Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

Episode 227 At-One-Ment



On this week’s episode, I reference the recent Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, the “Day of Atonement” which, if you shift the first two syllables, can also be thought of as “At-One-Ment”. Regardless of your religious or non-religious affiliation, it is wise to reflect, forgive and cleanse that which blocks us from being at one. From Judaism to Catholicism, to a Buddhist joke, to whatever spiritual practices speak to you, I encourage you to drop into At-One-Ment. May you find a gentle, compassionate inner voice that helps you acknowledge and reconcile with yourself, with others, with your personification of Divine Love.  May you be at one with everything! :)    Check out the links to hear the Dalai Lama pizza shop joke and Hafiz’ book of poetry.  Enjoy the podcast! Links: The Gift: Poems By Hafiz, The Great Sufi Master Dalai Lama pizza shop joke