Daily #daneish Test

251. Crap is Fertilizer



Crap is Fertilizer So, life sorta sucks right now. Here’s what I know about sucky situations ... they pass. Eventually, somehow the sun shines again and life becomes less sucky. But even the crappy times can be used for your benefit. Listen up if you seem to be knee deep in crap right now: CRAP IS FERTILIZER FOR YOUR BIG LIFE. It’s true. Crap is fertilizer. Last spring we bought hundreds of dollars of bagged up crap. Pure crap. Cow crap. Chicken crap. Even worm crap. WE PAID FOR CRAP. And wow, did our garden flourish. Our tomato plants grew stronger, faster and bigger because of crap. The same is true for your life. A little fertilizer is good for growth. Tough times make you stronger. Every muscle you have today is a result of being used against resistance. You want to live the BIG Life available to you as the person you were created to be ... use the crap for your good. As Coach Boyle says, IT ONLY SUCKS WHILE YOU’RE DOING IT! Embrace it, do the best you can with it ... but for heaven’s sake, don’t settle f