Catalyst Sale Podcast: Sales Training | Sales Strategy | B2b | Selling | Marketing

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 209:42:02
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Sales is a thinking process. The Catalyst Sale podcast with Mike Conner and Mike Simmons will help you learn what works in sales, hone your skills, and increase your success.


  • Objection Handling - 37

    09/05/2017 Duration: 26min

    Objections are common in the sales process. A number of sales training companies offer best practices in handling objections and ways to avoid objections.  Sometimes it is important to raise the objection.   Common objections include price, influence, time, budget, competitive capabilities.  Sometimes the objection is less common.  Even worse, the objection might be silent.   Mike & I share our approach when it comes to objection handling, how we have trained our teams to handle the objection, and the mistakes you will want to avoid. Humanize the process, continue to provide value, and don't answer your objections with a list of information your client/prospect can pull out of the FAQs.  If someone tells you that "every objection can be overcome" they are probably selling you on some "technique", and not the process.   Roleplay and game planning should play an important role in your objection handling approach.  As we have said before (Ben Franklin) - failure to plan is a plan to fail. Assumptions lay a q

  • Sales is a Thinking Process - 36

    02/05/2017 Duration: 15min

    Listener Question - What do you mean by "Sales is a Thinking Process?" It's more than just our tagline, it's a guiding concept of ours.  We have not found a substitute for thinking, and hopefully, we never do.   On this week's episode of the Catalyst Sale Podcast, we answer Val's question about sales as a thinking process.  We discuss some common misperceptions, challenges, and our approach at Catalyst Sale.  A thoughtful process applies to sales in general, we address the importance of business acumen and putting the customer first in the context of b2b sales. We also hit on the tee-ball culture, desire for things to be easy, and the constant pursuit for a silver bullet that helps get a deal done.  There are no easy buttons, there are no shortcuts, competition and sales require work. We really enjoy listener questions, please send them to or contact us directly on twitter, facebook or LinkedIn. Subscribe to the Catalyst Sale Podcast Subscribe via iTunes Subscribe via Google Play Cataly

  • Salesforce MVP - Dan Peter - 35

    25/04/2017 Duration: 25min

    Dan Peter joins us on this week’s Catalyst Sale Podcast.  Dan is a Salesforce MVP, and Lead Applications Engineer at Kenandy.  Dan started his Salesforce development career in 2009, and is an active leader in the Salesforce community.  Connect with @DanielJPeter on twitter, or look for him at the next Bay Area Salesforce Developer Meetup. We discuss a number of topics including Ohana at Salesforce, the importance of diversity, women in technology, and AI.   Links to additional information regarding many of the topics we discuss follow. Bay Area Salesforce Developer Group   Snowforce (Salt Lake City, UT) conference recap:   Punta Dreamin’ (Punta del Este, Uruguay) conference recap:   Listing of all the Salesforce community conferences  

  • Rush to Demo - 34

    18/04/2017 Duration: 29min

    Listener Question - Should you force the demo? Mike from New Jersey asks about using demos as a key metric in measuring the sales team success.   Be careful what you ask for.  When managing teams, you tend to get what you measure.   If you and your team are compensated based on the number of demos that your team delivers, this may be a good metric.   If your focus is on revenue, this may not be the best metric to focus on. This week Mike & Mike share their approach get into a deep discussion around demoing, the timing of the demo, personalization for the customer, demo loops, and many of the common mistakes made when you rush to demo.   Thanks for listening and for sharing our podcast with your team.  Catalyst Sale Sales is a Thinking Process. Our sales process includes Validation, Qualification, Fit, and Feasibility, Proposal, Closed Won & the Confirmation Step.  You can learn more about Catalyst Sale by following us on LinkedIn, Twitter, & via the Catalyst Sale Website.

