Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire



Dr. Deborah Adamy has conversations with everyday people who inspire, uplift and who are living their lives with vitality and joy. She admires people who can weather adversity and hardship without becoming cynical and bitter; who actually choose to learn, grow and find meaning and purpose in what they have experienced.There are countless ordinary people living pretty extraordinary lives and Deborah wants to shine light on them! Enlighten: Uplift and Inspire includes conversations with a wide variety of people: activists, musicians, shiatsu therapists, circus arts performers, playwrights, directors, psychotherapists, dancers, film makers, yoga teachers, educators, actors and photographers, just to name a few. May you feel inspired and uplifted listening to this podcast. Visit www.enlighten.nyc for more. Enjoy!!


  • Episode 250 Geese In Flight

    27/03/2023 Duration: 08min

    On this week’s episode, I share how struck I was by a few teams of migrating geese that stopped me in my tracks. Amazed and curious, I learned some interesting facts about geese. Geese have a lot to teach us about conserving energy and working collaboratively together, with rotating leadership. May you let nature and its creatures inspire you and offer important life lessons. May we trust that the world calls us like the wild geese, harsh and exciting - over and over announcing our place in the family of things. Check out the link below for Mary Oliver’s poem “Wild Geese”. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Mary Oliver's Poem

  • Episode 249 Mother Nature

    20/03/2023 Duration: 13min

    On this week’s episode, I share a recent experience of how humbled I was by Mother Nature. New York’s one and only snow storm (so far) this winter caught me off guard and frightened me. Thankfully, I reached out for help, admitted my vulnerability and did my best to deal with the challenge before me. Even when we bump up against disturbing emotions and experiences, we can look at how we treat ourselves. May we be respectful of the unpredictable power of Mother Nature. May we allow these experiences to humble us, be gentle with ourselves, ask for help and teach us lessons of love. Enjoy the podcast!

  • Episode 248 Julie Sherry, physical therapist, author

    13/03/2023 Duration: 45min

    My guest today is Julie Sherry. Julie is a physical therapist, body whisperer and first time author of her new e-book The Attached Buddha. I was delighted to get to know Julie, her warmth, thoughtfulness and positive, compassionate energy. I am eager to read her book, where she shares her personal and professional journey of integrating mind/body and soul, in her holistic approach to healing. It promises to be a rich gift to all who read it! Check out the links below to Julie and her e-book, and I’m excited to announce that the audio book is now available on Audible, iTunes and Amazon. We’ve also included links for many of the books Julie referenced, that inspired and shaped her. Enjoy the podcast! Links: The Attached Buddha, Kindle Edition Email Julie Additional books referenced: Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron  Why God Won’t Go Away by Andrew Newberg Non Violent Communication: A Language of Life by Marshall Rosenberg Myofacial Release by John Barnes CranioSacral Therapy by John Upledger   Med

  • Episode 247 Seeing Clearly

    06/03/2023 Duration: 07min

    Despite good physical vision, we don’t always see clearly. Bias, worry and fear can blind us from seeing things as they really are.  Sometimes we miss what is right in front of us and sometimes we fabricate what is not there. William James, the 19th century American psychologist and philosopher, highlights how little we access the fullness of our seeing, perceiving, and being. We end up living restrictively instead of expansively.  Here’s to breaking free from our restricted vision. Here’s to seeing more clearly the fullness of our potential. May we expand our dreams as we reach for exciting heights and meaningful depths. Enjoy the podcast! 

  • Episode 246 Black Joy

    27/02/2023 Duration: 07min

    On this week’s episode, to close out the month of February honoring Black History Month, I focus on Black Joy. Black Joy can be anything that inspires, supports and uplifts Black culture and people. Black Joy strengthens Black identity, leads to liberation and freedom of expression, can be an act of resistance, as it contrasts the rigidity and control of oppressive structures in non-violent ways. Black Joy is an emotional celebration that honors and values the inherent beauty in Black existence.   May we nourish and celebrate our senses with Black Joy. May we all invest in the joy of growth, for ourselves and others. Let’s celebrate anything that inspires, supports, and uplifts Black culture. May we all do our part to keep Black Joy alive!! Enjoy the podcast! Links: Endless Night - A Celebration of Black Joy UK Black History Month: What Does Black Joy Mean To You?

