Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire



Dr. Deborah Adamy has conversations with everyday people who inspire, uplift and who are living their lives with vitality and joy. She admires people who can weather adversity and hardship without becoming cynical and bitter; who actually choose to learn, grow and find meaning and purpose in what they have experienced.There are countless ordinary people living pretty extraordinary lives and Deborah wants to shine light on them! Enlighten: Uplift and Inspire includes conversations with a wide variety of people: activists, musicians, shiatsu therapists, circus arts performers, playwrights, directors, psychotherapists, dancers, film makers, yoga teachers, educators, actors and photographers, just to name a few. May you feel inspired and uplifted listening to this podcast. Visit www.enlighten.nyc for more. Enjoy!!


  • Episode 270 Lynn Sinclair

    21/08/2023 Duration: 01h06min

    My guest today is Lynn Sinclair. Lynn is my aunt, married to my mom’s younger brother, a mother of 3, grandmother of 6 and great grandmother of 2. Even though we rarely see each other, Lynn listens to my podcast and emails me notes of acknowledgement, support or thanks. It’s a meaningful way to stay connected despite the 3,000 miles between us. Now it’s  my turn to shine some light on this kind, gracious elder, who has given me so much. At the age of 88, and dealing with her fourth cancer diagnosis, Lynn, reflects on what is most meaningful to her and the anchors to windward that steer and steady her. Enjoy the podcast!

  • Episode 269 Rays Of Light

    14/08/2023 Duration: 09min

    On this week’s episode, I share a recent experience of being struck by the power of the sun’s brilliant rays of light. Those rays of light, illuminated the woods, penetrating everything around me and reminded me to honor the title of my podcast. I recall the origins of my podcast and how ENLIGTHEN came to be. May this episode remind you to claim your light. May you honor the light within you, even when it is not visible. May you radiate your light today and enjoy shining your light on the light of others. Enjoy the podcast! Links: www.enlighten.nyc IG: @indiaarie IG: @asoulcalledjoel

  • Episode 268 Gems From Jim

    07/08/2023 Duration: 10min

    On this week’s episode, a man named Jim offers me gems every time I see him. These gems come in all sizes, shapes and colors. Sometimes we exchange words, sometimes gestures of kind acknowledgment, sometimes I simply watch Jim from a far and witness his slow, peaceful, meditative presence. Jim’s essence exudes humility and light and I walk away from an interaction with Jim feeling soothed, calmer and more aligned.  Even though Jim has declined my invitation to have him as a guest on my podcast, I feel drawn to express how grateful I am for Jim and the many gems he offers, simply by being himself.  You may have someone in your life that offers gems like Jim. Feel the gratitude course through you. Find your own way to thank them. Enjoy the podcast!

  • Episode 267 Proud Mama

    31/07/2023 Duration: 06min

    On this week’s episode, I talk about that feeling, as a parent, of bursting with pride when your kids are doing what they love, aligned with their gifts and thriving. I share why I am currently kvelling about my daughter, Julia, who is on a world tour with Sam Smith. Next week, on August 8th and 9th, she will be performing with Sam Smith at NYC’s Madison Square Garden. The outpouring of love from so many of her friends, our friends and family who have bought tickets to see her in their cities, all across the country, truly humbles me. Check out the links below for Sam’s tour schedule & more.  Thanks for letting this proud mama kvell!!!  Enjoy the podcast. Links: Sam Smith Tour Julia w Sam Smith TV Appearance SS Instagram SS YouTube Channel Julia's IG

  • Episode 266 Human Enthusiast

    24/07/2023 Duration: 06min

    On this week’s episode, I talk about my natural tendency to be a “human enthusiast”. You’ll know a “human enthusiast” when you see one - they are eager to interact with strangers, friends and family, they look for the best in others, are outgoing and comfortable initiating connections. Ironically, the day after recording this episode I found myself in a group situation that had me feeling the exact opposite. In honoring my intuition, I pulled away from the socializing and noticed my need to turn inward. So as much as my natural tendency is to be a “human enthusiast”, I honor the settings, where withdrawal and solitude are aligned with my inner truth. Enjoy the podcast!

  • Episode 265 Communing with Nature

    17/07/2023 Duration: 08min

    On this week’s episode I describe what my daily walks in the woods mean to me. Of course I am entertained and engaged with the creatures and elements, but when I commune with nature, I return home to myself and feel connected to the sacred.  With the intensified fires, flooding and record-breaking heat this summer, making its way more directly into our lives, my walks in the woods allow me to deepen my respect and reverence for the planet. It’s important for me to show up and build a healthy, loving relationship with nature. May you be inspired to find your own ways of communing with nature. May we all contribute to restoring the health and vitality of our planet.  Enjoy the podcast!

