Zero Fox Left



The living embodiment of toxic masculinity and your source for unadulterated skepticism, cooking of sacred cows, hate speech, and misgendering. USA Born Russian Bot, Troll, Nemesis to NPCs and Slayer of SJWs


  • Alopecia is the New Bald

    30/03/2022 Duration: 45min

    Jada Pinkett Smith who will be starring as Ripley in the new Aliens movie, the Little Bill live action, Diglett in the new Pokemon, the reboot of Hanging with Mr Cooper, black Buzz Lightyear, iRobot 2, and replacing Steve Harvey on Family Feud has made Alopecia awareness a thing. There are treatments for Alopecia or baldness as us old fashioned layman used to call it; wigs being the oldest and easiest cure for a lack hair. But Will Smith has discovered an alternate method that is in the trial phase which is slapping anyone who notices his wife is bald. My vote for best tweet on this is: "I got in one little fight and my mom got scared, she said, you can't slap Chris Rock cause your wife's got no hair." The overall reaction to this is mixed somehow, with the same people who claim they hate violence, claiming jokes by a comedian can somehow justify putting hands on another person. Guaranteed if Mike Tyson told that joke, Will Smith would have to just suffer the awkward limo ride with Jada back to the penthouse.

  • Is Diversity a Strength?

    28/03/2022 Duration: 01h08min

    What is diversity? Is it people being different colors? If so, is this ableist against blind people? Is it having different backgrounds and stories? Is it being from different countries, speaking different languages, having different religions, cultures, customs, histories, etc? Would you rather have an all black Harlem Globetrotters or a mixture of races even if they cant shoot a three pointer with their butt cheeks? Is Squid Game a better show if it is a mixture of Hispanics, blacks, whites, and Native Americans; half of which identify as queer or non binary? Or was Squid Game good without needing to worry about diversity whatsoever? Would Nigerian tejano musicians, asian porn stars, black woman garbage collectors and china towns in Jamaica make the world better? Would a team of people who spoke different languages and had no shared vision beat a team of people fighting for their homeland who speak the same language? Do diversity initiatives end when Wakanda is white and Superman is a trans black disabled m

  • Trans Gender vs Trans Race vs Trans Disabled (Rant)

    20/03/2022 Duration: 50min

    Trans women (Lia Thomas) and trans men (Elliot Page) are all the craze but trans black (Nuka Zeus) and trans white (Michael Jackson) are not recognized. Go a step further and why cant you be trans disabled; collect SSI disability, get the best parking spots, blow up the handicap restroom, and compete in the Special Olympics? Would it be hateful to criticize an athletic man if he dunked on a down syndrome kid? Who determines what trans is allowed and what trans is not allowed? I have Zero Fox Left on trans topics

  • Supporting the Current Thing

    14/03/2022 Duration: 01h47min

    Non playable characters (NPCs) cannot help but to line up for ideas to support in the same fashion that consumers line up for the new iPhone. Do people who never wore a mask prior to the Modelo Bug actually believe in masks? Or were they told to wear it and despise those who refuse? Did these same people naturally shift into supporting Ukraine and hating Russia? How many of these people ever spoke about the Ukraine prior to 2020? Who affects your life more, the media and big tech oligarchs or Putin and the Russian oligarchs? If they can deperson Russians, ban services and financial systems, and do the same to Canadian Truckers, how safe are you? How awesome is democracy when most people are idiots /husks? All these questions and more will be answered with Zero Fox Left. --- Support this podcast:

  • Trans Kids Rights are Trans Important

    09/03/2022 Duration: 38min

    If you normally hate my rhetoric you're going to trans love this episode. The trans greatest administration of all time, the Biden admin, has discussed trans kids rights at the state of the union and said they will protect trans kids (I'm assuming from their parents). But what are trans kids rights? At what age do trans rights start? What if a 5 year old boy wants to be a pirate, is it okay to give him a peg leg, eye patch, and a massive tattoo on his back? Is there a chance he may regret you allowing this later? All these questions and more will be dealt with Zero Fox Left

  • This Month in Ukrainian AF

    07/03/2022 Duration: 02h36min

    Sorry black people, I know February is your month and normally I would oblige but dont worry Netflix will film a documentary of the Ukraine and all the actors will be BIPOCs, just like Hamilton. Also, for those who normally enjoy 'This month in retarded AF' I equally apologize but you'll be happy to know I did include many ridiculous stories throughout. In this episode, I will go through my thoughts on the Ukraine Russia conflict and include some of the most absurd stories around this conflict (this would be 10 hours+ if I covered all the stories). If you want to skip this one, my reoccurring theme is "never trust the media and politicians" and "if the left supports something than it's safe to bet against it." I'll also ask "what is democracy" and does the west actually have it despite their tenacity to spread 'it' using force? Is Putin a demon? Is Zelenskyy a hero? Are Biden and Harris retarded? Is banning xbox and playstation services to Russian kids helpful? Who is a bigger threat to US citizens, its leade