  • Episode 245 Look Pain In The Eye

    20/02/2023 Duration: 09min

    On this week’s episode I acknowledge the intense pain Black Americans have endured for centuries, as we continue to honor Black History Month. And although tremendous progress has been made, the institutional racism in this country is pervasive, persistent and very painful. I feel it is my responsibility and the responsibility of White Americans to not only admit to this troubling history of pain, but to look this pain in the eye. So many of the deaths of young Black people that have occurred in the past few months, are so layered in trauma. The vicious combination of tragic, shocking violence is infused in these racially horrific deaths. I am thinking of the pain and suffering for those beaten, tortured and murdered as well as the unspeakable suffering for their surviving loved ones. And I say to myself: Don’t look away. Don’t look down. Don’t pretend not to see hurt. Look people in the eye. Even when their pain is overwhelming. May we have the courage to look pain in the eye, to show up with compassion

  • Episode 244 Resistance

    13/02/2023 Duration: 10min

    We continue honoring BHM this week, focusing on this year’s BHM theme: BLACK RESISTANCE. What does resistance mean? Why is resistance appropriate and necessary?  What acts of resistance feel true to you? While I marvel at the tenacity, devotion and inspiration of Black resistance, I continue to challenge myself, as a white woman, as a compassionate human being, to do my part in this noble resistance. I share a simple, concrete action that helped me feel unified with Black Resistance. It also served to honor, Lee Merritt, a civil rights attorney and activist I deeply respect, while contributing to a secure home for 2 boys who lost their mother. May our resistance align us with one another, with healing and love. Check out the links below to make a donation or spread the word about buying a house for Ashley Carr and her 2 nephews Zion and Zayden. Enjoy the podcast! Links: IG: @leemerrittesq Lee Merritt on Twitter Lee Merritt's Web Site Go Fund Me

  • Episode 243 BHM: Past, Present, Future

    06/02/2023 Duration: 08min

    On this week’s episode, I honor Black History Month as well as the visionary, forward-looking spin on celebrations of Blackness in February, called Black Future Month. We need to do both: look back in history, while dream forward into the future, nurturing the on-going movement for racial justice. And we must face the suffering and trauma of the present moment.   I resonate with the quote: “No one is free when others are oppressed”, because it captures that it is not only the oppressed who suffer but the oppressor who suffers for they have been disconnected from their humanity. I share an excerpt from Mandela’s “Long Walk to Freedom” that crystalizes this truth. Mandela also highlights how critical it is to look back at history, be mindful of the present and intentionally live into a future that respects and enhances the freedom of others. Enjoy the podcast! Links: IG of Lee Merritt @leemerrittesq Lee Merritt on Twitter IG of Patrice Cullors @osopepatrisse Nelson Mandela “A Long Walk to Freedom”

  • Episode 242 Nugget

    30/01/2023 Duration: 05min

    This week I feature my new best friend, who takes slowing down to a whole new level. While visiting our dear friends Hilary and Carlo in their Massachusetts cabin in the woods, I bonded with their sweet pet bird, Nugget. Nugget, is an orange breasted wax bill, a tiny, precious bird in the finch family. Nugget is teeny, weighs 7 grams and is just over 2 inches long. This adorable 2 inch finch reminds me that there is nothing more important than the present moment. And when Nugget rests on my finger or wrist, I can’t help but drop into full presence.   These winter days are a great opportunity to slow down, rest, and honor the hibernation that the season calls us into. What winter rituals help you slow down? What Nugget-like reminders calms and quiets you? May we let the wonders of little nuggets offer us unexpected gifts to bring us into a deeper presence. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Hilary Sweeney’s podcast episode Carlo Pellegrini’s podcast episode

  • Episode 241 Slow Down

    23/01/2023 Duration: 06min

    On this week’s episode, I reflect on some of those helpful reminders to slow down. The narrow spout of my electric tea kettle provides an opportunity to slow down, even when I don’t think I need to.  As the water slowly, gently pours from this thinly curved neck, I relax and smile. Be present…breathe…slow is good…focus on gratitude… all is well. May we honor the internal and external reminders to slow down. May we be nourished and replenished as we slow down. May slowing down help us delight in being more present, more tuned in to ourselves and all the richness of life around us. In the words of Simon and Garfunkel: “Slow down, you're moving too fast. You got to make the morning last.” Enjoy the podcast! Links: Simon & Garfunkel: The 59th Street Bridge Song

