Daily #daneish Test

255. We Have an Idea



We would love some feedback about and idea we have that we are calling 90 Day Lease on Life. Hmmm... GenXers it’s time to leave your comfort zone behind, toss aside the humdrum daily grind and take flight on an adventure of your own design. Join the ranks of today's trailblazers and carve out a life from any corner of the globe you choose. But maybe you don't know where to begin? If you feel unsure about taking risks, lack confidence in yourself and can't seem to make your dreams reality, we hear you. Are people calling you out for not being content with the status quo or seeing this latest pursuit as just "another one of your big ideas"? Stuck in limbo without any sense of direction or how to get there? Let us tell you something: now is the time to create a life that resonates with what drives your soul and helps make your heart sing. And guess what? You have all the tools it takes to make it happen. It starts with believing in yourself—no matter what dream-zappers may try to sell ya! I understand what it me