Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 189:48:24
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Dr. Deborah Adamy has conversations with everyday people who inspire, uplift and who are living their lives with vitality and joy. She admires people who can weather adversity and hardship without becoming cynical and bitter; who actually choose to learn, grow and find meaning and purpose in what they have experienced.There are countless ordinary people living pretty extraordinary lives and Deborah wants to shine light on them! Enlighten: Uplift and Inspire includes conversations with a wide variety of people: activists, musicians, shiatsu therapists, circus arts performers, playwrights, directors, psychotherapists, dancers, film makers, yoga teachers, educators, actors and photographers, just to name a few. May you feel inspired and uplifted listening to this podcast. Visit www.enlighten.nyc for more. Enjoy!!


  • Episode 231 Ride The Waves

    07/11/2022 Duration: 11min

    On this week’s episode, I acknowledge the political waves before us, with tomorrow November 8th being election day for the mid-terms. I reflect on the waves of paranoia, waves of activism, waves of fear, and waves of spiritual centeredness. With these waves comes a wide range of emotions from fear, anxiety and panic to denial, apathy and avoidance. My dear friend Bette who expressed how troubling the political climate is, articulated her desire beautifully: “I want to intentionally choose how to ride the wave.” How are you riding this political wave so that your inner wisdom is heard, your intuition is honored, your need for silence and stillness is cultivated, your energy for action and involvement is empowering and positively impactful? May we find peace in the eye of this storm. May our voices be heard to herald hope and sanity and deep peace. PLEASE VOTE and encourage others to VOTE! Enjoy the podcast!

  • Episode 230 Patty Murray, musician, songwriter and mental health advocate

    31/10/2022 Duration: 52min

    My guest today is Patty Murray - just to be clear, that is ‘Patty Murray, the sister’ - not ‘Patty Murray the senator!’ Patty is a musician, songwriter and mental health advocate extraordinaire. Even though Patty doesn’t have a social work license, she has the heart and soul of social worker, having compassionately championed her sister’s medical and mental health care for nearly 40 years. As a free lance musician, Patty has brought her music and joyful spirit to clubs, recording studios, and facilities for those we deem ‘marginalized’. She cares deeply about valuing the worth and dignity of everyone she meets. Patty knows intimately how vital it is to change our perception, resources, access to resources, treatment, research, policy, culture and legislation, regarding mental health. I am honored to call this compassionate, courageous, joyful human my friend. Check out the links below for Patty’s website and her social media platforms as well as her 4 part web series “Special Kind of Wrong”. Enjoy the podc

  • Episode 229 "Timing"

    24/10/2022 Duration: 09min

    On this week’s episode, I talk about timing - is it everything? And when our timing is off how do we cut ourselves slack and be open to the lessons there for us to learn. Timing does matter and I care about being as intentional as I can be to align my podcast episodes with current holidays or events, but am learning to cut myself slack when my timing misses the mark.   Whether your timing is off or spot on, may you be gentle with yourself, dare to speak your truth, listen to others’ feedback, and encourage authentic conversations, that illuminate, heal, transform. May you respect the importance of your timing and trust that spiritual wisdom is timeless. Enjoy the podcast!

  • Episode 228 Perry Gartner, consultant, writer, musician

    17/10/2022 Duration: 01h01min

    My guest today is Perry Gartner, a C.I. Consultant who jumps into a phone booth to become a drummer, card counter, and writer. Oh and yes, his nearly 2 year employment with Space X. You decide if he is a spy. Perry has a thirst for knowledge, a curiosity for deeper understanding and childlike enthusiasm for life’s simple pleasures. Let us now praise Perry for launching a fascinating newsletter that illuminates passionate details about the Beatles, Charlie Chaplin, and soon to be included: Babe Ruth and Buddy Rich. Check out the links below to read the well-researched blogs on Perry’s substack platform. Enjoy the podcast! Links: perrygartner.substack.com Twitter: Perry B Gartner Twitter: Beatles Praise Twitter: Chaplin Praise Nine Men’s Morris Segue Records Wayne’s podcast episode Vaneese’s podcast episode

  • Episode 227 At-One-Ment

    10/10/2022 Duration: 09min

    On this week’s episode, I reference the recent Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, the “Day of Atonement” which, if you shift the first two syllables, can also be thought of as “At-One-Ment”. Regardless of your religious or non-religious affiliation, it is wise to reflect, forgive and cleanse that which blocks us from being at one. From Judaism to Catholicism, to a Buddhist joke, to whatever spiritual practices speak to you, I encourage you to drop into At-One-Ment. May you find a gentle, compassionate inner voice that helps you acknowledge and reconcile with yourself, with others, with your personification of Divine Love.  May you be at one with everything! :)    Check out the links to hear the Dalai Lama pizza shop joke and Hafiz’ book of poetry.  Enjoy the podcast! Links: The Gift: Poems By Hafiz, The Great Sufi Master Dalai Lama pizza shop joke

