Zero Fox Left

Will the United States Collapse?



Can the USA survive the onslaught of a global agenda, soaring prices and inflation, the intentional dumbing down and indoctrination of students, and leaders who either hate citizens or are simply greedy charlatans? This very long winded podcast will wrestle with the nightmare of a post George Floyd America (should this be the next BC / AD time split?) that is more divided than anyone alive can recall. Is the divided states of America (succession of a state or states) one of the only real solutions to the notion of American spirit continuing, assuming it isn't already dead? What unites us? (See previous podcast entitled "What does it mean to be American") Does a senile, puppet POTUS that no one is sure actually won make the country better? When your vote doesn't matter will you continue to vote and care? Does a media that no one trust help? So many questions and news to cover from 2021 in this episode and so many questions to wrestle with, all with Zero Fox Left