Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire



Dr. Deborah Adamy has conversations with everyday people who inspire, uplift and who are living their lives with vitality and joy. She admires people who can weather adversity and hardship without becoming cynical and bitter; who actually choose to learn, grow and find meaning and purpose in what they have experienced.There are countless ordinary people living pretty extraordinary lives and Deborah wants to shine light on them! Enlighten: Uplift and Inspire includes conversations with a wide variety of people: activists, musicians, shiatsu therapists, circus arts performers, playwrights, directors, psychotherapists, dancers, film makers, yoga teachers, educators, actors and photographers, just to name a few. May you feel inspired and uplifted listening to this podcast. Visit www.enlighten.nyc for more. Enjoy!!


  • Episode 290 Aliya Sorgen, Transformational Coach and Yoga Instructor

    29/01/2024 Duration: 59min

    My guest today is Aliya Sorgen. Aliya is Head of Global Partnerships and Mobility at University of the Arts in London, a Transformational Coach and innovative yoga retreat facilitator. And Aliya happens to be my beloved God-daughter, a bond that allows us to share a special soul connection. Aliya articulates keen insight into her experience of working with artists, how alive she feels when traveling and her openness to learning and growth. She is inspired by the courage it takes to jump into the unknown and surprise ourselves with big changes. Check out the links below for Aliya’s website and learn more about her Coaching practice and Yoga Retreat in Italy this summer. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Aliya Sorgen's website University of the Arts London IG: @aliyasorgen Aliya on Facebook Email Aliya

  • Episode 289 Awaken To Awareness

    22/01/2024 Duration: 09min

    On this week’s episode, I focus on awareness and how important awareness is to help us be present, conscious and responsible. Awareness is the first step in the process of healing. Inspired by a quote from the world renowned yoga instructor, Sarah Powers, I’ve now infused her quote as a prayer to add to my daily practice. May this statement inspire you as well: “I vow now to awaken to awareness, for the benefit of all beings. I recognize its immeasurable value, knowing that it is possible, regardless of circumstances.” May we all awaken to awareness! Check out the links below for my previous episode with Laura Rodgers as well as the website of Sarah Powers. Enjoy the podcast. Links: Podcast Episode with Laura Rodgers Sarah & Ty Powers Website

  • Episode 288 Open House, Open Hearts

    15/01/2024 Duration: 07min

    Last week I hosted a Ceramics Open House for Josh Yanko, the son of my dear friend, Lisa Green. This Open House opened my heart to Josh, his beautiful pottery, the strong love Lisa has for her son, and the community that showed up to support him. It also opened my heart to the way loved ones who die are orchestrating loving support from their spiritual realm. What an honor to open my home and my heart to the giving and receiving of such warmth and affection. I trust that this is an event we will do again and hope that you can join me, we’ll open our hearts at the next open house!  Check out the links below to Josh’s YouTube channel and his IG. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Josh Yanko Creative YouTube Channel Josh on IG    

  • Episode 287 Reflections of 2023

    08/01/2024 Duration: 08min

    On this week’s episode, as we start off 2024, I acknowledge our 6 year milestone and reflect on this past year. We launched the podcast in January 2018, so here’s to completing 6 years of Enlighten!  January 2024 marks the beginning of our podcast’s 7th year!  Thank you, 2023 for another year of 9 inspiring guests, a tribute to a local hero who died the past summer and 38 personal reflections and stories. Hoping that my guests and stories this past year have helped to uplift and inspire you along your journey. Blessings for a healing, engaged, empowering year. May you be safe and healthy, and join me in searching for the mysterious, wondrous ways the Universe is conspiring to help us evolve and step more fully into our potential in 2024. Enjoy the podcast!

  • Episode 286 Change It Up!

    18/12/2023 Duration: 08min

    On this week’s episode, I focus on the wisdom of changing things up, shifting our perspective and/or routines to open to new possibilities. I share a simple example of a change I made to one of my daily routines that provided a fresh, expansive experience for me. I was surprised by the energy and fun it provided! Change the way you see something and that something changes. May you take one of your daily routines and change it up! Have fun expanding your perspective and seeing things anew!  Enjoy the podcast!

