Zero Fox Left



The living embodiment of toxic masculinity and your source for unadulterated skepticism, cooking of sacred cows, hate speech, and misgendering. USA Born Russian Bot, Troll, Nemesis to NPCs and Slayer of SJWs


  • If Kyle Rittenhouse was Black

    05/12/2021 Duration: 01h06min

    The full title is: What if Kyle Rittenhouse was black or shot someone who was black. If you are wanting to save some of your precious time, I'll sum up the episode in one word, Chicago. Every weekend Chicago is experiencing shootings in which the suspect is black; we do not know their names nor the victims names. Why does the media only focus on certain shootings? Why doesn't the POTUS tweet out the names of victims of gang shooting? Why did half the country (though many regret it now) believe Jussie Smollett? How is the Ahmaud Arbery case different from the Kyle Rittenhouse case? (The way it is the same: no joggers were injured during either event) Now listen or Fox Yourself

  • If I Was Kyle Rittenhouse

    19/11/2021 Duration: 01h04min

    In this hypothetical podcast I will rant about if I was Kyle Rittenhouse and how it could have gone much darker. I'll also cover our current reality and how absolutely upside down it is; from Kyle being labeled a terrorist, to people siding with a serial pedophile, to BLM and Antifa never being prosecuted, and to Thomas Binger not being tarred and feathered. Kyle is innocent but who thinks he would get this verdict if the jury was all black? Try and guess what direction of center will try and burn the city down and continue to riot, loot, and commit violence because they want equity not equality. All this and more with Zero Fox Left

  • This Month in Retarded AF (October 2021)

    09/11/2021 Duration: 01h41min

    Welcome to another month of retardation, natural selection, clown news, and a summary of our hellscape. As we descend into the Inferno this will be the diary. From people losing all their money buying Squid.X cryptocurrency, to Travis Scott getting those Goosebumps everytime as he ignores fans dying, and Kyle Beach, pro hockey player (who is a giant man), getting raped by a midget man. Hopefully the Meta Verse doesn't have Lil Nas X and Elton John commercials but you can bet your a$s people will need to be fully vaxxed and masked up to go into VR in 2031. Another month in hell goes by and I have Zero Fox Left for yall again

  • Will the United States Collapse?

    01/11/2021 Duration: 02h10min

    Can the USA survive the onslaught of a global agenda, soaring prices and inflation, the intentional dumbing down and indoctrination of students, and leaders who either hate citizens or are simply greedy charlatans? This very long winded podcast will wrestle with the nightmare of a post George Floyd America (should this be the next BC / AD time split?) that is more divided than anyone alive can recall. Is the divided states of America (succession of a state or states) one of the only real solutions to the notion of American spirit continuing, assuming it isn't already dead? What unites us? (See previous podcast entitled "What does it mean to be American") Does a senile, puppet POTUS that no one is sure actually won make the country better? When your vote doesn't matter will you continue to vote and care? Does a media that no one trust help? So many questions and news to cover from 2021 in this episode and so many questions to wrestle with, all with Zero Fox Left

  • A Message to Indigenous People Coming Out

    15/10/2021 Duration: 42min

    Indigenous essentially means you never left the original area you were born in i.e. anti-explorer; coming out essentially means telling people how you enjoy making whoopie so long as it isn't straight love making. Which day came first, Indigenous Peoples Day, National Coming Out Day, or Columbus Day? Who accomplished more? In this episode we will answer all this and get to the bottom of how rain dancing in panties can lead to LGBT+ thoughts. Lastly, we can all agree that the Washington Redskins being renamed the Washington Football Team deserves a small pox blanket sent to everyone involved in this decision. If you ignore this podcast then go to the nearest casino, hit the peace pipe, have a buffalo burger, tell the neighbor your gay, and go Fox Yourself

  • The Real Facebook Whistleblower

    10/10/2021 Duration: 29min

    Frances Haugen, the Facebook whistleblower, aka captain obvious said that for profit companies care about profits is not an actual whistleblower. She also proclaimed that Instagram may make women insecure, who would have guessed? Can you imagine that watching fake people live perfect, fake lives may cause you to feel insecure? The solution, log off and take social media away from children. Mark Zuckerberg and the founders of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp have a bigger secret and I will expose it on this podcast with Zero Fox Left

  • This Month in Retarded AF (September 2021)

    08/10/2021 Duration: 01h27min

    In a world where each month tries to top the previous month in absurdity, I find myself struggling to keep up with the most ridiculous stories. My only goal here is to have a log of the decline of IQs, morality, and basic common sense. Think of this podcast as a time capsule of our descent into Hell. These clown news events simply show a world that will make Idiocracy look like a documentary. For example, Miss Ireland was crowned and was the first non-Irish winner since it began and somehow this is a good thing. I honestly tried to make this shorter but alas failed again; perhaps because I'm long winded or because there are too many idiotic events to cover anymore. Regardless please go Fox Yourself until next time

  • The Left is Intolerant

    21/09/2021 Duration: 39min

    The modern, progressive (regressive) left has no tolerance despite always preaching for their opponents to tolerate them. This episode is so obvious it is nearly pointless. However, I will give some recent examples regardless of how moot, simply because I'm annoyed (as usual) by the left; but equally annoyed by the useless right that doesn't understand the conflict. From leftist in Cali and NYC caring about Texas abortion laws, to Howard Stern wanting to make love to your freedom, to Nicki Minaj being attacked for asking a question, I will easily prove my point here. Leftism is the biggest cult right now. There is no reason to tolerate your enemies and at least the progressives understand this; of course, I have zero fox left on this topic

