Rei Marketing Nerds



The worlds only podcast dedicated to online marketing for real estate investors. We share the real-world tips, tricks, mindsets and strategies you can use to find motivated seller leads online, close more deals, and dominate your market.


  • Episode #234 - Making Money From Follow-Up, with Paul Do Campo, Part 2

    13/09/2023 Duration: 17min

    In real estate, using smart tools can make or break your lead generation. If you don’t have an easy way to get leads, you don’t have a business, you just have a job.  And a job will suck you dry until you quit from burn out.   A well-oiled lead generation system can close one deal after another.   Best part? You don’t need to be a tech wizard to set one up. You just have to do it once, and watch the money pour in like clockwork.   In this episode, Paul Do Campo joins us again to give you a treasure map for finding high ROI deals with CRMs.  Paul shows you how to make your systems do the heavy lifting, so you can sit back on the beach and collect checks. Listen Now! Show highlights include:  The father of internet marketing shares this money making secret for real estate investors (0:46) An investor’s marketing roadmap so you never struggle for a deal again (0:59) A simple step to execute every time a deal closes to bring in repeat cash flowing business (1:09) How to increase the lifetime value of every custo

  • Episode #233 - Making Money From Follow-Up, with Paul Do Campo, Part 1

    06/09/2023 Duration: 23min

    Ever wonder where the hidden treasure lies for investors? It's all tucked away in your follow-up game.   Crack this code, and you'll find yourself with a constant stream of lucrative deals. But most investors miss this goldmine because they haven't nailed the art of systematic follow-up. The follow up game is where customers know you are serious.  Miss this crucial step, and you can kiss our cashflow numbers goodbye    In this episode, we're diving deep with Paul Do Campo – an investor who's also a copywriting genius. We unveil the blueprint for a finely tuned follow-up system. With this in place, you can kiss your dry spells of deals goodbye.   Listen Now! Show highlights include:  The “Bread and Butter” strategy to make money outside of real estate (so you can funnel it back in) (2:47)  How to fix the “leaky bucket” cash problem that all investors face (3:37) Use this back-end marketing funnel to get you more leads coming in as soon as you hit enter from day one (5:00) The “force multiplier” effect to clos

  • Episode #232 - Tales and Strategy From The Most Interesting Man In Real Estate, Ken Van Liew, Part 2

    30/08/2023 Duration: 18min

    The secret to real estate investing isn't in the properties; it's in your expertise.  The 10,000-hour rule is the golden key to becoming a real estate mogul. That dedication can turn you into a savvy investor, making money flow like a river. Want a shortcut to the 10,000-hour rule? Find a mentor who has already spent his time building his craft so that you don’t have to.   In this episode, Ken Van Liew joins us again to reveal how a mentor can slash your learning curve to a fraction,  so that you don’t have to make all the mistakes yourself.   Listen Now! Show highlights include:  Use this secret book to turn any skill into a money-making machine (3:57) How everyday negative language keeps you trapped in the poor house as an investor (6:48) The three “success legs” that opens the door to wealth (even if you have no experience) (7:14) A secret magician’s formula to close real estate deals every time (10:20) How to get a PHD level education in real estate (without going to college) (14:48) The little-known eco

  • Episode #231 - Tales and Strategy From The Most Interesting Man In Real Estate, Ken Van Liew, Part 1

    23/08/2023 Duration: 23min

    What if you had a chance to be mentored by someone who went from humble beginnings to being one of the A players in New York City development?   Would that skyrocket your knowledge so that you can dominate your market?   Mentoring takes you from being an average investor to someone racking in massive wealth in half the amount of time.   In this episode, Ken Van Liew, a thriving real estate developer and mentor, joins us.  Ken has navigated and built his empire brick by brick and is now guiding others to do the same.   Listen now and let his success become your blueprint. Show highlights include:  Use this AI strategy to find your next juicy deal that spits out cash like clockwork (4:05) How this unusual old age wisdom brings you wealth and fortune in real estate (5:27) Discover the 3 hidden money drivers of a home run deal that generates ongoing cash flow (8:07) The “fast track” formula to get 38 years of real estate investing knowledge in 1 hour (12:34) Access this modern-day wealth building blueprint to se

