Daily #daneish Test





  • 256. 4 Ways to Postpone your Procrastination

    13/01/2023 Duration: 06min

    We’ve all done it at some time or other. We put off our exercise routine until tomorrow; we continually delay finishing that project or starting that business. Procrastination is the mother of all demons and can literally stop you in your tracks from achieving all that you desire. Here are 5 effective processes you can use to slay this giant. Do it now Take baby steps Forget it Support team Hosted by Dane Boyle | Master Transformation Coach  |Life Coach | Personal Trainer | Motivational Speaker Follow me on Instagram --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyle/message

  • 255. We Have an Idea

    11/01/2023 Duration: 20min

    We would love some feedback about and idea we have that we are calling 90 Day Lease on Life. Hmmm... GenXers it’s time to leave your comfort zone behind, toss aside the humdrum daily grind and take flight on an adventure of your own design. Join the ranks of today's trailblazers and carve out a life from any corner of the globe you choose. But maybe you don't know where to begin? If you feel unsure about taking risks, lack confidence in yourself and can't seem to make your dreams reality, we hear you. Are people calling you out for not being content with the status quo or seeing this latest pursuit as just "another one of your big ideas"? Stuck in limbo without any sense of direction or how to get there? Let us tell you something: now is the time to create a life that resonates with what drives your soul and helps make your heart sing. And guess what? You have all the tools it takes to make it happen. It starts with believing in yourself—no matter what dream-zappers may try to sell ya! I understand what it me

  • 254. Throw Rocks in the Water and Be a Ripple Maker

    10/01/2023 Duration: 07min

    Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation. Thousands of Peace Corps volunteers are making a difference in isolated villages and city slums in dozens of countries. Thousands of unknown men and women in Europe resisted the occupation of the Nazis and many died, but all added to the ultimate strength and freedom of  their countries. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and  daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” –Senator Robert F. Kennedy, June 6 , 1966 And with that be a ripple maker.  Hosted by Dane Boyle | Ma

  • 253. Embrace Discomfort

    09/01/2023 Duration: 13min

    Life is…okay. Manageable. There’s no surprises. You know what’s expected. The days revolve around the idea of one being very much the same as the one before. You’re staying in one place, but at least it’s a place you know well. Things are stable and you’re content… …and very, very bored. Welcome to life in the Comfort Zone. Sure, it’s a great place to be if you arrived worn out, frazzled, and feeling like you were coming apart at the seams. But after some time spent resting and getting your equilibrium back, life doesn’t seem to fit quite as comfortably as a Comfort Zone is supposed to. If anything, you might even feel like you’re wearing a coat which is too small or shoes which are too tight. You’ve outgrown your Comfort Zone and need to move on. EMBRACE DISCOMFORT! Hosted by Dane Boyle | Master Transformation Coach |Life Coach | Personal Trainer | Motivational Speaker Follow me on Instagram --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyle/message

  • 252. How Can You Be Happy With What You Have

    06/01/2023 Duration: 08min

    Are you struggling to be happy with what you already have? Are you constantly wanting more? Well, you may know by now that being content with what you already have is a major aspect of being happy. Below are some tips to help you stop focusing on what you don't have and be happy with what you do. Cut The Social Media Make a List Celebrate The Little Things Hosted by Dane Boyle | Master Transformation Coach | Motivational Speaker Follow me on Instagram --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyle/message

  • 251. Crap is Fertilizer

    05/01/2023 Duration: 06min

    Crap is Fertilizer So, life sorta sucks right now. Here’s what I know about sucky situations ... they pass. Eventually, somehow the sun shines again and life becomes less sucky. But even the crappy times can be used for your benefit. Listen up if you seem to be knee deep in crap right now: CRAP IS FERTILIZER FOR YOUR BIG LIFE. It’s true. Crap is fertilizer. Last spring we bought hundreds of dollars of bagged up crap. Pure crap. Cow crap. Chicken crap. Even worm crap. WE PAID FOR CRAP. And wow, did our garden flourish. Our tomato plants grew stronger, faster and bigger because of crap. The same is true for your life. A little fertilizer is good for growth. Tough times make you stronger. Every muscle you have today is a result of being used against resistance. You want to live the BIG Life available to you as the person you were created to be ... use the crap for your good. As Coach Boyle says, IT ONLY SUCKS WHILE YOU’RE DOING IT! Embrace it, do the best you can with it ... but for heaven’s sake, don’t settle f

  • 250. There Are Only Two Answers

    04/01/2023 Duration: 11min

    Where do we go from here, now that all other children are growin' up? And how do we spend our lives, if there's no one to lend us a hand? Did you listen? Did you hear the question? Listen in as there are only 2 answers once you know where to go from here.  Hosted by Dane Boyle | Master Transformation Coach |Life Coach | Personal Trainer | Motivational Speaker Follow me on Instagram --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyle/message

  • 249. Focus is My Word of the Year!

