Rei Marketing Nerds



The worlds only podcast dedicated to online marketing for real estate investors. We share the real-world tips, tricks, mindsets and strategies you can use to find motivated seller leads online, close more deals, and dominate your market.


  • Episode #214 - Balancing Ambition, Family, and Growth with Glenn and Amber Schworm, Part 1

    26/04/2023 Duration: 33min

    The market is saturated with real estate coaches claiming to be gurus after they do 2 or 3 deals.  They haven’t even started to get their feet wet yet nor gone through several market cycles, but coach other investors.   It’s the blind leading the blind and this a formula for disaster.   So how do you find a good mentor? Look for a track record and longevity in the game - people that have weathered several cycles and deployed different strategies.  Like Glenn and Amber Schworm from have.  In this episode, Glenn and Amber will help you understand how to find good mentors that understand the real estate market. They also discuss different strategies you can employ in any market condition. Listen now.  Show highlights include:  How to do 101 deals in one year with a small team (even as a real estate newbie) (3:52) The real estate investing model for average people that actually work (4:44) The 2 “emotional traps” that new real estate investors get into that causes them to fail (15:00) Wh

  • Episode #213 - Mastering Foreclosures and Pre-Foreclosures with Marty Boardman, Part 2

    19/04/2023 Duration: 29min

    We are in the middle of a market correction.   Every novice investor is scared and shaking in their pants.  They bought properties and are holding onto it for less than they’re worth.  What are successful investors doing? They are adding new deals to their pipelines every day with foreclosures and pre-foreclosures at a huge discount.   These strategies will work in every market cycle, including the correction going on now.   In this episode, Marty Boardman, joins us again to help you understand the ins and outs of distressed sales strategies.   Want to navigate this tough market and come out ahead of other investors?  Listen now.  Show highlights include:  The “Pivot” technique to use if the market crashes (1:54)  Why there will be foreclosures in any market (and how to capitalize on them) (2:30) 4 reasons why this crash will be different from 2008-2009 (and what you can do to prepare) (4:16) The 3 money making strategies that you should employ in any real estate market (even in a crash) (4:57)  How to avoid

  • Episode #212 - Mastering Foreclosures and Pre-Foreclosures with Marty Boardman, Part 1

    12/04/2023 Duration: 22min

    The real estate market changes almost every day.  You have upswing markets and downswing markets.   The novice investors rely on one strategy until that strategy leaves them with a negative net worth and eventually leads them to bankruptcy.  This is what happens in every crash. What do smart investors do?  They figure out a different strategy for every market swing. They master foreclosures and pre-closures to get deals and money in their pockets—no matter which way the market swings. In this episode, Marty Boardman, a seasoned investor, joins us to discuss how to find lucrative buying opportunities at huge discounts by using pre-foreclosures and foreclosure strategies.  Want to find lucrative deals in any market? Listen now.  Show highlights include:  Use this money-making acquisition strategy that successful real estate investors use for a lifetime (7:07) Lessons from 2008-2009 market crash that left investors with a negative net worth (and how to avoid it from happening to you) 7:28) Where to find lucrati

  • Episode #211 - An Insider's View of Banking, Regulation, and Analytical Investing with Sam Morris

    05/04/2023 Duration: 42min

    Knowing your numbers can make or break your bottom line as a real estate investor. This is what separates the successful investors from the newbies. Unsuccessful investors let small holes in their buckets eat away their profit margins or even lead them into bankruptcy. The ability to read these numbers is a superpower that will put your portfolio into high growth mode. In this episode, Sam Morris from Sunset Capital joins us to discuss the magic of numbers and what every investor should look for. Become a sophisticated investor by knowing your KPIs and maximize your portfolio returns. Listen now. Show highlights include: The one skill that will separate you from newbie investors (learn this or perish) (7:22) 2 common costly mistakes investors make when dealing with lenders (9:20) How this outdated real estate model is causing investors to fail (11:20) Why most investors fear the IRS but could be using this approved money roadmap instead (13:25) What savvy investors are doing right now to take advantage of th

  • Episode #210 - The Future of American Cities, with Jon Commers, Part 2

    29/03/2023 Duration: 24min

    American cities are going through a huge transformation. You can say goodbye to inefficient suburban areas as people choose a more efficient way of living. This is why Americans will choose cities over suburban areas in the next 10 years. Now, what does this mean to you as a real estate investor? If you plan for this uptick trend, the opportunities are endless. If you get ahead of this trend, you can make boatloads of money while your competitors chase after small margin deals. In this episode, Jon Commers of Visible City, joins us again and discusses the trends to look out for in city developments. Knowing these trends will give you a head start to insane profits in the short future. Listen now. Show highlights include: Why this weird housing trend breaks down the typical American housing structures (1:10) The “Brazilian” effect taking over American Cities (and what smart investors are doing to get ready) (1:30) The one job in the real estate industry that will have huge demand in the future (2:50) The gove

