Zero Fox Left

This Month in Reatrded AF (November/December 2021)



This is long because I'm not doing a December only TMIRAF episode. That being said, there is so much news here that after listening you'll be so overwhelmed you'll want some time off this month. We will start with the Waukeshka self driving SUV (according to the media) which has demonized Darrell Brooks JR and yet the 8 year old victim, Jackson Sparks, is unknown to the public. From there we will try and figure out why Alok Vaid Meno wont tone it down, how an Auckland NZ man can die from a shooting but also from the Mexican Beer Bug, and Lil Nas X is GQs Man of the Year. From there we will descend further into our Hellscape with Billy Chemirmir, Fallon's Masked Christmas song, Santa INC and Seth Rogan, highways and math being labeled racist, a possible war with Russia and China for Ukraine and Taiwan, and the CIA recruiting Pedophiles. Enjoy this sh**show and Fox Yourself until the next one