Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

Episode 217 Body, Mind & Spirit



On this week’s episode, I share a simple ritual that I’ve added to my daily meditation practice. After sitting in silence on the top of Hook Mountain, I stand and facing the morning sun, I do 3 half sun salutations: the first honoring my body, the second honoring my mind and the third honoring my spirit/soul. These simple physical gestures, are coordinated with deep inhales and exhales. The graceful movement of expanding, contracting, stretching, releasing, bowing in reverence, standing in strength focus me. So simple, yet charged with imagery and metaphors. I then end by gently resting my hands in prayer position, first to my forehead, then my lips and finally at my heart, as I say: “Mother/Father/Source Energy, Infuse my thoughts, my words and all my interactions with your Divine love and light."  Closing my morning ritual with these sun salutations nourishes my body, mind and spirit and centers me. May you find the rituals, the gestures, the words that express the depth of your heart. May you nurture and