Rei Marketing Nerds

Episode #197 - Learning To Raise Funding and Manage Risk with Jeb Altonaga, Part 2



As a real estate investor, cashflow is your number one priority.   If you run out of cash flow, lucrative deals can slip from your fingers and devastate your bottom line. The truth? Most investors suck at raising capital to fund their deals.   The investors that master this skill will run circles around their competition.   In this episode, Jeb Altonaga from Clearglass Capital Partners joins me to reveal the skill sets required to raise capital to feed your lucrative real estate deals. Listen now.  Show highlights include:  How to develop a Teflon like competitive advantage that leaves your competitors in the dust (1:20) The “Jack of all trades” secret sauce for raising capital to fund your deals (2:00) The single most overlooked mistake that investors make when raising capital (5:15) How to utilize technology to build better relationships across the globe (even if you never meet them) (6:45) The morning routine that sets you up for global income goals (even if you are not a morning person) (17:40) To conne