  • Episode 285 Sparkly Synchronicity

    11/12/2023 Duration: 09min

    On this week’s podcast, I share some sparkly synchronicities that delighted me this week. From a Hafiz poem, that reminds us that we are created for Joy, to a yoga community’s dharma talk, to a friend in Maine being inspired to dance, to my Jazz Funk Dance Sistahs keeping joy alive, to a store owner’s sparkly red boots.   May we pause and notice the synchronicities, the sparkles, the joy. After all, we were created for joy! Check out the show notes to find links for previous episodes with 4 of the women mentioned here. And for beautiful, creative shopping, please go support Maria Luisa’s boutique filled with fair trade gifts from around the world. Enjoy the podcast ! Links: Hafiz “The Sacred Dance of Life” Mary Oliver: "Don’t Hesitate” Karen Siff, Podcast Episode #82 Terese Dana, Podcast Episode #12 Maria Luisa, Podcast Episode #86 Lisa Green, Podcast Episode #107 Shawna Emerick: JTTP Journey To The Peak Maria Luisa Boutique

  • Episode 284 Light Comes

    04/12/2023 Duration: 05min

    As the light shifts with shorter days and longer nights, we experience more physical and emotional darkness.  On this week’s episode, I share a poem that has been a beautiful reminder for me that the light does come, even when the darkness enfolds us. May we trust that the light will come. May we know that the light is seeking us. May we lift our faces to let the light find us. Follow the links below for the poem, to Jan Richardson and Shawna Emerick. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Poem: How the Light Comes by Jan Richardson Jan Richardson's Web Site IG: Jan Richardson Studio IG: Shawna Emerick Shawna's Web Site

  • Episode 283 Indigenous Peoples Circle

    27/11/2023 Duration: 13min

    For the past decade I’ve tried to incorporate into our Thanksgiving gathering, a simple ritual that honors Indigenous People. On this week’s podcast, I share the ritual I tried this year. The Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address calls forth gratitude for the people, the earth mother, the waters, the fish, the plants, the food plants, the medicinal herbs, the animals, the trees, the birds and the four winds, for all they do to sustain, nourish and strengthen us. May we find ways to gather in community to create ritual that honors all Indigenous People, to bring our minds as one, as we honor all of creation. I hope you found meaning and nourishment in body, mind and spirit this past Thanksgiving. May we all experiment with thoughts and actions that help us live in more equitable relationship with ourselves, others, and our planet. Click the link below for the Haudenosuanee Prayer. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Haudenosuanee Prayer

  • Episode 282 Senses of Gratitude

    20/11/2023 Duration: 07min

    Thanksgiving invites us to tap into the power of gratitude. Even in the midst of all the suffering in our broken world, paying attention to what we are grateful for, can bring us back to center. Having just returned from an incredible trip to Australia and New Zealand, I share some of the things about travel that fills me up with deep gratitude. There is so much to be thankful for, on so many levels. You don’t need to travel to generate gratitude. Simply turn to your 5 senses and notice what stimulates and inspires you. What sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touches nourished you today? When you focus on how your senses were stimulated, it inevitably brings you back to gratitude…for all you saw, heard, smelled, tasted and touched. Let your five senses cultivate your attitude of gratitude. And may we honor our Indigenous People this Thanksgiving! Enjoy the podcast! Links: IG: Julia Adamy

  • Episode 281 The Meditation Lady

    13/11/2023 Duration: 05min

    On this week’s episode, I tell how I discovered that I have a new nickname: The Meditation Lady!  From an unsuspecting group of people I don’t personally know, it turns out that I’ve been referred to as this nickname for a few years. It wasn’t until we recorded this episode, that my husband learned of my new nickname. He got a kick out of it and I hope you do, too.  Hopefully this will get you thinking of how you might be perceived by others. Would their observations of you spur a nickname? If so, what might yours be? Feel free to share with me your nicknames! I’d love to hear them!!  Enjoy the podcast.

