Rei Marketing Nerds

Episode #201 - Simplifying Construction Through Advanced Manufacturing with Dafna Kaplan, Part 2



The future of real estate is changing with technology finally catching up.  With anything that technology touches, it leads to more efficiency.  This scares many as old ways of doing things become obsolete and real estate investors fear losing profits. That’s the bad news. The good news?  By embracing new ways of doing things, technology can help you with your real estate business.  Construction costs can be cut into fractions.  Timelines can be cut in half. The result?  More money in your pockets and fewer headaches! In this episode, we continue the conversation with Dafna Kaplan of Cassettesystems to discuss how to embrace technology to create a better future for your business and your clients.    Listen now.  Show highlights include:  The technology trend that will impact the real estate industry for the next 20 to 40 years that you don’t want to miss out on (2:45) The “Standardization Plug-in” that will reduce construction costs to a fraction of what it is now (3:00) How to avoid commoditization in the r