  • Episode 240 MLK: A Day On, Not a Day Off

    16/01/2023 Duration: 08min

    Today marks the national holiday for Martin Luther King, Jr., a day to acknowledge and honor MLK’s birthday and legacy. The mottos for MLK day are: “Remember, Celebrate and Act” and “A Day On, Not a Day Off”. I care about living into those mottos. How am I not only remembering and celebrating MLK, but taking action that honors him? How do I not simply treat this day as a day off, but a day on, where l focus on King’s wisdom, courage and inspiration? How do I integrate what King stood for, not just today, but throughout my life? So whether you are attending a MLK celebration, watching programs that honor him, listening to his powerful speeches, or reading and reflecting on his inspiring vision, let’s make sure to make this a day to “Remember, Celebrate, Act” and “A Day On, Not a Day Off!” Let’s do what we can throughout the year to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. and the truth, values, ethics and vision he stood for. May we contribute to freedom, justice, equality and peace for all beings. Enjoy the podcast!

  • Episode 239 Heart Yearning

    09/01/2023 Duration: 07min

    On this week’s episode I offer two prompts that help us reflect on last year and tune into the coming year. They are more heart-centered than the typical setting of resolutions and goals.  It’s a mindful way to start off the new year in these early weeks of January. I invite you to reflect on what you were proud of in 2022 and then explore what you are yearning for in 2023.  After focusing on the these two prompts, I saw an IG post from Suleika Jaouad who authored these prompts plus 3 additional questions that might be helpful to reflect on as well. Whether you ponder the answers, journal them or share them with a loved one, I’m guessing this heart-centered inquiry will be enlightening for you too. I do believe we are more likely to manifest and sustain that which comes from our heart. May you be filled with pride and gratitude for how you handled the challenges of 2022.  May you enjoy naming your heart yearnings for 2023. Enjoy the podcast. Links: IG: @suleikajaouad

  • Episode 238 Reflections of 2022

    02/01/2023 Duration: 08min

    On this week’s episode, as we start off 2023, I acknowledge our 5 year milestone and reflect on this past year. We launched the podcast in January 2018, so here’s to completing 5 years of Enlighten! January 2023 marks the beginning of our Podcast’s 6th year! We had a total of 9 guests in 2022, 3 re-released previous guests, paid tribute to 2 people who died last winter, and shared over 30 brief personal stories or guided meditations.  I know many of my listeners join me in seeking to be spiritually connected, grounded and centered, in the face of life’s challenges. The desire to see the silver linings, find the gratitude, let go of illusions, be present to what is, guides us on the enlightened path. Hoping that my guests and stories this past year have helped to uplift and inspire you along your journey.  Thank you 2022 for another year of inspiring guests, personal reflections, stories and meditations. May we all practice restoring humanity, dignity, compassion, and justice. May you be safe and healthy, and

  • Episode 237 Graced

    19/12/2022 Duration: 07min

    On this week’s episode, I  reflect on GRACE - the word, it’s multiple meanings and the energy of GRACE. The concept of Divine Grace means that we are loved for who we are, as we are, not from our actions or efforts to prove ourselves worthy. Whether we are describing the fluidity, flow and effortlessness grace of a dancer, or the pause to give thanks, or the courteous goodwill of taking responsibility for one’s behavior or granting special favor by extending a grace period, or the ultimate gift of unconditional love, grace is thankfully woven into our lives. May we be graced by kindness, graced by forgiveness, graced by rich opportunities, graced by love. May your holidays be graced by GRACE!

  • Episode 236 Owl Wisdom

    12/12/2022 Duration: 11min

    On this week’s episode I share my fascination with owls, a recent up close and personal experience with owls and highlights of what owls can teach us. Owls ground me, quiet me, remind me to slow down, be still and listen to the my own inner wisdom. According to Ted Andrews, "Owls represent the Mystery of Magic, Omens, Silent Wisdom, and Vision in the Night. No bird has as much myth and mystery surrounding it than the owl. The owl is the symbol of the feminine, the moon, and the night. It has been believed to have great healing powers both in North America and on other continents. The owl is the bird of magic and darkness of prophecy and wisdom.” My intimate encounter with Jules, the screech owl, mesmerized and humbled me. Check out the show notes for links to the book and resort center I referenced. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Jen Leahey - Animal Connections Specialist at Miraval Miraval Specialist Spotlight-YouTube Miraval Berkshires “Animal Speak: The Spiritual and Magical Powers of Creatures Great

