Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

Episode 234 Gratitude with Patrick Heffernan



Fitting for the week following Thanksgiving, this week’s episode is a conversation about gratitude. In whatever way you celebrated Thanksgiving, I hope you can tap into a list of what you are grateful for on a regular basis. I am part of a wonderful yoga community called Journey to the Peak (we use the initials JTTP). The co-founders of JTTP, Shawna Emerick and Patrick Heffernan, both have been guests on my podcast and are treasured friends. They recently started recording conversations with members from our JTTP community focusing on the theme for the month. I was delighted to be invited to have a conversation with Patrick on gratitude. What are you feeling grateful for? What gratitude practices have you implemented? May this episode inspire you to be more intentional to integrate gratitude into your life. Check out the links below for other conversations with Shawna and Patrick, all the benefits of becoming a JTTP member and the gracious offerings Shawna and Patrick make to welcome people into our JTTP c