  • Episode 225 Birthday Love

    26/09/2022 Duration: 06min

    On this week’s episode, I reflect on birthdays, honoring the aging process, embracing life and how we give and receive love on birthdays. How do you enjoy celebrating birthdays for the people you love? How do you prefer to be celebrated on your birthday? Young or old, birthdays are great chance to let the love flow! Birthdays are a chance to pause and absorb how deeply loved we truly are. Blessed, Happy Birthday to all my fellow Libras out there!!! Enjoy the podcast!

  • Episode 224 Dancing, Breathing, Present

    19/09/2022 Duration: 11min

    On this week’s episode, I acknowledge all the responses I’ve been hearing from listeners who are connecting and reconnecting with their angels. With an increase in the employment of angels, I have a sense that the angels are rejoicing with jubilant dancing! I also share a story where the calming wisdom of Thich Nhat Hanh showed up in an unexpected place, and his presence continues to reveal sweet synchronicities. His simple, yet profound teachings remind me to be still, breathe, and embrace the gift of being present. How many seemingly insignificant coincidences have you experienced this week? Take a moment to reflect, acknowledge and delight in the mystery, wonder, synchronicity and sweetness that infuse your days. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Thich Nhat Hanh’s Mindfulness Essentials series: How To Sit How to Walk How to Eat How to Relax How to See How to Fight How to Connect How to Love

  • Episode 223 Unemployed Angels

    12/09/2022 Duration: 08min

    On this week’s episode, I report feedback from last week’s episode “Asking for Signs” that highlight the synchronicity and comfort that listeners experienced. Asking and receiving signs demonstrates the relational aspect of communication with the spiritual world. Whether it is in our relationship with humans or angels/spirit guides, it is important to express what we want and need. Direct, clear, assertive communication builds healthy relationships. The Irish author and mystic, Lorna Byrne, sees angels as clearly as we all see people. Lorna claims that every human being, has been assigned a personal guardian angel, the gatekeeper of our soul, but most of us don’t access their help. Lorna sadly announces that there are so many unemployed angels, waiting for us to employ them, invite them to be of help to us. As you continue asking for signs, please also consciously employ your angels. And then delight in how they work wonders for you. Check out the links below for last week’s episode, and how to learn more

  • Episode 222 Asking For Signs

    05/09/2022 Duration: 11min

    Asking for signs from the spiritual realm is pretty automatic for me. Sometimes I ask the heavens, God, Mother/Father Source Energy, Divine Love, the angels, my spirit guides, or the spirits of my relatives and friends who have passed. Regardless of who I ask, I have a deep trust that the spirit world wants to be in communication with me, with us, and is happy to cooperate. I sense that the spiritual realm delights in our connection, eagerly awaits our openness and receptivity, so therefore joyfully offers us tangible signs to support us, reassure us, surprise us and comfort us. Our role is to simply ask. Feathers are a sign from my mother who died 7 1/2 years ago. As I was communing with my mom on what would have been her 93rd birthday, these beautiful feathers appeared. I invite you ask for signs in order to open the doors of communication with the spirit world. May you delight in the joy, comfort and synchronicity that these spiritual signs provide. Check out the links below for Cynthia Bardwell’s and M

  • Episode 221 Continue Soaring

    29/08/2022 Duration: 07min

    On this week’s episode I encourage us to continue to soar in the midst of the mundane. I read Alessandra Biaggi’s letter to her supporters after losing in this week’s NY Democratic Primary. Whatever spiritual practices Biaggi uses to rise above the ugly assaults, the frustration and disappointment, she continues to impress me. What challenges or barriers have you faced this week? How have you learned from them? How have you risen above them? What spiritual practices are you utilizing or wanting to cultivate to help you remain centered, grounded, able to see the panoramic view, spread your wings and soar?  May we find ways to continue to soar in the midst of the mundane. Enjoy the podcast! Links: IG: @biaggi4ny www.alessandrabiaggi.com