  • Sales Training - 33

    11/04/2017 Duration: 24min

    Where do you start when planning an effective Sales Training Event or Global Sales Meeting. At Catalyst Sale, we start with the following questions. What is the current state? What is the desired state? What are your gaps? How will you execute? How will you follow-up and hold the team accountable? Who are the experts in your organization that you can lean on? There are no Silver Bullets, but there are some practical experiences you can put your team through to help improve performance.   Effective training, sales or otherwise, includes the delivery of information, an opportunity to demonstrate retention/application of the new skill, and a chance to test and retest the concepts in a simulated environment. Unfortunately, most organizations stop here, reps go home, training is not reinforced, and the team operates the way they always have.   This week Mike & Mike share their approach in planning sales meeting, implementing new sales training programs, and some background on this Catalyst Sale area of pract

  • Customer Churn - 32

    04/04/2017 Duration: 21min

    Listener Question - Customer Churn    Churn is inevitable.  It should be considered in your business planning, as it is something most organizations experience on a monthly basis.   What if you are a rep though, and something happens beyond your control?   How do you get things back on track?   What happens if you need to take one step backward in order to move things forward? Let's say you are an Account Manager or Customer Success Manager, and you find that the Account Executive over promised, now you are under delivering.  Or, maybe the customer's perspective of what they purchased has changed.  Maybe you are dealing with a new decision maker, or there is a disconnect between the original decision maker and the team tasked with implementing.   At Catalyst Sale, we are focused on the long game.  This week a listener question draws attention to the things that happen beyond your control, and when it makes sense to recommend that a client reduces their investment with your organization. We also review why it

  • Adjusting after the first Quarter of the Year - 31

    28/03/2017 Duration: 19min

    In this weeks' episode of the Catalyst Sale Podcast we talk about pushing the reset button if necessary. (hopefully this is not the case)  We also talk about building on success, creating your foundation for the future, and execution. Sales planning & execution, territory planning, goal setting, and adjusting like a champion all are discussed.   You can find us via LinkedIn, Twitter, & The Catalyst Sale Website

  • Episode 30 - Creating a Culture of Transparency

    21/03/2017 Duration: 16min

    Why a culture of transparency is good, and how you can identify the risk of over-sharing. Leadership, many times requires creating a buffer, helping to shield your team from information that may reduce focus. At the same time, your team can reach new levels in both creativity and impact if they have all of the details. The importance of transparency is recognized by both new leaders, and those who have recorded a number of years of experience.    A common topic addressed by Jocko Willink, in both his book Extreme Ownership & on his podcast, is decentralized command.  Decentralized command is impossible if the team does not understand the commander's intent.  Commanders intent requires transparency.   In this weeks' episode of the Catalyst Sale Podcast we discuss why transparency, from a sales leadership perspective, is important at Catalyst Sale.  We also discuss the risks associated with transparency, and why providing a buffer is critical when leading a high performing team.

  • Account Planning - 29

    14/03/2017 Duration: 22min

    The Catalyst Sale Account Plan - Strategic Account Plan Template At Catalyst Sale we look at the account plan as the roadmap of where we have been, and where we expect to go with an account.  The document is critical to effective strategic sales, and account management.  This plan fits into our qualification stage of our sales process, and will be utilized through proposal, confirmation, and beyond.  Account planning includes baseline information such as goals, objectives, the roles of the players in the relationship.  It also should include a list of open questions, or gaps in knowledge.  The things we need to know, but have not yet determined or uncovered.   An effective account plan should read like a story, one that can be used to allow senior leadership, or other players on the team to read up on an account quickly.  We address the why, the who, the what, and via the 30/60/90/180 & past 90, and the when.   In this weeks' episode of the Catalyst Sale Podcast, we share our personal experience related t

  • Firing a Customer - 28

    07/03/2017 Duration: 20min

    Letting a Customer Go.  When is it time to move on? Bob Dylan famously sung "The times they are a-changin'".  Whether in business or in life, the relationships you are engaged with are in a constant state of change.  New information is gathered, perspectives change, objectives change. Many times this change is good for both parties.  However there are times when change requires additional action.  That additional action may include letting a customer go.  The strategic fit may no longer be there, or you may no longer be able to help.   In this weeks' episode of the Catalyst Sale Podcast we share our personal experience related to making the tough choice to let a customer go.  And why, it may be good for both of your businesses. We discuss the right way, and the wrong way to let a customer go.  We also discuss the importance of not doing this alone. Catalyst Sale Sales is a Thinking Process.  Catalyst Sale is a learning organization first and foremost. That’s why we care about a thinking process that enables r