  • Episode 264 Art Bridgman and Myrna Packer, dancers

    11/07/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    My guests today are Art Bridgman and Myrna Packer, an inspiring couple who have collaborated in choreography and performance since 1978. As co-directors of their own dance company, Art and Myrna embody the depth and breadth of collaboration, curiosity and creativity. I’ve witnessed their performances for 40 years and marvel at their tenacity and innovation as true dance artists. I trust their stories will fascinate you, motivate you to see Art and Myrna perform, be one of their students, or collaborators, maybe even be moved to produce or connect them with a producer to help get their recent piece “Ghost Factory” presented around the country. Check out the links below for Art and Myrna’s website to see their touring schedule and watch a few videos of their captivating work. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Art & Myrna's Web Site Instagram Vimeo Twitter YouTube Channel Facebook

  • Episode 263 Teach Your Children

    26/06/2023 Duration: 08min

    With last month’s new advisory from the surgeon general about the effects of social media on the mental health of youth, I raise the issue of what adults might be modeling for children. As addictive as social media is for young people, I encourage all of us, to look at our own relationship with social media. Here is a gentle reminder to be mindful of the time and energy you spend with social media. Like Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young’s song “Teach Your Children”, let’s teach our children well. Put down the phone and be present. Create and model a limited, healthy relationship with social media. Enjoy the podcast! 

  • Episode 262 The Fullness Of June

    19/06/2023 Duration: 05min

    I am struck by the fullness of the month of June. Between the school year winding down, proms and graduations, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, packing for camp, starting summer travel, and acknowledging Juneteenth, this is an extra full month! So I am offering a short, simple episode to counter-balance the fullness of June. Take a moment, in the midst of your busy month and pause. Empty your agenda, even for just a moment, to be present to your breath, your body, your thoughts. In these quiet moments, there is so much wisdom in stillness and silence. Stillness. Silence. Emptiness. Wisdom. May taking a moment to pause help you appreciate and enjoy more fully the remaining fullness of June. Enjoy the podcast! ALS Links: ALS Association of Greater NY - Donation Link Wayne’s Enlighten Podcast episode Vaneese’s Enlighten Podcast episode

  • Episode 261 ALS Awareness

    14/06/2023 Duration: 09min

    When an issue hits us personally, we are more likely to get behind it and do what we can to raise awareness and rally others to get on board. Well, that’s what I am doing today, because our dear friend Wayne Warnecke has been diagnosed with ALS. I want everyone to understand what ALS is and do what we can to fund more research, expand access to care and contribute to the possibility of a cure. Please consider making a donation, of any amount to ALS. See the link below to do so and make the donation under Wayne Warnecke’s name and indicate you are an “Enlighten” listener. Heartfelt thanks for caring about something that has hit me personally and for bringing hope to those living with this disease. Enjoy the podcast! Links: ALS Association of Greater NY - Donation Link ALS News Today Mayo Clinic Ice Bucket Challenge Wayne’s Enlighten Podcast episode Vaneese’s Enlighten Podcast episode

  • Episode 260 Brandon McNulty, Personal Coach & Meditation Teacher

    05/06/2023 Duration: 58min

    My guest today is Brandon McNulty. Brandon is a Personal Coach & Meditation Teacher, living in Arizona. Twelve years ago Brandon was one of 15 teenagers in the independent youth group I directed, called TMAD (Teens Making A Difference). It was a treat to reconnect with him and discover what Brandon has experienced in this past decade, from college, to the corporate world of finance, to solo expeditions, mentorship, to a deep desire for self realization and service. Brandon has been on a conscious spiritual journey, immersed in yoga, meditation and mindfulness. Brandon enthusiastically shares his desire to help people reconnect to their authentic power and rediscover a purposeful path forward. Check out the links below for Brandon’s website www.flowstate-coaching.com and social media accounts. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Brandon's Web Site: Flowstate-Coaching Email: brandon@flowstate-coaching.com IG: @bmcnults TT: @bmcnultyflow

  • Episode 259 Called To Dance

    29/05/2023 Duration: 09min

    For today’s holiday, we are taking the week off from recording a new episode. Instead, I decided to re-release episode #175 “Called to Dance”, that came out in August of 2021. May you hear Hafiz’ call to dance and be reminded of your deeper truth, your radiant light. Check out the the links below for Hafiz’s poetry, to Barbara Holmes, and the Center for Action and Contemplation. Enjoy the podcast!   ------------------------------- Hafiz's poem reminds me that we are called to dance. I’ve used this beautiful poem as oxygen, especially when I was feeling the darkness and uncertainty of life creep back in. I hear so many people bracing themselves that things are going to be getting worse, before they get better. I don’t want to get sucked into the darkness of hopelessness. This poem pulls me away from the despair, shifts my mood, brings me back to a deeper truth, a radiant light that I know lies within us. May we heed the call to dance, see life itself as a beautifully choreographed dance. We were created

  • Episode 258 It's The Little Things

    22/05/2023 Duration: 06min

    On this week’s episode, I pay attention to the little things in life that move me. May we be nourished by the little things that happen everyday. May we contribute to the exchange of little things for ourselves, with others and with all living creatures. May the little things comfort and connect us to all that is bigger than us. Enjoy the podcast!

