Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

Episode 238 Reflections of 2022



On this week’s episode, as we start off 2023, I acknowledge our 5 year milestone and reflect on this past year. We launched the podcast in January 2018, so here’s to completing 5 years of Enlighten! January 2023 marks the beginning of our Podcast’s 6th year! We had a total of 9 guests in 2022, 3 re-released previous guests, paid tribute to 2 people who died last winter, and shared over 30 brief personal stories or guided meditations.  I know many of my listeners join me in seeking to be spiritually connected, grounded and centered, in the face of life’s challenges. The desire to see the silver linings, find the gratitude, let go of illusions, be present to what is, guides us on the enlightened path. Hoping that my guests and stories this past year have helped to uplift and inspire you along your journey.  Thank you 2022 for another year of inspiring guests, personal reflections, stories and meditations. May we all practice restoring humanity, dignity, compassion, and justice. May you be safe and healthy, and