  • Sales Enablement - 27

    28/02/2017 Duration: 16min

    Sales Enablement - The Swiss Army Knife of your Sales Organization - Catalyst Sale Podcast Sales Enablement takes on a different meaning depending on who is involved in the conversation, and who is driving the mission.  Today, there are a number of sales enablement technologies that have entered the marketplace.   Sales enablement goes well beyond tools and technology.  It includes process, it includes communication, it includes integration.  It can be the bridge that connects marketing, operations, engineering, technology, finance, and operations.  In our experience, the ability for someone, or a group, that plays the role of connector across lines of business will help you minimize false starts.   In this weeks' episode of the Catalyst Sale Podcast we share how we define sales enablement at Catalyst Sale, why you may want to consider this type of role in your organization, and how to execute.  Mike and Mike also share their experience with building a sales enablement team from the ground up. Catalyst Sale S

  • Channel Partners - 26

    21/02/2017 Duration: 20min

    Working With and Identifying Channel Partners - Catalyst Sale Podcast Partners can accelerate growth in your startup.  They can also cannibalize your business if you choose the wrong one. When you evaluate your partner strategy, it is critical that you identify your primary objectives.   Are you focused on growth in new markets?  Do you have enough margin in your business to properly compensate a partner?  How much time will you save with this approach?  How much will it cost you?  Are you better off building the capability internally?   Once these questions are answered, and you have identified your target partners, the tough questions follow.  Are they the right cultural fit?  How do our business objectives align?  How will their customers respond to the product?  How will their sales team sell the product?  Why will their sales team sell the product? Mike and Mike share their thoughts on partner management, qualification, and execution.  They discuss best practices, common mistakes, and share their persona

  • The Call Plan - 25

    14/02/2017 Duration: 15min

    The Call Plan - Catalyst Sale Podcast How many times have your wrapped up a conversation with a client or prospect, and thought 'crap, I missed that'? Call planning is a foundational skill.  Ben Franklin said, "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!"  Planning is a crucial skill in both sales and life.  Yet, many rush this step or skip over the basics because they just want to talk to the customer.  We challenge you to take a breath, relax, and identify your goals and objectives before jumping on that next call. Mike and Mike share their thoughts on call planning, concepts that tend to be missed, and also share a basic call plan that will help you keep your meetings on track.   You can download the Call Plan discussed in this podcast via the following here. Catalyst Sale Sales is a Thinking Process.  Catalyst Sale is a learning organization first and foremost. That’s why we care about a thinking process that enables results versus a process that tells people what to do. We aim to add value whenever we

  • The Vend Zone - 24

    07/02/2017 Duration: 22min

    The Vend Zone - Catalyst Sale Podcast We have all experienced it at one time or another.  You are looking for more out of a relationship than the other party has in their mind.  The dreaded friend zone.  Sales is a skill/capability that requires the ability to build relationships over time.  Relationships can evolve, they can also get stuck.  As a sales professional you try to avoid being caught in an order-taking role, but sometimes you are unable to break through the type-cast.   Sales training events or seminars discuss taking a consultative approach to working with your customer.  They discuss how to avoid an order-taking and being pulled into a transactional role.  Sometimes this is truly a function of the product, the relationship, or the need of the customer.  We discuss how to identify when this is the case.   Mike & Mike also share their experience getting stuck in the "Vend Zone", how you can avoid this trap, and prevent the relationships with your customers from devolving into this category. Ca

  • Agile Sales - 23

    31/01/2017 Duration: 21min

    Agile Sales - Catalyst Sale Podcast Is sales agile?  Mike and Mike tackle this question of sales in the context of agile methodologies.  We also discuss how this development approach applies within the Catalyst Sale Process.  Successful sales professionals are agile by design.  Whether thinking about how we work with customers or how we work with our team, critical thinking and iteration are core requirements of the job.   Mike & Mike also share some experience with cross-functional team communication, process application, setting expectations, and the importance of listening to your customer.  Catalyst Sale Sales is a Thinking Process.  Catalyst Sale is a learning organization first and foremost. That’s why we care about a thinking process that enables results versus a process that tells people what to do. We aim to add value whenever we can, and our true success is measured by the sustainability of our work long after we complete a project. We surround ourselves with good company and never stop learning

  • Does Your Sales Script Get in the Way?

