Zero Fox Left

What a Real Insurrection Might Look Like



In this very long episode, I will discuss a hypothetical, alternate reality where the Insurrection that occurred on January 6th actually met the definition of an insurrection. Together we will go on a discovery of what the events would look like if the media was correct. Or if Kamala's comparison to Pearl Harbor and 9/11 was factually accurate. What if citizens were the terrorists they are made out to be; what if the media and the left's claims became self fulfilling prophesies; what if the people you claim are villains lived up to the hyperbole? What if those on the right who were terminally ill or suicidal made a last stand against the left? What if the FBI and IRS were the biggest domestic terrorist groups, and treated as such? Perhaps insurrection day can live up to the hype someday and will be the catalyst for a compromise or a civil war. All this and more with no punches pulled and Zero Fox Left