  • Fuck California

    19/09/2021 Duration: 42min

    Fuck California and Californians! You're pompous, elitist, leftist worldview has helped de-evolve the West. Stop moving to Texas and stay in your Californication prison. Why are they leaving? Who is buying their tiny houses? Who would cry if it broke off into the Ocean? All this will be answered and more with Zero Fox Left

  • This Month in Retarded AF (August 2021)

    01/09/2021 Duration: 01h50min

    At this point it feels like I'm simply documenting the decline of Western civilization but what choice is there? Topics range from my thoughts on Afghanistan and the ATF to what if Lt Michael Byrd was white and shot a black woman at the Capitol for a BLM protest. Owen Schroyer of Info Wars being arrested for being near the Capital on January 6th and, as expected by now, more clown news about the Cerveza Bug; this is your one stop for everything that happened in August 2021, all with Zero Fox Left

  • VaXX vs Anti-VaXX

    17/08/2021 Duration: 33min

    I'm back at it again but only because they can't let it go. In this episode I'll discuss why there is no compromise or middle ground to find when it comes to the Mexican Beer Bug. Are kids suffering and dying in droves? Which side are the good guys? Is ruining people's livelihoods worth it if they dont comply? Questions like these and more will be answered with Zero Fox Left, especially on this Dos XX sickness topic

  • This Month in Retarded AF (July 2021)

    11/08/2021 Duration: 01h22min

    In this episode we will cover all the Tomfoolery that occurred in Hell World this past month. From the CDC forbidding evictions yet not halting mortgages and property taxes to a selfie in the Capital being a Federal Offense (but only if you are white). Will we all wear face diapers until all disease and death is eliminated? Will progressives realize that treating criminals better than victims means a society with more crime? Can you guess how many convictions Chicago has had from all of their mass shootings since 2016? All this and more with Zero Fox Left as always

  • A World That Values Dogs Over Kids

    05/08/2021 Duration: 32min

    Welcome to Hell World, where dogs are more valued and cherished than children. A place where puppies are adored and kids are hidden somewhere inside of an orphanage that no one can locate. When have you ever seen an actual orphanage in reality life? And yet, dogs are in need of "rescue" everywhere. Dogs cannot give you grandkids but they somehow seem to have risen to the top of society's hierarchy and I have Zero Fox Left

  • Handicap Parking Spots Banned (Rant)

    26/07/2021 Duration: 08min

    In the search for a more equitable society, how are handicap spots helping the "handicapable" of being considered as equals? Wouldn't equality mean everyone walks the same exact distance? Or maybe have parking based on your identity group hierarchy e.g. trans black disabled people can drive their car into the store. Or perhaps we take a different approach and we smash anyone's knee with a crowbar who parks in a handicap spot and skips into the store as if Jesus just cured them. You decide and go Fox yourself while you're at it

  • The Dos XX Bug vs Zombie Outbreak

    15/07/2021 Duration: 43min

    In this episode, we will revisit the Pacifico Virus and how it compares to a Zombie Apocalypse. Get caught up on all the news related to the Bohemia Bug since we last talked about it, all with Zero Fox Left

  • You Are The Best Sperm

    13/07/2021 Duration: 22min

    Despite the fact we are the worse generation to ever live and seem utterly useless and dumb AF, we are still the champions. We are the best our dad has to offer e.g. on average you had a 1 in 500,000 chance of being "the one" and yet you are here. Can you imagine the world if the slowest, weak semen had made it? Me either. All this with Zero Fox Left

  • What Does it Mean to be American?

    02/07/2021 Duration: 01h11min

    Does America feel like America still? Are the United States united? What is our shared common goals and values? How much progress is enough for Progressives? What are conservatives conserving? How much can you change something before it is something else entirely? All these questions and more with Zero Fox Left

  • A Message to White People

    27/06/2021 Duration: 01h14min

    Are you lacking in Melanin? Do you burn more than you tan? Ever been called a cracker? Told your life doesn't matter? Excluded from the expression, "person of color?" When the lights are turned off you glow? This episode is for you. Public enemy number one has become the white man but why? And what can you do? In our identity obsessed world, white people are at the bottom of the totem pole and it's time to accept reality. Regardless, white guilt progressives are still the worst. Dont fret if excluded, I will eventually deliver a message to everyone with Zero Fox Left

  • Equity Lacking in These Areas...

    20/06/2021 Duration: 01h17min

    Equity and Anti Racism is all the craze these days but what does it mean and is it even being done correctly? For example, why no push for short Asians in the NBA or more black women hired as garbage collectors? All these questions and more with Zero Fox Left

  • This Month in Gay AF

    20/06/2021 Duration: 01h05min

    Special shootout, I mean shout out, to gay blacks since it is Juneteenth today in the Gay month. I'll cover the news in the past 30 days and discuss Pride month and why the LGBTQ+++ community needs to include foot fetishes. In fact the community just needs to say it includes everyone who isn't heterosexual doing the missionary position. Just a reminder that if everyone was gay the world would end from no reproduction. All this with Zero Fox Left

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