  • Episode 220 Soaring

    22/08/2022 Duration: 08min

    On this week’s episode I invite us to soar in the midst of the mundane. Daily stressors, challenges and difficult circumstances can easily de-rail us and throw us off our center. Let the image of this exquisite soaring bird remind us to be in the physical world, while also being able to step back and rise above. May you cultivate spiritual practices that center you and remind you of your true nature. May you trust that you can rise above the challenges, the ugliness and spread your wings to get the aerial view. May you find ways to soar in the midst of the mundane. Enjoy the podcast! Links: IG: @journeytothepeakpose IG: @shawnaemerick IG: @heff_patrick IG: @biaggi4ny www.alessandrabiaggi.com

  • Episode 219 Big Fish

    15/08/2022 Duration: 11min

    On this week’s episode, I acknowledge the stories we tell ourselves. You know those narratives we create that can be so convincing, we actually believe it wholeheartedly. Well, I have to laugh at myself for the narrative I recently created.  I’m calling this one “Big Fish!” Think of all the narratives we create in our minds, assumptions we make, stories we tell ourselves that then stir up emotions, that then direct our behavior. Note to self: check in with the story! Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it helpful? Does it generate angst or inner peace? It certainly takes mindfulness and intention and discipline to catch ourselves when we’ve created a dramatic narrative, to hold ourselves accountable to the stories we tell ourselves. May this silly story be a reminder to be present to what is, with acceptance, to invest in positive, playful possibilities. Here’s to being patient with uncertainty, to not needing to know all the details. Enjoy the podcast!

  • Episode 218 Kindness of Strangers

    08/08/2022 Duration: 11min

    On this week’s episode I talk about random acts of kindness, the unexpected acts that don’t take much effort but reap sweet rewards. Thoughtfulness and kindness can simultaneously surprise us and nourish us. It is both in the giving and receiving of random acts of kindness that we tap into a better version of ourselves. We pop our bubbles of cynicism, despair, bitterness, alienation when we extend kindness to others, or others extend kindness to us.   It’s easier to be kind to the people we know and care about, therefore I marvel at the kindness of strangers. I share a story when six strangers offered multiple layers of kindness that held me, comforted me, supported me when I was vulnerable. These 6 strangers, felt more like my earth angels and I was blown away. May you let in the random acts of kindness surrounding you. May you notice the earth angels who show up in your life. May you be inspired to offer random acts of kindness to others. May we tap into better versions of ourselves as we give and receive r

  • Episode 217 Body, Mind & Spirit

    18/07/2022 Duration: 08min

    On this week’s episode, I share a simple ritual that I’ve added to my daily meditation practice. After sitting in silence on the top of Hook Mountain, I stand and facing the morning sun, I do 3 half sun salutations: the first honoring my body, the second honoring my mind and the third honoring my spirit/soul. These simple physical gestures, are coordinated with deep inhales and exhales. The graceful movement of expanding, contracting, stretching, releasing, bowing in reverence, standing in strength focus me. So simple, yet charged with imagery and metaphors. I then end by gently resting my hands in prayer position, first to my forehead, then my lips and finally at my heart, as I say: “Mother/Father/Source Energy, Infuse my thoughts, my words and all my interactions with your Divine love and light."  Closing my morning ritual with these sun salutations nourishes my body, mind and spirit and centers me. May you find the rituals, the gestures, the words that express the depth of your heart. May you nurture and

  • Episode 216 Humbled in Africa

    11/07/2022 Duration: 11min

    On this week’s episode, I reflect on the profound images, emotions and precious memories from our incredible 3-week African adventure. From Johannesburg and Capetown we learned of the history and culture of South Africa, both the heartache and the hope, as this country reverberates from the impact of apartheid. We then spent 2 weeks immersed in the land, in the magnificent creatures and in the gracious people of Botswana. What strikes me most about our time in Botswana, was my experience of being humbled everyday. Humbled in so many ways. Humbled by being in the animals territory, where we respectfully witnessed zebras, hippos, elephants, giraffe, antelopes, water buffalo, lions, leopards, wildebeest, warthogs, baboons, hyenas, jackals, and monkeys, all in their natural environment. Humbled by surprise, daily wonders, and awe. Humbled by the birds, that sang to us, soared for us and wowed us. Humbled by the expansive African sunrises and sunsets. Humbled because we practiced how to be present, be quiet, be

