Zero Fox Left

This Month in Retarded AF (January 2022)



This month is full of Idiocracy and we will try our best to go through this journey through hell together. From USA borders having a record influx of crossings to the US government caring more about the Ukrainian border. Some battles this month are: Joe Rogan vs Neil Young in a no holds bar cage match, Canadian truckers vs Justin Trudeau, Ethan Klein of H3H3 vs actual men, Arnold's Yukon vs Priuses, and the US consumer vs The Fed and inflation. Also, the CDC catches up to the conclusions I drew in my Corona Light with Lyme podcast almost two years ago. Lastly, we will discuss Biden sending masks and test kits to citizens now that most dont care but he will hire black women for everything if that makes up for being senile and soulless. Yet 33% of Americans still approve of the economy according to Gallup because you can't fix stupid. Listen or go Fox yourself