uk Thank you for taking the time to connect with this show. 347 9457556 follow the show on Twitter: EbonyEmpress@morebeingyou    

  • I can't marry you if you hate my family

    17/01/2013 Duration: 02h11min

    Tonight we are talking about family relationships and the importance of extended famillies and step children. Would you marry or live with a partner who had a strong dislike for your family? If your family does not like your significant other would you still enter into a long term relationship or marriage? Is it really important to have the blessing of the family on your relationship?   Let's chop it up Join Steve and Ebony for an honest, open conversation. 347 9457556 See you at the top of the hour!!

  • Interview with Olive Guillais Lazure - Woman to Woman

    15/01/2013 Duration: 02h08min

    Tonight I will be having a conversation with Olive Guillais -Lazure who is a successful Writer, Trainer, Transformational Coach and Motivational speaker. Olive also creates motivational quotes which inspire and motivate her Facebook followers to have greater success in their personal lives. She is married, lives in France and supports singles and couples to achieve better relationships Call in to join the conversation on 3479457556 You can connect with Olive @ http://www.facebook.com/pages/POWORDFUL/154203838010987

  • Monogamy is dead. Let’s bury it and adopt Polygamy or..

    10/01/2013 Duration: 02h07min

    Tonight we are talking about the death of Monogamy. So many people seem to be incapable of resisting the temptation to play away from home. Extra Martial affairs are on the increase and no one seems to be able to commit long term to one partner. Does this mean that Monogamy is dying in the western world? May be we should stop fooling ourselves and accept commitment to one person for life is impossible. Other societies have Polygamous relationships which allow a man to have more than one wife. Is this the way forward? Let’s have an honest conversation 347 9457556  

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