  • Episode 280 Dani Mfaya, dancer and model

    06/11/2023 Duration: 59min

    My guest today is Daniel Ralph Mfaya, also known as Dani. Dani is an extraordinary dancer, model and creative director. Dani grew up in France & currently resides in the United States, but is traveling the world as a dancer on the Sam Smith Gloria Tour. Because my daughter, Julia is the bass player in Sam’s band, I’ve had the pleasure and honor of meeting Dani, the other dancers, background vocalists and band members. Dani is a seasoned dancer, having performed and choreographed with Beyoncé, danced with Sidi Larbi’s Belgium Dance Company & Royal Ballet of Flanders. Dani shared the video of an extraordinary dance called Mea Culpa that moved me to tears and gave me a sacred window into Dani’s heart and soul. We recorded this conversation at the end of September when the Sam Smith tour had a break between the North American tour and the Asian tour. By now the tour is in Australia, where I will see, in person, my daughter, Dani and all the other performers for their last shows of 2023. Check out the l

  • Episode 279 Letter From Love

    30/10/2023 Duration: 10min

    On this week’s episode, I share a moving spiritual practice called Letter from Love, inspired and launched by Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of the book Eat, Pray, Love. I read examples from Elizabeth and Suleika Jaouad as well as, one I wrote. May these examples and this podcast encourage you to write a letter to yourself from Love. Whether you write one or you integrate this as another tool in your spiritual practices on a regular basis, I hope you can tap into what Love wants to say to you and let that love comfort and hold you on your journey. These letters from Love bring solace, comfort, and peace - something we all need now more than ever. Check out the links below to learn more about Elizabeth Gilbert’s project and the inspiring writings of Suleika Jaouad. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Elizabeth Gilbert Suleika Jaouad IG: Suleika Jaouad

  • Episode 278 Our Humanity

    23/10/2023 Duration: 07min

    It is easy to lose sight of our humanity when so many in the world are suffering. Yet it is exactly our humanity that I don’t want to lose sight of as the frightening conflict in Israel and Gaza intensifies. On this week’s episode, I share some heartfelt quotes that have helped me align with love, as if we were seen in the eyes of the Divine, help me align with our innate goodness, with peace, with oneness and our humanity.  Check out the links below for quotes referenced and the book “See No Stranger" by Sikh activist, Valarie Kaur. Particularly during trying times, may we chose love, may we hold onto our humanity. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Valarie Kaur Ted Talk Maha Rose Thomas Merton Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander

  • Episode 277 Andrea Frade, Transformational Coach

    16/10/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    My guest today is Andrea Maxine Frade. Andrea is a Transformational Coach, Healer, Bodyworker and Somatic Practitioner. Having been a podcast guest in January 2019, I am delighted to reconnect with Andrea and learn about all the meaningful changes in her personal life, spiritual life and professional work, in the past 5 years.    Andrea is tuned into her own personal process of growth and evolution which she often sees reflected in the healing process of so many of her clients. Andrea focuses on the purpose behind her work, encouraging women not to forget who they are and why they are here. Andrea honors transitions, the in between space that holds the potential for the ALMOST!   Check out the links below to contact Andrea and sign up for an online workshop she is co-facilitating tomorrow Tuesday October 17th with Abi Keene (also a previous podcast guest) called “Who Am I Now: How to Create the Change You Long for That is Aligned with Who You are NOW.”     Enjoy the podcast! Links: Andrea's Web Site

  • Episode 276 Indigenous Peoples Day

    09/10/2023 Duration: 09min

    On this week’s episode, I share some of the history and facts about Indigenous Peoples Day and our efforts as a country to move in the direction of healing and justice. What might seem to some like a simple name change can lead to real social progress for Indigenous Americans. Today is an opportunity for reflection, recognition, celebration and education. May we honestly admit our dark history of the brutal treatment of Indigenous Peoples. May we address the current state of discrimination and its ripple effect toward Indigenous Peoples. May we honor the rich cultures, histories and invaluable contributions of Indigenous Peoples who have inhabited the Americas for thousands of years. May we humbly learn from Indigenous Peoples’ spiritual wisdom and respectful partnership with our planet, its elements, creatures and resources. May we contribute to the healing of past, present, and future generations of Indigenous People. Check out the links below to learn more about Indigenous Peoples. Enjoy the podcast!

