Cxp Fitness



CXP Fitness aims to give the very best, up-to-date guidance and advice on exercise-based fitness. Occasionally, you'll even get some more personal podcasts about me - Chris Atkinson - the Founder of CXP Fitness. I publish on my blog every five days, so will aim to maintain that flow with my podcasts too.


  • Episode 18 | My Advice to an Aspiring Fitness Professional

    14/04/2019 Duration: 19min

    Had someone I know reach out recently and ask about getting into the Fitness Industry; as soon as I clicked "Send", I knew I'd written a reply that had to be shared/put out there so that other aspiring "Fit Pros" might benefit also!

  • Episode 17 | The Biopsychosocial Approach - What Personal Trainers Could Learn from Doctors & Physical Therapists

    11/03/2019 Duration: 14min

    I've been meaning to record this for months, and just the other day I saw a friend's Instagram post that showed a picture of a donut, and it said: 'Treat the Donut, Not the Hole!' ... Seemed like the perfect trigger to get to it and talk about the Biopsychosocial Approach!

  • Episode 16 | Orangetheory Fitness - Evaluating Elite

    11/03/2019 Duration: 19min

    One direction that my Personal Training career nearly took was headed towards one of the fastest growing Fitness franchises in America... Learn a little something extra about Orangetheory Fitness (and me) in today's installment!

  • Episode 15 | What is a Master Trainer? Separating Fact from Fiction

    11/03/2019 Duration: 14min

    Time to get under the hood of one of the most misunderstood titles in the Fitness Industry - the Master Trainer! Let's separate fact from fiction...

  • Episode 14 | Can A.I. Ever Replace Face-to-Face Personal Training?

    17/09/2018 Duration: 10min

    As the Tech Industry merges evermore with the Fitness Industry, I want to briefly explore the pitfalls and opportunities to be had when we put ourselves in the hands of Technology - from Wearables to Streaming to Virtual & "Live" Coaching... Have our dreams from last century really come to fruition? And is it a good thing?

  • Episode 13 | Mindset... Its Impact on Your Performance

    07/08/2018 Duration: 11min

    We've covered Mindset and how it correlates to optimum recovery. Now, let's do a "180" - we're going to consider how Mindset can affect your Performance! 'PMA', Visualization, 'The Zone' - let's think like an Athlete!

  • Episode 12 | Micro-Loading: A Safer Method to Quicker Gains

    14/07/2018 Duration: 10min

    Let's dive under the covers of an often entirely overlooked Training Method that can help you increase your strength and lean muscle gains in small "bite-sized" increments. Micro-Loading has been around for a while, but you never really hear about it... So, I'm about to tell you what you need to know!

  • Episode 11 | Performance vs Aesthetics

    20/05/2018 Duration: 14min

    People chase 'the look' - the physique that's in vogue for a number of years, then shifts when no-one cares anymore. People also chase performance. But can you have both? Let's talk some more...

  • Episode 10 | Body Fat Percentage (Women's Edition)

    11/04/2018 Duration: 14min

    Shifting the media's ever-shining light away from "Weight Loss" and focusing on *Fat Loss* - we're looking at why it is so fundamental to get a grip on your Body Fat Percentage (as a WOMAN).

  • Episode 9 | Body Fat Percentage (Men's Edition)

    11/04/2018 Duration: 10min

    Shifting the media's ever-shining light away from "Weight Loss" and focusing on *Fat Loss* - we're looking at why it is so fundamental to get a grip on your Body Fat Percentage (as a MAN).

  • Episode 8 | Split Routines and Full Body Workouts

    27/02/2018 Duration: 15min

    Workout format and structure is crucial to your success in the gym (especially if you're new to lifting). The most common routines that are the easiest to get into are "Split Routines" and "Full Body Workouts", so today, we're going to dissect each of them and analyze the benefits of using one over the other.

  • Episode 7 | Why You'll Probably Never Have the Physique of Wolverine or Wonder Woman

    30/01/2018 Duration: 19min

    Today, we’re getting real when it comes to Hollywood “bods” and how they’re really acquired. It’s time for some myth-busting, “secret”-revealing, truth-spilling insights into the latest obsession that has the silver screen portraying physiques that most of us will simply never achieve. This is a provocative look behind the veil, so prepare to be challenged…

  • Episode 6 | Do You Have The Power? Stepping Up to Athlete Status

    30/01/2018 Duration: 10min

    Power! Some might say it’s only attainable if you class as “elite”. Fact is, there’s virtually no reason you can’t perform like the elite. There are levels to progress through before you can attain such a high level of performance, but if you’re up to the challenge, then step up and reach beyond what you think is possible. Let’s take a look at what you have to do to start implementing power into your routine…

  • Episode 5 | How Many Sets and Reps - Understanding the Effects of Rep Range and Set Volume

    30/01/2018 Duration: 17min

    We take a big dip into the lifting domains of “sets & reps” as we analyse the different ways that we can teach the muscle to adapt and grow, and evaluate the benefits of each. This podcast is especially helpful if you’ve just started incorporating weights into your fitness routine, but even if you’re a more experience lifter, this may still help to open your mind to changing up how you train.

  • Episode 4 | Training While Travelling - Keeping Fit Abroad

    24/01/2018 Duration: 12min

    Today's podcast covers my workout routine when I travelled to the Dominican Republic over Christmas for my Honeymoon. Keeping Fit Abroad needn't be tricky nor take up much time, so have a listen to hear what I was up to; if you want to try out the workouts yourself, then download my FREE Mini Workout Guide from the blog:

  • Episode 3 | HIIT Cardio - Top Three Types and How to Implement Them

    10/01/2018 Duration: 14min

    Today’s podcast will go over three types of HIIT Cardio that – in my opinion – are the best you can try. In a way, you could look at these three methods as being something akin to a “Beginners/Intermediate/Advanced” guide, but no matter what your experience is (either as a trainer or general lover of fitness), you’ll still benefit from mixing things up and trying out something new.

  • Episode 2 | The Stagnating Effects of Inactivity

    07/01/2018 Duration: 10min

    We talk about the benefits of pursuing physical activity in order to optimize your lifestyle and preserve your health!

  • Episode 1 | My Blog Post for TEDx

    31/12/2017 Duration: 18min

    In this podcast I share three of my key insights on Type II Diabetes in the hope that it may help others better understand the condition, and perhaps even reverse it (like I did). This was a blog post that was originally written for TEDx Folkestone, and as my debut podcast, I’m excited to share it with the you!