  • Episode #230 - Sustainability, Regulation and AI with Bob Greenlee, Part 2

    16/08/2023 Duration: 23min

    Making money is great as an investor, but it pales in comparison to this overlooked aspect most investors ignore… In fact, your future as a real estate investor depends on it.   And since the government is mandating more rules to follow, this will also impact your investments and your children’s future. So, what’s this overlooked aspect?  Sustainability.  As more regulations come down the pipeline, you will not know where the lucrative deals are headed.   In this episode, Bob Greenlee, from E³SG Realty Investments returns to discuss the regulations that will impact you as a real estate investor in the future.  Tune in to profit from these new trends and prevent the government blindsiding your portfolio. Listen Now! Show highlights include:  This seductive “Greenwashing” strategy that can actually land you in jail (2:09) Why the securities exchange commission can fine you for these faulty claims as an investor (3:13) Discover new developments in the mortgage industry and seize lucrative opportunities for your

  • Episode #229 - Sustainability, Regulation and AI with Bob Greenlee, Part 1

    09/08/2023 Duration: 25min

    There’s a breakthrough for the entire real estate industry coming your way… It will hold you to a higher standard and hand out grades like a report card.  So, what’s this new breakthrough?  It’s called ESG.   ESG will help you pick the best buildings which not only adds more money into your pockets, but also helps the environment and the community. In this episode, Bob Greenlee, from E³SG Realty Investments joins us to discuss the future standards for real estate.  Don’t get left behind ESG will impact your property value.   Listen Now! Show highlights include:  How to get access to government incentive funds when you develop real estate (5:21) The “ESG” formula that sets your portfolio up for a stronger exit strategy and more money in your bank account (7:31) The “premium plug” strategy to increase market rents for your property that spits out cash (8:13) A quick and dirty trick to decrease your cap rate so that others want to buy your properties at a premium (8:57) How to access this secret buyer pool that

  • Episode #228 - Multi-Family Syndication, Running a REIA, and Recovering From Tech with Ed Matthews, Part 2

    02/08/2023 Duration: 22min

    There are two paths to becoming a successful investor:  doing it  yourself or borrowing wisdom from other successful investors.   Being the lone wolf may get you to your goals, eventually, but it comes with a steep cost: Your time, money, and a lot of energy.   The quickest way to success? Join a local real estate group and learn from the experience of others.   This will cut your costly mistakes in half and save you tons of time. In this episode, Ed Matthews joins from The Real Estate Underground podcast again to discuss how to speed up your success in real estate investing by networking with other investors.   Listen Now! Show highlights include:  How to achieve your cash flow goals in half the time (2:53) The 3 excuses keeping you from making a boat load of cash in real estate (3:10) How to find time to invest (even if you have a large family and a full-time job) (3:24) The “Cash influx” method to find an unlimited amount of juicy deals (without contacting sellers) (4:07) Use this “back pocket” deal strat

  • Episode #227 - Multi-Family Syndication, Running a REIA, and Recovering From Tech with Ed Matthews, Part 1

    26/07/2023 Duration: 23min

    Rich Dad Poor Dad is a magical book.  It is one of the most influential books that gets an average person to quit their job and invest in real estate.   The concept is simple – buy passive assets that produce cash instead of slaving away at a job. But it takes years for someone to implement that book and live the life of their dreams. The main cause of this?   Fear of failure and imposter syndrome.   In this episode, Ed Matthews, an ex-black tech executive, joins us from The Real estate underground to discuss how he overcame his fear and went from a demanding, well-paid job to investing in multi-family properties so that he can live his life on his terms, instead of someone else’s. Listen Now! Show highlights include:  How to replace your salary with real estate cashflow and quit your day job by [timeframe] (4:28) A secret strategy for starting a new life today instead of slaving away at a soul sucking job (4:36)  The 3 deep found fears that keeps new investors from achieving their cashflow numbers (6:06)  F