  • What White Supremacy Would Look Like

    24/02/2022 Duration: 01h16min

    White Supremacy is a buzz word for the media and ruling class but is it really an issue? In a white supremacist system would you be allowed to criticize it? If you were a person of color in a white supremacist world, how would you ever get ahead in life? Would Tyler Perry movies be white? Would mixed people say they are white instead of claiming they are black on college applications? Would there even be mixed people? Would the NBA be all white and the concept of dunking never have occurred? Would Wakanda in the Black Panther movies resemble the hellscape of the DR Congo and not a afro futuristic utopia? Would all emojis be white forever? What would White Supremacy, if real, actually look like? So many questions and so little time to wrestle with Zero Fox Left

  • Listening to Your Pussy

    22/02/2022 Duration: 57min

    Should you listen to your pussy? In this relaxed, comedy rant, we will discover if this is good advice or if it leads to misery. We will explore the midget Russian on 90 day fiance, the Tinder Swindler, Christian dating apps, and somehow tie it all together. If your pussy has WiFi than make sure it is 5G and go Fox yourself

  • The N-Word and Nigga vs Nigger

    13/02/2022 Duration: 01h14min

    If the title doesn't indicate a trigger (rhymes with ....) warning than nothing will; in my defense, Joe Rogan made me do it. In this episode, I'll discuss why the N Word is absurd and the reaction to it is illogical at best. Also, what is better: Nigga with a soft A or Nigger with a hard R? If a group of people are in the woods and one of them says Nigger but no one is around to see the race of whomever said it, is it still racist? All this with Zero Fox Left for black fragility and just in time for black history month

  • A Message to Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, and Elites

    05/02/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    Apparently Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have a podcast called Archewell Audio that no one has heard of until now. Since December 2020 they have managed to upload a 3 minute intro and a 34 min holiday special and nothing else. What did they get in return for all this content? A 30 million dollar deal with Spotify. Meanwhile, despite their poor work ethic than are trying to boss Spotify around over Cerveza Bug misinformation. I will compare their podcast to the Joe Rogan Experience and how their mindset reveals the elitist mindset. Enjoy and Go Fox Yourself

  • This Month in Retarded AF (January 2022)

    03/02/2022 Duration: 02h49min

    This month is full of Idiocracy and we will try our best to go through this journey through hell together. From USA borders having a record influx of crossings to the US government caring more about the Ukrainian border. Some battles this month are: Joe Rogan vs Neil Young in a no holds bar cage match, Canadian truckers vs Justin Trudeau, Ethan Klein of H3H3 vs actual men, Arnold's Yukon vs Priuses, and the US consumer vs The Fed and inflation. Also, the CDC catches up to the conclusions I drew in my Corona Light with Lyme podcast almost two years ago. Lastly, we will discuss Biden sending masks and test kits to citizens now that most dont care but he will hire black women for everything if that makes up for being senile and soulless. Yet 33% of Americans still approve of the economy according to Gallup because you can't fix stupid. Listen or go Fox yourself

  • A Message to Dan Crenshaw and the Like

    26/01/2022 Duration: 29min

    In this fiery rant, I'll discuss the problem with Republicans and how often times they are as anti freedom as their opponents. Perhaps being a politician means selling your soul and being in authority leads inevitably to corruption. Ted Cruz called the January 6 protesters, "terrorists," was this just a mistake, a freudian slip, or calculated. General Milley wants to understand "white rage" so perhaps someone should send this to him or lock us in a room together. Conservatives need to realize the left hates you, it's time to hate them back. I will discuss all aspects of our failing government with vehemence and Zero Fox Left

  • What a Real Insurrection Might Look Like

    22/01/2022 Duration: 02h09min

    In this very long episode, I will discuss a hypothetical, alternate reality where the Insurrection that occurred on January 6th actually met the definition of an insurrection. Together we will go on a discovery of what the events would look like if the media was correct. Or if Kamala's comparison to Pearl Harbor and 9/11 was factually accurate. What if citizens were the terrorists they are made out to be; what if the media and the left's claims became self fulfilling prophesies; what if the people you claim are villains lived up to the hyperbole? What if those on the right who were terminally ill or suicidal made a last stand against the left? What if the FBI and IRS were the biggest domestic terrorist groups, and treated as such? Perhaps insurrection day can live up to the hype someday and will be the catalyst for a compromise or a civil war. All this and more with no punches pulled and Zero Fox Left