  • Episode 275 Jesse AlFord, Circus Coach and Lighting Designer

    02/10/2023 Duration: 01h31s

    My guest this week is Jesse AlFord. Jesse is a Circus Coach and Lighting Designer, who stayed in our guest bedroom for a few days at the request of our dear friends and previous podcast guests, Carlo Pellegrini and Hilary Sweeney. Carlo and Hilary are producing The Legend Cirque - an immersive expression of the gripping tale of the Headless Horseman, narrated by Washington Irving, with world class aerialists and acrobats in a circus tent in Sleepy Hollow, NY. Jesse drove up from Louisville, KY to design the lighting for the show, but as a freelancer, he also designs the lighting for ballet, opera and theater. I thought it fitting to shine some light on the guy who lights up artists and venues. I appreciate Jesse’s curiosity, warmth and thoughtfulness in not only how he collaborates with artists but how he lives his life.  Check out the links below to follow Jesse, as well as the link for The Legend, which runs now through 10/29. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Jesse's Web Site IG: Jesse IG: Westchester Circ

  • Episode 274 Forgiveness Is Key

    25/09/2023 Duration: 06min

    Today marks the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Even though I am not Jewish, I’ve always appreciated the intention and meaning behind this day of reflection, a day to atone for the ways we have harmed others or ourselves. I share once again the Buddhist Prayer of Forgiveness, an appropriate prayer to help us atone and cultivate at - one - ness. May you be at one with yourself, at one with your family and friends, at one with our planet and at one with the Divine.  Forgiveness is key!  Enjoy the podcast.

  • Episode 273 Peeling Layers

    18/09/2023 Duration: 08min

    On this week’s episode, I acknowledge the layers in people, situations, causes and choices.  It is easy to fall into the trap that any one or any thing is one dimensional. When we get stuck, in that limited view, it’s helpful to be reminded of different perspectives. Thankfully a devoted listener helped me peel back layers of my perspective about Amazon and Jeff Bezos. When we peel back layers, we deepen our understanding and our capacity for compassion expands. There is even room for the layer of forgiveness. May we avoid reducing people into one dimensional aspects. May we notice that as we peel back layers, there is beauty, humility, vulnerability and precious nuances. May we practice the power of forgiveness for ourselves and others.  Enjoy the podcast!

  • Episode 272 Labor Of Love

    11/09/2023 Duration: 08min

    On this week’s episode I reflect on the history and meaning of Labor Day, and the labor of love it takes to live by our values. I try to stay mindful of the companies that take advantage of their employees and avoid doing business with them. It’s challenging to always take that stand, knowing these companies lure us in with cheaper prices and convenient shipping, but at what cost? Sometimes it is a labor of love to stay true to our values. As much as I can, I want to live by my values, knowing that it can be a labor of love to honor those values. So belated Happy Labor Day and may we all invest in the labor of love that honors ourselves and all beings.  Enjoy the podcast! Links: History of Labor Day

  • Episode 271 Honoring Bert Hughes

    28/08/2023 Duration: 08min

    On this week’s episode, I honor Bert Hughes, a kind, generous, inspirational man who died on August 16th, touching those of us living in Nyack and well beyond. Bert lived a full, meaningful life, leaving a profound impact on the lives of thousands of people, through music, social justice and his gracious heart. Please check out the links below to two organizations that Bert cared so deeply about: Helping Hands of Rockland, an interfaith volunteer organization that provides support for people who are homeless and Midnight Run, a volunteer organization dedicated to finding common ground between the housed and the homeless. Let’s honor Bert and help keep his large heart alive in our hearts by making a donation in Bert Hughes' memory to either or both organizations. Thank you so much!  Enjoy the podcast! Links: Bert's Obituary Helping Hands Midnight Run

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