Zero Fox Left

Is Diversity a Strength?



What is diversity? Is it people being different colors? If so, is this ableist against blind people? Is it having different backgrounds and stories? Is it being from different countries, speaking different languages, having different religions, cultures, customs, histories, etc? Would you rather have an all black Harlem Globetrotters or a mixture of races even if they cant shoot a three pointer with their butt cheeks? Is Squid Game a better show if it is a mixture of Hispanics, blacks, whites, and Native Americans; half of which identify as queer or non binary? Or was Squid Game good without needing to worry about diversity whatsoever? Would Nigerian tejano musicians, asian porn stars, black woman garbage collectors and china towns in Jamaica make the world better? Would a team of people who spoke different languages and had no shared vision beat a team of people fighting for their homeland who speak the same language? Do diversity initiatives end when Wakanda is white and Superman is a trans black disabled m