    03/01/2023 Duration: 09min

    My word of the year is FOCUS! FOCUS on experiencing, creating and helping others find Joy. FOCUS on offering so much value people will run toward Dane Boyle Coaching to be a part of it. FOCUS on my physical, mental and emotional health. FOCUS on being the best man, husband, father, grandfather, stepfather, friend, mentor and leader. FOCUS! In your corner, -Dane Helping GenXers Create the Life They Love P.S. GenX 5 Day Challenge What if I could show you a simple tool that could increase your energy, give you laser sharp focus, and just help you feel overall positive & optimistic? That is exactly what the GenX 5 Day Challenge is going to do! All good things right?? What's instore… Fitness, Wellness, Mindset, Accountability, Reflection… Join us. Click here to Join...Doors open January 7, 2023...Challenge Starts January 9, 2023. What's the best that can happen? Hosted by Dane Boyle | Master Transformation Coach |Life Coach | Personal Trainer | Motivational Speaker Follow me on Instagram --- Send in a voic

  • 248. Be loved! Be seen! Be heard!​

    02/01/2023 Duration: 06min

    Be loved! Be seen! Be heard! I am fighting for you! You heard me right. I don't know who's listening or lurking in the background, but what I do know is that someone wants help. Someone wants to live healthier. I am asking you to join me and celebrate life together. I know that I MUST take my whisper to a roar. I know that "January 1" is just a date, " Monday" is just a day of the week. There is always a holiday, festival, anniversary, get together, office party, promotion and the list goes on. It's time to make YOU a priority and make healthy the norm. I'm all in. This is your time to time. Say, “yes” to YOU and … In your corner, -Dane Helping GenXers Create the Life They Love P.S. GenX 5 Day Challenge What if I could show you a simple tool that could increase your energy, give you laser sharp focus, and just help you feel overall positive & optimistic? That is exactly what the GenX 5 Day Challenge is going to do! All good things right?? What's instore… Fitness, Wellness, Mindset, Accountability, Reflec

  • 247. The Art of Setting Rules

    30/12/2022 Duration: 22min

    Do you know what really matters to you? Have you honestly figured out what is important? Not like ‘I have to watch Grey's Anatomy’ important, but I am prepared to fight tooth and nail important. If the shit-hit-the-fan tomorrow would you have no problemo making decisions because you have mentally prepared yourself on what ultimately guides your decisions? Having set principles to guide you will make you feel empowered and in control. This life is YOURS. You must set the rules. WHAT ARE NON-NEGOTIABLES Non-negotiables are the things you will not negotiate on. They follow your values and principles and define not only what you will and won’t accept from others, but also what you will and won’t accept from yourself. They are the big-time deal breakers. They are the promises you keep to yourself, your family and your team. They are the thing that without your days, weeks, months and  years would be incomplete. Request a PDF Worksheet to help guide you to your 3 Non-Negotiables at dane@daneboyle.com Hosted by Dane

  • 246. Slow Fade

    29/12/2022 Duration: 08min

    It's a slow fade When you give yourself away It's a slow fade When black and white have turned to grey And thoughts invade, choices made A price will be paid When you give yourself away People never crumble in a day Hosted by Dane Boyle | Master Transformation Coach |Life Coach | Personal Trainer | Motivational Speaker Follow me on Instagram --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyle/message

  • 245. Life is a 4-Letter Word

    28/12/2022 Duration: 28min

    Life is a 4-Letter Word! I want to share something with you. Where I am today is not where I was yesterday. What we are about to do together has come to me through life, love, joy, sorrow, pain, tears, faith, family and in the end love. After all life is a 4-letter word. Yes it is! I have said a few of them in my day. I’m sure I have said several today. Ever said a 4-letter word? Let’s make LIFE our 4-letter word. It’s time to create YOUR future without excuses! If you want to be better, live better and live the life you were meant to live you must understand and believe you are meant to do hard things. Every struggle, every success you have ever had has put your right here in this place in time to read, learn and embrace the life you have while building the life of your dreams. You know what I bet we have a lot in common. I know we do. I want to wake up & be amaZing and see the beauty around me everyday. I want to wake up and take joy in the ordinary. I want to see my children grow up and live amazing li

  • 244. I Don’t Want to Pick One Thing!

