Daily #daneish Test

247. The Art of Setting Rules



Do you know what really matters to you? Have you honestly figured out what is important? Not like ‘I have to watch Grey's Anatomy’ important, but I am prepared to fight tooth and nail important. If the shit-hit-the-fan tomorrow would you have no problemo making decisions because you have mentally prepared yourself on what ultimately guides your decisions? Having set principles to guide you will make you feel empowered and in control. This life is YOURS. You must set the rules. WHAT ARE NON-NEGOTIABLES Non-negotiables are the things you will not negotiate on. They follow your values and principles and define not only what you will and won’t accept from others, but also what you will and won’t accept from yourself. They are the big-time deal breakers. They are the promises you keep to yourself, your family and your team. They are the thing that without your days, weeks, months and  years would be incomplete. Request a PDF Worksheet to help guide you to your 3 Non-Negotiables at dane@daneboyle.com Hosted by Dane