  • Episode #209 - The Future of American Cities, with Jon Commers, Part 1

    22/03/2023 Duration: 26min

    You know what the most important part of real estate investing is that most investors overlook? It’s not chasing after deals or closing them. The most important part of real estate is data. It’s something that all amateurs neglect. Yet, without data, you're stumbling around in the dark like a blind person, hoping to strike a gold vein. But with data, you can run off like bandits and make informed and profitable decisions about where to invest, when to sell, and what trends to keep an eye on. In this episode, Jon Commers of Visible City, joins us to discuss how to use data to invest in your next lucrative deal. Want to tap into this hidden knowledge of how successful investors use data to pump out cash with their deals? Listen now. Show highlights include: Two ways the transformation of physical cities will impact real estate deals in the future (4:15) How “intelligent” data is used by world class investors to keep pushing profitable deals (14:15) The secret “mobile phone” data technique to gauge which commun

  • Episode #208 - Building The World's Best Real Estate Mastermind, with Jason Medley, Part 2

    15/03/2023 Duration: 23min

    2008 is when a lot of real estate investors got into the market. Cheap prices, lower interest rates and an upswing in profits. Everyone was successful and thought that the gravy train would last forever. The truth? Most real estate investors are spoiled. They don’t know how to weather the storm because they never set themselves up for this environment. This slippery slope leads them towards failure. In this episode, Jason Medley of Collective Genius, joins us again to discuss how to thrive in this economic storm. And he reveals the tools that successful investors use in any environment, especially when the economy falls apart Listen now. Show highlights include: Two secret traits of successful investors that will help you make it through this real estate economic storm (1:25) The “flight or fight” mechanism that keeps you stuck at mediocre profits (and how to overcome it) (2:20) One “mentality” trap that causes investors to flee the real estate industry (and how to avoid this) (3:45) Why skyrocketing interes

  • Episode #207 - Building The World's Best Real Estate Mastermind, with Jason Medley, Part 1

    08/03/2023 Duration: 22min

    What do average real estate investors have in common? They attempt to do everything on their own. This is a hard path to success as you try to reinvent the wheel, create new systems, and get burnt out. Worst part? This strategy ensures you get nowhere fast! A better strategy? Join people who are on the same mission as you and gain wisdom from their successes and failures. In this episode, Jason Medley of Collective Genius, joins us to discuss the benefits of joining a powerful mastermind where you get to interact with other winners and implement their strategies for a successful investing career. Listen now. Show highlights include: How to use Napoleon Hill’s “mastermind principle” to jump start your profits in your real estate investing career (4:35) The “matchmaking” method to getting access to successful investors that flip 100 houses (or more) per year (6:00) What to do when the gravy train of low interest rates and easy flips dries up (8:50) The “Winning” formula to kill the worry bug during tough econo

  • Episode #206 - Massive Personal Growth and Change with Brad Chandler, Part 2

    01/03/2023 Duration: 25min

    The real estate industry is filled with thriving self-starters.  They work very hard and make lots of money.   Unfortunately, this is the only industry where we don’t speak about our personal struggles.  Believe it or not, a lot of us struggle with self-worth issues. This leads to other issues like eating too much or relying on alcohol and drugs to get through the day.   This is a formula for burnout and a miserable life. This can be fixed if we get to the root cause of our issues.   In this episode, Brad Chandler of Express Home Buyers, joins us again to discuss ways to overcome our internal barriers to a successful life.  These barriers are hidden and it is hard to overcome them on your own.           Listen now.  Show highlights include:  What you can learn about success from Tom Brady’s failures (2:25)   The “Self-Love” method to keep yourself motivated in times of struggle (3:00) The “Impact” formula for a massively successful business where you only work 3 hours a week (3:35) How aA purpose driven busi

  • Episode #205 - Massive Personal Growth and Change with Brad Chandler, Part 1

    22/02/2023 Duration: 24min

    Most real estate investors think about one thing and one thing only:  Their bottom line.   The result?  They hit their financial goals, only to realize they’re miserable.  Why is that? As a society, we’re taught to believe that success is the only path to a good life. But that’s far from the truth.  In fact, success often interferes with what we’re actually after: Happiness.  But what if you could have both?  In this episode, Brad Chandler of Express Home Buyers, joins us to discuss how you can reprogram your mind to achieve happiness every step of the way in your business.       Listen now.  Show highlights include:  How your subconscious mind controls  85% of your actions and prevents you from achieving your goals (13:10) What you can discover and implement about real estate investing from Sigmund Freud (15:00) Why traditional therapy and medicine don’t really fix your problems (and what to do instead) (16:00) The Hypnotist’s secret weapon to help you succeed in your real estate career (17:00) The dark par