  • Episode #226 - The Tokenization of Real Estate with Michael Flight, Part 2

    19/07/2023 Duration: 22min

    If you are a real estate investor – keeping up with new technology has never been more crucial.  The old, slow way will no longer cut it.     And with the use of disruptive technology like blockchain this will be the difference between a successful investor and one that goes bankrupt. If you don’t get ahead of this curve over the next 10 years, you will be left behind to more savvy, younger real estate investors that will do transactions much faster than you and run off like bandits with your money.  In this episode, Michael Flight joins us again to discuss the different ways you can tap into the 280 trillion worth of real estate across the globe by using blockchain technology.   Don’t get left behind.   Listen now! Show highlights include: How to raise 1.2M worth of capital for your real estate deals (without knowing anything about real estate) (2:17) The regulations that will keep you from being a victim of new money-laundering scams on the blockchain (4:19) How to access a piece of the 280 trillion global

  • Episode #225 - The Tokenization of Real Estate with Michael Flight, Part 1

    12/07/2023 Duration: 23min

    The old way of doing real estate deals can take months to do.   You know the drill - stacks of paperwork and dealing with multiple middlemen.   This snail-like speed slows cash coming into your account as time kills all deals.   The future of real estate is changing with the use of new technology – Tokenization.   Tokenization will convert real estate ownership into digital tokens – and this will open doors to investment opportunities once only reserved for the elite. In this episode, Michael Flight joins us from Liberty Real Estate Fund to discuss how tokenization will revolutionize the real estate game by cutting out the middlemen and putting more money into your pocket.   Want to stay ahead of the curve and not get left behind doing real estate deals the slow and hard way?   Listen now! Show highlights include:  A free website that reveals how to use blockchain to invest in real estate at half the cost and time (3:24) A simple way to avoid getting ripped off by common scams on the blockchain when investin

  • Episode #224 - From Dealing Blackjack to Success With Novations with Corey Geary, Part 2

    05/07/2023 Duration: 30min

    Having a one trick pony—like relying on one acquisition strategy doesn’t work well in the real estate market anymore.  Why?  When the market shifts,  and you have one way to make money, cash dries up.   Cash is the bloodline of any business, and this is what causes most investors to declare bankruptcy.   The truth? Successful investors always find a new “exit strategy” to add more cash flow to their bottom lines in any market. In this episode, Corey Geary joins us from Novation Nation again to discuss the ins and outs of the novation strategy.   Want to pump money into your business by doing deals right across the country?   Listen now! Show highlights include:  How to “copy and paste” other successful strategies so that you don’t end up losing your life savings (0:56) The “Novation” strategy to flip a house right across the United States (without taking on any risks) (2:05) The quickest way to scale your real estate business and hoard cash like Scrooge McDuck with this unique strategy (4:00) A lead generati

  • Episode #223 - From Dealing Blackjack to Success With Novations with Corey Geary, Part 1

    28/06/2023 Duration: 28min

    Most real estate entrepreneurs run away from failure.  Who wants to admit that they tried something new, and it blew up in their face?   Your friends will laugh at you, your family will remind you of your failures, and you go back into your cave feeling like a loser. The truth? 90% of the population will live miserable lives because they don’t want to suck at anything, let alone fail.   Failure is part of the formula for success.  The good news is that you don’t have to make all the mistakes yourself.     In this episode, Corey Geary, an ex-black jack dealer, joins us from Novation Nation to discuss how to use all of your skills to overcome failure and navigate the real estate market.  Tune in to discover some unique strategies that will put money in your pocket every time.   Listen Now! Show highlights include:  The unusual way a blackjack dealer can set you up for success as a real estate entrepreneur (4:37) How to take massive action on bandit signs to find you lucrative deals (without leaving your hometo