  • Episode 257 Time To Reflect

    15/05/2023 Duration: 07min

    On this week’s episode, I emphasize the importance of taking time to reflect on our experiences. We have a better chance of learning from our experiences when we take the time to reflect on what we just saw, heard, said and felt. There are not only lessons to be learned but growth and even transformation to be had. Apply 4 simple questions to specific areas of life: friendships, relationships, jobs, career, health and life.   What’s working for you? What would you like shifted? What would you like to see that is not happening? What would you like to see more of that is happening and you really love? Here’s to manifesting that which helps us heal, flourish and thrive in body, mind and spirit. Start with taking time to reflect. Enjoy the podcast!

  • Episode 256 An Irish Blessing

    08/05/2023 Duration: 10min

    On today’s episode, I share an unexpected encounter in Dublin, Ireland that I’m calling An Irish Blessing. It occurred on the Grattan Bridge, one of the few bridges over the River Liffey that had benches. I had just finished reading Michelle Obama’s book “The Light We Carry” when a man kindly asked if he could sit on the end of my bench. Unintentionally, we both participated in a social experiment, which broke the ice for him to share his life story. I was blessed by his humility, vulnerability and gratitude. I blessed him with my interest and compassion. We carried our light, shared our light and helped shine light into the world. May you be open to your version of An Irish Blessing. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Grattan Bridge The Light We Carry - NYT Review

  • Episode 255 Poetry In Motion

    01/05/2023 Duration: 09min

    On this week’s episode I describe how I am experiencing Poetry in Motion. Thanks to Upper Nyack’s River Hook Preserve, and their Arbor Day celebration, we now have poems displayed at the preserve from a dozen local poets. You can read each poem as you meander through the grounds of the Preserve. I share five of the poems that were on display. May you experience poetry in motion, literally and metaphorically. May we see the organic poetry of nature. May we live our lives poetically, in graceful, intentional motion. Check out links below to learn more about Nyack’s Arbor Day Celebration. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Arbor Day at River Hook Preserve Friends of River Hook/facebook

  • Episode 254 Converse With Nature

    24/04/2023 Duration: 11min

    With the celebration of Earth Day a couple of days ago on April 22, I offer an idea that you can practice on any day throughout the year. This practice is a shift in mindset and will not only help you honor the earth, but more profoundly heal the earth. Inspired by Victoria Loorz’s book “Church of the Wild: How Nature Invites Us Into the Sacred” try conversing with nature. Conversing with nature, is a reciprocal act, enriching our relationship with our beloved planet earth and allowing the earth to enrich us. Give it a try. Begin with a sense of wonder. A conversation includes both speaking and listening. Converse with the leaves, the budding Spring blossoms, the wind, the rocks and the butterflies. Add this to your spiritual practices. Develop a language of intimate connectedness with other beings and elements. May our conversations with nature awaken a sense of kindred belonging as we restore our planet and our own souls. Check out the link below for “Church of the Wild”. Enjoy the podcast! Links: “Chu

  • Episode 253 Pete Dominick, podcast host, comedian

    17/04/2023 Duration: 56min

    My guest today is Pete Dominick. Pete is a stand-up comic, news commentator, and journo-activist. After 12 years of hosting a 3 hour live radio show on Sirius XM, reporting for CNN, a panelist with Bill Maher and being the warm-up comic for Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and currently John Oliver, Pete has created, produced and now hosts his own podcast: “Stand Up with Pete Dominick”. He describes his show now as ‘NPR with personality’, for Pete likes to make people laugh and think at the same time. At the time of this recording Pete was considering running for our local Town Council, but recently decided against it. Pete is well qualified for politics, but he felt he didn’t want that responsibility to jeopardize his new podcast, work community or family. Check out the show notes for links to Pete’s website and podcast, Enjoy the podcast! Links: standupwithpete.com Pete's Podcast: Stand Up With Pete Pete on Twitter

  • Episode 252 Justins For Justice

    10/04/2023 Duration: 12min

    The Tennessee 3, surprisingly provided me a profound Spiritual experience this past week. You don’t need to be religious or practice Judaism or Christianity to find liberation and resurrection in how the two Justins conducted themselves, in order to rise above the racism and authoritarianism from the Tennessee House of Representatives. Justin Pearson and Justin Jones proudly represented the people whose children had just been murdered, represented the marginalized, gave voice to the voiceless. The two Justins gave me hope, invigorated me with new life, with a promising vision forward. Check out the show notes for links to follow Justin Pearson and Justin Jones. Please join me in supporting the inspiring work of Justins for Justice!  Enjoy the podcast! Links: IG: @justinjpearson IG: @brotherjones IG: @gloriajohnson Twitter: Justin Jones Twitter: Justin Pearson Twitter: Gloria Johnson Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition Equity Alliance Memphis for All

  • Episode 251 Time To Play

    03/04/2023 Duration: 10min

    On this week’s episode, just after April Fools Day, we PLAY with the power of PLAY! From definitions, childhood memories and numerous researched benefits of PLAY, I spell out why play is so important. Let play lighten your day, infuse you with curiosity, spontaneity, creativity and joy.  As George Bernard Shaw said: “We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” May this podcast remind you how good it feels to play, no mater your age and encourage you to find time to play!  Enjoy the podcast!

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