  • Episode #204 - Walkable Communities, Emerging Trends and More with Edie Weintraub

    15/02/2023 Duration: 37min

    The real estate cycle, just like everything else, has ebbs and flows. The difference between the successful real estate investors from the amateurs is that they know how to get in front of the flow curve to maximize their profits. If you want to set yourself up for success, you need to pay attention to these trends and prepare yourself before your competitors do. In this episode, Edie Weintraub of Terra Alma, joins us to discuss trends in development that will set your real estate portfolio up for success to capitalize on profits. Noticing these trends will bring in a period of cash flow before your competitors catch on. Listen now. Show highlights include: How to build a real estate company that thrives even after you are gone (3:00) Two key dominos to choose a specific niche in the real estate market (even if you are totally clueless) (8:15) A secret technique to get any company to hire you (without having any experience) (10:30) Two types of learning techniques used by ultra-successful entrepreneurs to bu

  • Episode #203 - Real Estate Success Through Vertical Integration with Tyler Bennett

    08/02/2023 Duration: 35min

    Most real estate investors hear the same, played out advice: Focus on one thing to be exceptional in the marketplace. But will narrowing your focus get you ahead quickly, or are you leaving money on the table? Most investors, fooled by this advice, don’t even attempt to build multiple services. The result? They end up with a company that only does one thing and get lack-luster results. If you want to build a company with multiple services that thrives in any business environment, you must design it from the start. In this episode, Tyler Bennet of Bennett Realty LLC, joins us to discuss how he built a vertical integrated company that has multiple services that takes advantage of opportunity trends in any market condition. Listen now. Show highlights include: Why most real estate investing companies fail to expand beyond their income level (6:15) The “Michael Jordan” technique for building a business with multiple income streams (without sacrificing your service) (6:45) This common pitfall which prevents most

  • Episode #202 - Building Wealth Through Powerful Partnerships with Tamar Hermes

    01/02/2023 Duration: 37min

    Most people get into real estate investing and try to do everything on their own.  They try to find their own deals, put in their own money and even try to do the “sweat” work all by themselves.  This is a recipe for disaster and burnout.   If you want to clear 7 and 8 figures as an investor, you can’t rely on this approach. Instead, you have to do what other multi-millionaire investors do: Build Strategic partnerships.   This fast tracks you to your wealth goals instead of slogging it out on your own.   In this episode, Tamar Hermes of Wealth Building Concierge joins us to discuss how she uses partnerships to build massive wealth in the shortest amount of time.      Listen now.  Show highlights include:  The “gender gap” in real estate investing that leaves women behind in generating wealth (4:45) Why relying on financial advisors wastes your hard-earned money and keeps you broke (7:25) Discovering your unique talents: why most people overlook them and live a life of mediocre financial results (9:25) Uncove

  • Episode #201 - Simplifying Construction Through Advanced Manufacturing with Dafna Kaplan, Part 2

    25/01/2023 Duration: 22min

    The future of real estate is changing with technology finally catching up.  With anything that technology touches, it leads to more efficiency.  This scares many as old ways of doing things become obsolete and real estate investors fear losing profits. That’s the bad news. The good news?  By embracing new ways of doing things, technology can help you with your real estate business.  Construction costs can be cut into fractions.  Timelines can be cut in half. The result?  More money in your pockets and fewer headaches! In this episode, we continue the conversation with Dafna Kaplan of Cassettesystems to discuss how to embrace technology to create a better future for your business and your clients.    Listen now.  Show highlights include:  The technology trend that will impact the real estate industry for the next 20 to 40 years that you don’t want to miss out on (2:45) The “Standardization Plug-in” that will reduce construction costs to a fraction of what it is now (3:00) How to avoid commoditization in the r

  • Episode #200 - Simplifying Construction Through Advanced Manufacturing with Dafna Kaplan, Part 1

    18/01/2023 Duration: 21min

    Real estate construction costs have gone through the roof!  With inflation hitting every sector, real estate investors are feeling the pinch as their profits are being slashed.   The solution to these high construction prices is simple…   Use technology to deflate the cost of construction.  Now, you can build a one-bedroom apartment pod and turn it into a multifamily development at the fraction of the cost.   In this episode, Dafna Kaplan of Cassettesystems joins us to discuss how technology is transforming the real estate industry with these apartment pods that are reducing construction costs and inefficiencies.     Listen now.  Show highlights include:  The new technology in pre-fabrication that is slashing the price of construction (3:20) The main reason why construction is such a slow process (and what to do to speed it up) (4:15) The Multi-family development strategy that will leave the competition in the dust (4:35) How to build apartments quicker and cheaper by using this “Lego building” method (6:35)