    27/12/2022 Duration: 05min

    Today I want to share my goals, dreams and vision for an on-line membership community. My goal to help GenX Badasses to have: A better mindset, Less stress, Less worry, More money (if desired) More Freedom, Better relationships, A healthy body they love Mind-blowing life changing epiphanies and A community they LOVE I have spent 100’s of thousands of dollars on masterminds, courses, seminars and training. I learned about how to build my business and make more money while keeping my heart and soul intact. I learned about mindset, community, fitness and nutrition…while keeping creating freedom and the life I love. I learned about how to shift my mindset and manifest my reality. And I want to teach you about ALL of it. I don’t want to pick one thing! But the business coaches tell you to pick one thing. I just get to be me, having a blast, sharing whatever is on my heart and answering questions with guidance from the universe. However, I will not share these things publicly. I want to share privately w

  • 243. It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way

    26/12/2022 Duration: 07min

    “My idea is to help GenX Badasses have a better mindset, less stress, less worry, more money, more freedom, better relationships and a healthy body they love,mind-blowing life changing epiphanies and a community they LOVE. Vision? “I want to invite you to join me as a founding member, and I want to give you the absolute best price possible. Not only that, but I want to grandfather you in at that price for as long as you remain a member. When we do launch this to the general public and we raise the price, your price will forever be locked in at the founding member rate.” Email Dane: dane@daneboyle.com --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyle/message

  • 242. What Was and What Will Be

    23/12/2022 Duration: 13min

    What Was and What Will Be Listen in as Dane reflect of the first part of 2022 and what's coming in the first part of 2023.  Hosted by Dane Boyle Follow me on Instagram --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyle/message

  • 241. Control the Controllable

    22/12/2022 Duration: 02min

    Out of my control... the past algorithms other people's behaviors and beliefs the future the media other people's opinions of me Things in your  control self-talk personal energy effort enthusiasm  your words self-care response boundaries what you consume attitude what you choose to work on What you follow on social media Control the controllable Hosted by Dane Boyle Follow me on Instagram --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyle/message

  • 240. Greatness is a State of Mind!

    21/12/2022 Duration: 03min

    Greatness is a state of mind. It can easily transform your life into a series of incredible successes. Just consider how it transformed the lives of those who you admire. You're just as talented as those who are successful, so it's a great idea to be inspired by them. But more importantly, recognize that their inspiration helps you identify how much talent you already have. You possess the ability to achieve any goal that’s important to you! Get ready. Your dream life is waiting for you to go after it. Get inspired to build a life you’ll love, starting today! Here’s what you need to do today: What goal in your life is near and dear to your heart? Who do you know that has been successful in their own pursuit of a similar goal? Can you apply some of the same techniques to fuel your success? Hosted by Dane Boyle Follow me on Instagram --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyle/message

  • 239. What's Your Word of the Year?

    20/12/2022 Duration: 12min

    One Word that Will Change Your Life will inspire you to simplify your life and work by focusing on just one word for this year. That’s right! One Word creates clarity, power, passion and life-change. The simple power of One Word is that it impacts all six dimensions of your life – mental, physical, emotional, relational, spiritual, and financial. Simply put, One Word sticks. There is a word meant for you and when you find it, live it, and share it, your life will become more rewarding and exciting than ever. Hosted by Dane Boyle Follow me on Instagram --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyle/message

  • 238. A Walk Along the Peir

    19/12/2022 Duration: 13min

    Listen in as Coach Dane shares his thoughts as he walks along the pier. Real time hopes, dreams on how to create the the life you love. Hosted by Dane Boyle Follow me on Instagram --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyle/message

  • 237. 5 Habits That Will Change Your Life

    16/12/2022 Duration: 12min

     5 Habits That Will Change Your Life your life. You can't keep doing the same routines and think that you will be able to reach your goals. Create new habits rather than changing old habits. You have to make some real changes in order to see the differences in your life. Listen as Coach Dane shares some helpful new habits you can create in your life that will help you see solid results in your future.  Hosted by Dane Boyle Follow me on Instagram --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dane-boyle/message

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