  • Episode 215 Anna Msowoya Keys, Maloto Founder

    27/06/2022 Duration: 01h15min

    I am re-releasing my 2018 conversation with Anna Msowoya Keys, to highlight Anna and the incredible work she continues to do through Maloto, the non-profit, community based program to feed, educate and empower the children and women of Malawi, Africa. The community of Mzuzu, in particular, was devastated by the AIDS epidemic in the early 2000s, when Anna was first compelled to respond to the hunger of orphaned children. I volunteered with Maloto for 2 weeks in 2013 with 4 friends and we experienced, first-hand Anna’s powerful dedication and the widespread positive impact she has made. All the incredible people Anna has gathered to support her keeps expanding, so more and more lives are enriched. I was delighted to recently bump into Anna and her husband, John Keys just after Maloto’s annual NYC Gala last month, which inspired me to once again shine light on her important, meaningful work. I marvel at all the ways Maloto continues to develop and grow. In fact, my cousin, Josh Finn, who was also a guest on my

  • Episode 214 Margaret Dulaney, author & podcast host

    20/06/2022 Duration: 01h03min

    I’m enjoying re-releasing episodes from 2018, our first year of the podcast, particularly with people who, 4 1/2 years later, are warranting attention and recognition. Today, I am  shining some more light on Margaret Balitsaris (professionally known as Margaret Dulaney) because her new book, “Spend Some Love: And Other Tips on Incarnation” has just been released this summer. Yippee! Even if you heard this conversation when it first came out, I invite you to listen again, to be reminded of Margaret’s insights and inspiration. You’ll get a sense of this wise, open-hearted human who finds synchronicity in everyday occurrences, humor in life’s journey and divinity all around us. Please tune into her monthly “Listen Well” podcast to hear readings of her open-faith essays, with an emphasis on hope, progress and the inevitable awakening of our souls. And then do yourself a favor and read any or all of her soul-nourishing books. Check out the links below to her three books, which all can be ordered through Amazon,

  • Episode 213 Cynthia Bardwell, Educator & Wise Woman

    13/06/2022 Duration: 58min

    My guest today is Cynthia Bardwell, a dear friend I met over 30 years ago. Cynthia had a successful career as a buyer in the fashion industry and, after her 3 sons were all school age, switched careers and became an elementary school teacher and later a principal. And although we drifted apart for 20 years, I am delighted to have her back in my life. Cynthia has invited me into her current journey of accepting and facing the insidious spread of cancer throughout her body. Cynthia sees she has a choice everyday on how to view her circumstances. Her honesty, vulnerability, gratitude, laughter, and humility are refreshing. It is a joy to be in Cynthia’s presence; I am moved and deeply appreciative for all that Cynthia is teaching me about living with intention and integrity, while gracing the dying process with gratitude and dignity. Check out the links below for the books we discussed. Enjoy the podcast! Links: “Beginners Guide to the End” by BJ Miller & Shoshana Berger “To Bless the Space Between

  • Episode 212 David Holcenberg, musical director, arranger, orchestrator

    06/06/2022 Duration: 01h05min

    I decided to re-release an episode that originally came out on January 29th, 2018, our 6th episode, with my dear friend, David Holcenberg.  Today calls for an encore performance, 4 1/2 years after its original release. You see, David is nominated for a Tony Award for Best Orchestrations and Arrangements for MJ The Musical.  With the Tony Awards this Sunday June 12th, we wanted to celebrate Dave and encourage you to get to know this hard-working, talented man who we are so very proud of. Dave graciously invited Paul and me to the Opening Night of MJ The Musical - it was MAGICAL! Despite my own hesitancy to see a show that might glorify Michael Jackson, I was blown away and deeply moved by the entire production. Jackson was portrayed accurately as both troubled and a genius, more flawed and nuanced than any one- dimensional character. The music was phenomenal and I have never seen better dancing on a Broadway stage. I even went to see this spectacular show a second time and no doubt will go again. We had dinn

  • Episode 211 Andy Krikun, musician & educator

    23/05/2022 Duration: 53min

    My guest today is Dr. Andy Krikun. Andy is a professor at Bergen Community College’s Music Department. He teaches songwriting, world music and music business, while collaborating with his colleagues to develop and implement innovative, creative arts programs. Andy shares his journey from folk singer/songwriter to punk rock band leader to lab technician, to web developer, to world music researcher and music educator. Andy earned his Masters in Ethnomusicology at UCLA and his Ph.D. in Music Education at NYU and has been devoted to educating and advocating for the diverse students on the community college level. Honoring the many mentors he had along the way and having learned where he doesn’t fit in, Andy is honored to be a mentor to those who society deems misfits. Check out the show notes for links to Andy’s work and BCC programs. May we all value the the heart, humility and integrity of Andy and other dedicated Community College professors. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Andy Krikun/BCC Bergen Community

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