  • Episode #199 - Mastering Real Estate Asset Management with Gary Lipsky, Part 2

    11/01/2023 Duration: 23min

    Real estate investors love to work their butts off.  They chase deals from one side of the country to another.  But this strategy quickly leads to overwhelm and burn out and misery.   Want to know the secret to maximizing your efforts and reducing burn out? Focus. Focus leads to speed in the marketplace. It drives you to build better systems. And it turns you into the go-to person whenever a deal comes up in the area.   In this episode, Gary Lipsky from Break of Day Capital continues our conversation and shares his system for building a pipeline of deals by using this superpower called focus.   Listen now.  Show highlights include:  How to spot lucrative deals while you’re out drinking with your friends (2:00) The secret to moving quickly on deals (even if you are an overthinker) (4:00) Use this pattern recognition superpower to recognize lucrative deals before anyone else does (5:00) The “Instant Authority” method to building trust in your marketplace to be a magnet for deals (11:15) How to stay committed t

  • Episode #198 - Mastering Real Estate Asset Management with Gary Lipsky, Part 1

    04/01/2023 Duration: 22min

    Real estate investors struggle for various reasons.  The main reason amongst them is their lack of focus. Jumping from one strategy to another is costly and time consuming.  This leads to minimal profits and overwhelm. That’s the bad news. The good news? If you figure out how to focus on one strategy, you start building superhero pattern recognition capabilities.  You become a master in one area.  You begin to know everything about that market quickly.   This leads to more profits and less overwhelm.   In this episode, Gary Lipsky from Break of Day Capital joins me to share his story about his real estate journey about how he went from one single house to investing in 2,800 units.   Listen now.  Show highlights include:  How to get a 30% return on your first real estate deal (7:35) The secret to finding a juicy deal in your target market for maximum returns (8:00) The biggest mistake real estate investors make when growing their team (and how to avoid it) (18:00) How to deal with setbacks in your real estate

  • Episode #197 - Learning To Raise Funding and Manage Risk with Jeb Altonaga, Part 2

    28/12/2022 Duration: 25min

    As a real estate investor, cashflow is your number one priority.   If you run out of cash flow, lucrative deals can slip from your fingers and devastate your bottom line. The truth? Most investors suck at raising capital to fund their deals.   The investors that master this skill will run circles around their competition.   In this episode, Jeb Altonaga from Clearglass Capital Partners joins me to reveal the skill sets required to raise capital to feed your lucrative real estate deals. Listen now.  Show highlights include:  How to develop a Teflon like competitive advantage that leaves your competitors in the dust (1:20) The “Jack of all trades” secret sauce for raising capital to fund your deals (2:00) The single most overlooked mistake that investors make when raising capital (5:15) How to utilize technology to build better relationships across the globe (even if you never meet them) (6:45) The morning routine that sets you up for global income goals (even if you are not a morning person) (17:40) To conne

  • Episode #196 - Learning To Raise Funding and Manage Risk with Jeb Altonaga, Part 1

    21/12/2022 Duration: 22min

    As an investor, your ability to manage risks can make or break your business.   Most investors forget the fundamentals of risk management and only evaluate risks after the deal is closed.   This can lead to disaster and maybe even bankruptcy. The good news? You can master risks by protecting your upside.   This is a superpower if you master it. In this episode, Jeb Altonaga from Clearglass Capital Partners joins me to reveal how to manage your risk in your real estate business. Listen now.  Show highlights include:  How to quickly create unique ideas to build wealth for yourself and your family (7:45) The immigrant “hustle mentality” that helps you succeed in business (8:00) The “Leap Frog” technique that lets you scale your investing business (while managing the downside) (12:45) 2 common mistakes most investors make when managing risks (17:00) The “Grit” formula for handling and overcoming failure (20:45) To connect with Jeb Altonaga, please visit: To get the latest updates

  • Episode #195 - The Tech Start Up Revolutionizing Loan Sales, with Michael Jimenez, Part 2

    14/12/2022 Duration: 25min

    As a business owner, confidence is your most important skill.  Without it, you will make sloppy decisions and your team and your business will suffer.   But the reverse is also true: Your confidence seeps through your company culture and skyrockets  your bottom line.    In this episode, Michael Jimenez from joins me to reveal how to build bulletproof confidence, so you can enjoy effortless scaling.  Listen now.  Show highlights include:  How being bullied in school will build Teflon like confidence in business (1:35) The “Jiu-Jitsu” technique for building resistance to deal with failure (4:45) The “Rebel” mindset that builds extraordinary leaders in business (6:00) The “Three Rs” in marketing that keeps you ahead of the competition (that even a newbie can use) (11:30) The “Batman” method to building a strong mindset for business success (16:30) The personal development secret to gain a thousand years of business experience in one sitting (20:50) To connect with Michael Jimenez, please visit: 

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