  • Tranz People are my Frenz

    12/01/2022 Duration: 48min

    In this episode, I will give the advice to the trans community that some of them need. I will discuss that humans are mostly visual creatures and call things like they see them. If you dress up like Batman, people will recognize you as Batman; we know people are homeless by observing their tent under a bridge. How does this apply to trans people? You'll have to tune in. Also, I will discuss trans women being superior to biological women and ask if this means we live in a patriarchal society. Can a Camry ever be considered a Lamborghini? Let's get to the bottom of this together with Zero Fox

  • 2021 Recapped for your Pleasure

    04/01/2022 Duration: 39min

    In this episode, I will recap all the podcasts of 2021 and highlight some of the best stories throughout the year. If you missed some episodes, this summary may help you decide if it's worth your time going back in time for a listen. If you listened to all the episodes this past year then you probably need a therapist and can skip this one. Also, a radical person in 2021 was essentially a normal, average opinioned person from the 90s. Lastly, we will determine my predictions tend to age like a fine wine and you disagree you can definitely go Fox yourself

  • Ranting about Whataburger, In & Out, and Panera Bread

    03/01/2022 Duration: 20min

    I rant about a few other topics e.g. LGBT movies, etc., however, I had to give this somewhat of a title. This is just your typical comedy (I use the term loosely) rant to welcome in the new year. The next episode will be the 2021 wrap up and what stories / podcast talks were the best for the year, all with Zero Fox as usual

  • Christmas Special (2021) & An Analysis of Xmas Rap Music

    26/12/2021 Duration: 01h08min

    80% of this special ended up being an analysis on Christmas Rap songs; which is a very niche, situational type of Christmas music. Perhaps the Holiday season makes you think of big booty B's or maybe you are stuck working on Christmas as a Pimp or Hustla; if this is the case, there's a good chance I have found your playlist. Some Christmas Hip Hop songs are remakes of classics and others are original works. In this episode we will discuss the songs: DMX "Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer", Easy-E "Merry Mother F'n Christmas", Justin Bieber / Busta Rhymes "Drummer Boy", Gucci Mane "St Brick Intro", Quad City DJs "What you want for Christmas", Snoop Dogg "A Pimp's Christmas Song", and last but certainly not least the Ying Yang Twins and "Ho Ho Ho - Dirty Christmas". Merry Clown World Christmas and Zero Fox Left until next year

  • An Omicron Corporation Christmas

    25/12/2021 Duration: 22min

    Technically recorded Christmas Eve Eve but regardless I posted it today. This is yet another rant about the Dos XX Bug and more so the NPCs that have fallen for this propaganda. Enjoy or Fox yourself

  • Not Everyone Can Be Trans

    16/12/2021 Duration: 18min

    Are you wondering to yourself if you could be trans? Maybe you are a 6'5", 280 lb man and you've been pondering, "Should I become a trans woman." Or perhaps you are a 4'9" extremely petite woman and you're wrestling with becoming a trans man. If so, this episode is for you. In this trans safe space podcast we will determine if everyone who wants to be the opposite gender should do it or if this is a niche field that few can successfully pull off. As usual with any trans topic, I will reference Blaire White and Elliot Page and the new edition to the non binary space, Alok Vaid-Menon, all with Zero Fox

  • This Month in Reatrded AF (November/December 2021)

    12/12/2021 Duration: 02h05min

    This is long because I'm not doing a December only TMIRAF episode. That being said, there is so much news here that after listening you'll be so overwhelmed you'll want some time off this month. We will start with the Waukeshka self driving SUV (according to the media) which has demonized Darrell Brooks JR and yet the 8 year old victim, Jackson Sparks, is unknown to the public. From there we will try and figure out why Alok Vaid Meno wont tone it down, how an Auckland NZ man can die from a shooting but also from the Mexican Beer Bug, and Lil Nas X is GQs Man of the Year. From there we will descend further into our Hellscape with Billy Chemirmir, Fallon's Masked Christmas song, Santa INC and Seth Rogan, highways and math being labeled racist, a possible war with Russia and China for Ukraine and Taiwan, and the CIA recruiting Pedophiles. Enjoy this sh**show and Fox Yourself until the next one

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