  • Episode 235 Myles Aronowitz, photographer & filmmaker

    05/12/2022 Duration: 54min

    My guest today is Myles Aronowitz. Myles is an extraordinary photographer, filmmaker, animator and artist. From his unusual childhood surrounded by music legends, to making movies in NYC’s East Village at age 11, to a successful career as a photographer for film and television, Myles respectfully allows whoever and whatever he is filming to reveal its true nature. He has honed the gracious skill of being a ‘fly on the wall’ to capture the wonderment in humanity and nature. He tells visual stories that invoke transformation in the story and the viewer. Myles treasures collaboration, his artistic community and everyday miracles. Check out the links below to Myles’ website and some of the deeply moving films we referenced. Enjoy the podcast! Links: MylesAronowitz.com Myles' Vimeo Channel Lush Photography Storytellers: Beverly Little Thunder Women of the Ramapough Lenape Nation Animation Intro Eagles Nest Ice Storm Tropic of Cancer The Cove

  • Episode 234 Gratitude with Patrick Heffernan

    28/11/2022 Duration: 54min

    Fitting for the week following Thanksgiving, this week’s episode is a conversation about gratitude. In whatever way you celebrated Thanksgiving, I hope you can tap into a list of what you are grateful for on a regular basis. I am part of a wonderful yoga community called Journey to the Peak (we use the initials JTTP). The co-founders of JTTP, Shawna Emerick and Patrick Heffernan, both have been guests on my podcast and are treasured friends. They recently started recording conversations with members from our JTTP community focusing on the theme for the month. I was delighted to be invited to have a conversation with Patrick on gratitude. What are you feeling grateful for? What gratitude practices have you implemented? May this episode inspire you to be more intentional to integrate gratitude into your life. Check out the links below for other conversations with Shawna and Patrick, all the benefits of becoming a JTTP member and the gracious offerings Shawna and Patrick make to welcome people into our JTTP c

  • Episode 233 Lydia Ignacio, Holistic Therapist and Coach

    21/11/2022 Duration: 51min

    My guest today is Lydia Ignacio, a holistic therapist and coach, who is on a mission to awaken, heal and inspire humanity to reach higher heights. She integrates intuitive, energetic healing modalities and cares deeply about the health and vitality of her community. Lydia calls herself a transformational ascension coach. The concept of ascension, is both personal and metaphorical, with Lydia’s roots in the northern tip of Manhattan - Washington Heights. It’s fitting that the name of Lydia’s business is “Reaching Heights, LLC” helping people reach higher heights and bringing her community together to soar. Taking therapy and the human experience to new heights, Lydia’s enthusiasm and wholehearted approach to life is uplifting! Check out the links below for Lydia’s website and her social media platforms. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Reaching Heights LLC Web Site FB: @ReachingHeightsLLC8 IG: @Reaching_Heights Twitter: @Reaching_Height

  • Episode 232 Hope In Humanity

    14/11/2022 Duration: 11min

    On this week’s episode, I share a visceral experience that refueled my hope in humanity. On Sunday November 6th, two days before Election Day, I witnessed NYC’s biggest block party: the NYC Marathon. My inspiring son-in-law, Ross Pederson, ran the 26.2 miles and it was exhilarating being there to cheer him on and witness this spectacular event. I was moved to tears by so many inspiring runners, reflecting a wide range of ages, shapes, sizes, ethnicities, and abilities. What a representation not just of diversity on so many levels, but of care, support, encouragement, fear, despair, frustration, tenacity, and achievement! We are capable of so much more than we imagine, light years beyond our limiting beliefs. And we are also capable of being present to each other with more love and tenderness than I’ve experienced collectively in a long time. I felt like I was peering into a world I want to live in. A world of challenges and support. A world of generosity and patience, of enthusiasm and empathy, of overcoming

  • Episode 231 Ride The Waves

    07/11/2022 Duration: 11min

    On this week’s episode, I acknowledge the political waves before us, with tomorrow November 8th being election day for the mid-terms. I reflect on the waves of paranoia, waves of activism, waves of fear, and waves of spiritual centeredness. With these waves comes a wide range of emotions from fear, anxiety and panic to denial, apathy and avoidance. My dear friend Bette who expressed how troubling the political climate is, articulated her desire beautifully: “I want to intentionally choose how to ride the wave.” How are you riding this political wave so that your inner wisdom is heard, your intuition is honored, your need for silence and stillness is cultivated, your energy for action and involvement is empowering and positively impactful? May we find peace in the eye of this storm. May our voices be heard to herald hope and sanity and deep peace. PLEASE VOTE and encourage others to VOTE! Enjoy the podcast!

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