    24/01/2017 Duration: 20min

    Sales Script? Is your Script getting in the way of Sales - Catalyst Sale Podcast Are you forcing a sales script on your team?  Has your organization given you a script?  Scripts might create efficiency, but they also create bad behaviors and laziness in the sales process.   Sales is a thinking process, Mike and Mike share their experience with scripts, the perfect message, compelling value proposition, etc.  Many times these are created based on the 'ideal' scenario.   Scripting is different than having a call plan.  We also discuss how we coach our team to prepare for calls, the importance of calling a time out, and why "I don't know" is an OK thing to say. Catalyst Sale Sales is a Thinking Process.  Catalyst Sale is a learning organization first and foremost. That’s why we care about a thinking process that enables results versus a process that tells people what to do. We aim to add value whenever we can, and our true success is measured by the sustainability of our work long after we complete a project. We

  • Traction is No Substitute for Revenue

    17/01/2017 Duration: 17min

    Traction is No Substitute for Revenue - Catalyst Sale Podcast Are you generating revenue or traction?  Traction may be a great first step when you are working your way out of rut, or a roadside ditch.  When it comes to your job as a Sales Professional, traction is no substitute for revenue.  It is critical that we are constantly evaluating our success against real metrics, and traction is not one of them.   What are you moving forward?  What's actionable? Are your activity based metrics reinforcing the wrong behavior? Mike & Mike discuss key ideas and concepts around identifying the right metrics to measure success, and determining that you & your sales team are on the right path. Catalyst Sale Sales is a Thinking Process.  Catalyst Sale is a learning organization first and foremost. That’s why we care about a thinking process that enables results versus a process that tells people what to do. We aim to add value whenever we can, and our true success is measured by the sustainability of our work long

  • Tips for Finding Your Next Sales Job

    09/01/2017 Duration: 18min

    Catalyst Sale Podcast - Finding Your Next Sales Job How does your sales process and approach apply to looking for your next career opportunity?  Is sales the right place for you?  Is an account executive or an account manager role a better fit, what about indirect sales?  How do you determine fit? Mike & Mike talk about identifying your next career move, and how to prepare to take advantage of an opportunity when it presents itself.  We talk about assessing gaps, clarifying goals, and designing a plan for success. We also talk about looking internally for new opportunities.  Why a startup may be a good fit for you, and why to avoid that environment. Catalyst Sale Sales is a Thinking Process.  Catalyst Sale is a learning organization first and foremost. That’s why we care about a thinking process that enables results versus a process that tells people what to do. We aim to add value whenever we can, and our true success is measured by the sustainability of our work long after we complete a project. We surr

  • How Do You Put a Bad Year Behind You?

    03/01/2017 Duration: 23min

    Catalyst Sale Podcast - How to Get Over a Bad Year Sometimes, many times in higher risk sales, the year does not end as your originally envisioned.  High risk from a sales perspective, can mean emerging technologies, early adopter targets, or simply breaking ground in a new territory.  A bad year can be the result of poor planning, poor execution, or simply having the time run out on you.  When you have a bad year it is important to compartmentalize and move on.  Evaluate what you learned, apply the lessons, get back to the foundational skills and process that have led to past success. Mike & Mike discuss key ideas and concepts around moving forward after a bad year, and not letting a bad year beat you twice. Catalyst Sale Sales is a Thinking Process.  Catalyst Sale is a learning organization first and foremost. That’s why we care about a thinking process that enables results versus a process that tells people what to do. We aim to add value whenever we can, and our true success is measured by the sustain

  • How to Develop a Comp Plan

    27/12/2016 Duration: 20min

    Catalyst Sale Podcast - Compensation Plans for Sales Professionals Compensation plans are something we all have experience with as sales professionals.  Whether it is designing a plan to reinforce desired behaviors, from a sales leadership perspective.  Or, modifying our behaviors to optimize a plan designed for us, from an individual contributor perspective.  Compensation plans require thought and modeling.   Mike & Mike discuss their experience designing comp plans, risks in changing a plan mid-year, and their general thoughts on the considerations you should make from both the sales leadership & individual contributor perspective.

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