  • Episode #222 - Understanding Seller Financing with Chris Prefontaine, Part 2

    21/06/2023 Duration: 21min

    Most people believe that being a successful real estate investor is just about the technical– buying the right property, financing the deals, and building systems.    If this were true, all investors would be successful.  But they aren’t because they miss out on one crucial ingredient:  Relationships! Without relationships, you would not be able to source hidden deals, raise capital, or build a strong team. But building relationships is hard. Unless, well, you’re an authority in your local marketplace. Then it’s a breeze!  In this episode, Chris Prefontaine from Smart Real Estate Coach, joins us again to discuss how to build instant authority in your marketplace.  Find out how to become the local go-to expert that everyone wants to do business with.   Listen Now! Show highlights include:  The “information overload” trap that keeps many investors trapped from achieving their cash flow numbers (0:46) How to weed out the false gurus and find the best mentorship in the real estate space (1:31) Why Brian Tracy sa

  • Episode #221 - Understanding Seller Financing with Chris Prefontaine, Part 1

    14/06/2023 Duration: 23min

    Cash is king in any real estate market, especially when high interest rates eat into your bottom line.  Without cash, you are digging into your savings, chasing after people to fund your deals, or getting burnt out.   Some investors don’t even survive in today’s market because they run out of cash too quickly.   But when you have a creative financing strategy in place, you can avoid making the same mistakes unsophisticated investors make that bankrupt their business.   In this episode, Chris Prefontaine from Smart Real Estate Coach, joins us to discuss creative financing strategies that the market is craving for in a high interest rate environment.  Use it to create deals that bring you consistent cash.     Listen Now! Show highlights include:  How to survive nightmare crashes like the 2008/2009 real estate bubble (3:03) Use this “On-point” strategy to get your team to crush your cashflow goals in half the time.  (6:49) How masterminds help you master creative financing strategies with ease (without having t

  • Episode #220 - From Oil Filed To Real Estate Success with TJ Ainsborough

    07/06/2023 Duration: 36min

    Some people are dealt a bad hand in life when it comes to money. When your parents don’t understand money, they brainwash you with their beliefs, and  cause you to repeat the same money mistakes they made. Worst part? Most don’t make it out of this “generational curse”.   However, you as the black sheep in the family usually find a way to break the generational curse and become a millionaire.   It’s been shown throughout history that most millionaires—and even billionaires start out with absolutely nothing. In this episode, TJ Ainsborough, joins us to discuss how he went from having absolutely nothing and working a physically draining job in the oil field, to becoming a millionaire real estate investor.  Listen Now! Show highlights include:  The “Pokemon Strategy” for investing in real estate and unlocking  maximum gains on each sale (4:43) The weird way being laid off can actually unlock an avalanche of real estate fortunes (even if everything seems hopeless right now)  (7:09) How creating a boring Excel sp

  • Episode #219 - Adding Multifamily Into Your Business Plan with Josh Cantwell, Part 2

    31/05/2023 Duration: 22min

    Raising capital is a must for multi-family investments.  Cash is the bloodline of every deal. And when you need it the most, it’s impossible to find anyone to fund your deals.   But when you try raising Real estate investors approach raising capital out of desperation, lenders can smell it a mile away. Some even “blacklist” you from future money (even when you’re not as desperate).    But… [enter opposite of what we set up in the beginning, instead of the “leaving it to chance line]  In this episode, Josh Cantwell, joins again to show us how to raise any amount of money you want without seeming like a panhandler.   Listen Now! The rule of thumb for raising capital to fund 100M plus deals with multi-family property (3:24) The “backwards” way of getting all the money you want in the world (without even having a deal in front of you) (4:29) How to get 20-25% annualized return without doing any of the work (6:40) Why financial advisors give you bad advice on where to put your money (8:14) How to overcome SEC’s r

  • Episode #218 - Adding Multifamily Into Your Business Plan with Josh Cantwell, Part 1

    24/05/2023 Duration: 28min

    You know what sucks about single-family real estate?  Lots of moving parts.  The little things eat up your time, leaving you with a poorly paid, full-time job managing these properties.   What do savvy investors do?But it doesn’t have to be this way…  Jumping into multi-family investing can maximize your returns with the least amount of effort. It’s the only type of investing that creates this level of time freedom.  And you know what? It’s probably simpler (and even more profitable) than you think.        In this episode, Josh Cantwell, a savvy multi-family investor joins us to discuss ways to maximize your return in a short amount of time.  Listen Now! The “elimination” technique for keeping the money-making activities in your business (2:50)   X Ways to divide the “swim lanes” of your investing company for guaranteed profits (3:32) The real estate trends that started in COVID and continue today (get on it now if you want to make great ROIs) (3:57) Why the government can’t keep up with these current trends

  • Episode #217 - Building Your Perfect "Exit Plan" with Mike Morawski, Part 2

    17/05/2023 Duration: 21min

    The real estate market has its ups and downs just like every other industry.  You have times when investors make boatloads of money. And you have times when the market conditions change, and slaughter unprepared investors.  How do you make sure you're one of the investors who make boatloads of money (even when market conditions change)?      By mitigating  risks and setting yourself up for the next bull market.    In this episode, Mike Morawski, joins us again to discuss how he hit rock bottom and weathered the storm in different market cycles.  Recovering from failure is tough, unless if you know the tricks.    Listen now.  Show highlights include:  How to raise capital to buy a 4,000-unit apartment building with only $45 bucks (1:24) 5 mistakes to avoid as an investor so that you don’t end up bankrupt (even in bear markets) (2:56) The loan to value ratio to avoid like a plague if you want to stay out of jail (3:07) How to overcome a recession that wipes out up to 40% of your valuation (4:03) The one tip le

  • Episode #216 - Building Your Perfect "Exit Plan" with Mike Morawski, Part 1

    10/05/2023 Duration: 22min

    Novice investors love single family homes.  It is an entry-level strategy for long-term wealth creation, and so easy to purchase that anyone can do it.    But what happens when the market turns? You can be left with a property that is vacant, bearing a mortgage that you’re paying out of your own pocket.   This pain heightens when you combine this with multiple properties and find yourself paying for these properties and bankrupting your bank account. The solution? Investing in muli-family properties where there are economies of scale.   In this episode, Mike Morawski, a veteran multi-family investor joins us to discuss how to build a portfolio of properties that spit out cash flow in any market condition.   Listen now.  Show highlights include:  One key lesson learned from spending over $100k in seminars and training that will make you oodles of cash. (3:12) The “What If” technique for uncertain times to avoid going into bankruptcy (4:50) A 10-year framework to catch the “sweet spot” for investing in propert

  • Episode #215 - Balancing Ambition, Family, and Growth with Glenn and Amber Schworm, Part 2

    03/05/2023 Duration: 26min

    Real estate investing is not for the faint of heart.  It takes time to build great systems to help you grow.     Most end up burning out before they achieve their goals of freedom.       Why is that?   They don’t know how to build systems that include strong team members.  Having the right team members can make or break your business, and this is especially true if your business partner is also your life partner.   In this episode, Glenn and Amber Schworm from, join us again to discuss how to build a balanced life with the right team members.     Discover the secrets to having a successful family life and a thriving real estate business at the same time.   Listen now.  Show highlights include:  How to overcome the “Operator” mindset that keeps new investors stuck with limited cash flow (2:07)   The “connected” method for creating successful teams that operates without your daily input (2:58) The secret to managing 40 houses all at the same time (with limited resources) (3:20) How to

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