Empowered By Iron



We challenge the status quo. We break our own trails. We live passionately. We are STRONG. We are BRAVE. We are EMPOWERED BY IRON. Hosted by Dr. Kristin Lander and Mary Morton (PhD), Empowered by Iron is an outlet and a resource, for women who are finding their confidence, their independence and their strength through iron. Topics include nutrition, weightlifting & powerlifting, mental health and badass guest interviews. No B.S., just two women who were Empowered by Iron.


  • Gear: What you actually need for weightlifting, CrossFit, and Powerlifting - Episode 19

    13/02/2017 Duration: 36min

    Gear: What you actually need for weightlifting, CrossFit, and powerlifting - Episode 19 There is so much gear out there, it can be hard to determine what you need and what you don’t need.  A lot of it is personal preference, but we’re here to breakdown what is necessary and what is optional.   [caption id="attachment_785" align="aligncenter" width="300"] WE ARE A LIFESTYLE BRAND, TO WEAR INSIDE AND OUT OF THE GYM TO SHOW EVERYONE THAT YOU ARE THE REAL FREAK ATHLETES, YOU SET YOUR GOALS AND DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO MAKE THEM A REALITY.[/caption]

  • When looks don't matter - Episode 19

    06/02/2017 Duration: 17min

    When looks don’t matter - Episode 19 PSA: It does not matter how you look. Today Kristin and Mary sit down to have a heart-to-heart discussion on why what you do with your time and energy is exponentially more important than how your butt looks in jeans. You are not going to want to miss this episode!

  • It's time to be selfish - Bonus Episode

    01/02/2017 Duration: 05min

    Bonus: It’s time to be selfish - Episode 18 You are your #1 fan. Take care of yourself first, prioritize and dominate! It’s okay to be selfish sometimes.

  • Body Weight Fluctuations: What they mean and what you can learn from them - Episode 17

    23/01/2017 Duration: 14min

    Body Weight Fluctuations: What they mean and what you can learn from them - Episode 17 We’ve all done it before:  You get on the scale and think “holy $hit!  I gained 2 pounds overnight?!” We’re here to calm you down and give you the science behind what is really going on with your body.  We’ll also teach you how to use this knowledge to your advantage if you compete in a weight class sport. Definitely a must-listen episode to those competitive strength athletes! If you need help making weight or changing weight classes hit up our sports nutrition specialist, Dr. Kristin Lander! www.fiercelyfueled.com @fiercelyfuelednutrition fiercelyfueled@gmail.com

  • Jilly Jaworske: Juggernaut Athlete, Coach and Female Badass - Episode 16

    16/01/2017 Duration: 59min

    Jilly Jaworske: Juggernaut Athlete, Coach and Female Badass - Episode 16 In a hectic world, the iron can offer stability. In this episode coach and athlete, Jilly Jaworske, tells us how weightlifting grounds her.  She also discusses life as a juggernaut athlete as well as her new barbell club, Texas Strength Systems Barbell. Prepare to be inspired by this 24 year-old badass. Jilly Jaworske: Personal IG: @jillyjaworske TSS Barbell: @TSSBarbell TSS Barbell Heartbreaker Qualifier February 18th, 2017 in San Antonio, TX.  

  • This one, key thing will determine your success in meeting your goals: Consistency

    09/01/2017 Duration: 20min

    This one. key thing will determine your success in meeting your goals: Consistency Consistency, not perfection, is what will make or break your goals.  Be patient, be resilient, and know yourself.  

  • Jennifer Millican: Mom, Elite Powerlifter and Female Badass - Episode 14

    02/01/2017 Duration: 25min

    Jennifer Millican: Mom, Elite Powerlifter and Female Badass - Episode 14 No story is the same, today, American Record holder and overall best lifter at the 2016 USAPL RAW Nationals, Jennifer Millican, tells us hers. From motherhood to powerlifter, Jennifer’s passion and drive has propelled her in her lifting career and life. There is no excuse big enough to NOT chase your dreams!! Check out Jennifer’s Blog: www.poweryourown.blogspot.com

  • Periodization in Training: Having a Plan Matters - Episode 13

    26/12/2016 Duration: 11min

    Periodization in Training: Having a Plan Matters - Episode 13 Everyone has different training goals, but if you don’t have a plan how you are going to attach those goals, then you are doing yourself a disservice. In this episode, we get super technical as we break down the different methods of training; Why periodization is important and which method is best for your goals. Online resources mentioned in this episode: T-Nation  Starting Strength Breaking Muscle Catalyst Athletics Bodybuilding.com

  • Sarah Robles - 2016 Olympic Bronze Medalist, Weightlifter and Female Badass - Episode 12

    19/12/2016 Duration: 52min

    Sarah Robles - 2016 Olympic Bronze Medalist, Weightlifter and Female Badass - Episode 12 Sarah tells us about how she burst onto the weightlifting scene, her fight to get on the Olympic team (twice) what she's been up to since winning the bronze medal in Rio and how her struggles have led to staying true to who she is and acceptance of herself. Be prepared to be inspired!! Where you can find Sarah: IG: @roblympian Pretty Strong Blog Sarah's amazing sponsors: Superfit Hero 360 Stretch

  • Body Image - Episode 11

    12/12/2016 Duration: 17min

    Body Image -  Episode 11 Loving yourself shouldn’t be difficult, but in today’s world, it's a revolutionary idea. Today, Kristin and Mary sit down to discuss body image, and how their own battles have led them to where they are now...peace.  

  • Manipulating Carbohydrates for Training and Recovery - Episode 10

    05/12/2016 Duration: 29min

    Manipulating Carbohydrates for Training and Recovery Ep. 10 Carbs, arguably the most delicious and energizing macronutrient. In this episode, Dr. Kristin Lander discusses how to utilize carbs for optimal training and recovery. She breaks it down to a science (because science works!!) and explains how she implements carbs for the athletes that she coaches. Remember, eat your carbs!!! www.fiercelyfueled.com IG: @fiercelyfuelednutrition FB: @fiercelyfuelednutrition fiercelyfueled@gmail.com

  • Cortney Batchelor: Weightlifter, Singlet Designer, Entrepreneur & Female Badass - Episode 09

    28/11/2016 Duration: 31min

    Cortney Batchelor: Weightlifter, Singlet Designer, Entrepreneur & Female Badass - Episode 09 Olympic hopeful, singlets, and a pig!  Cortney Batchelor tells us what it was like to train at the Olympic Training Center, how she started her singlet business, and how through weightlifting, she has developed a positive body image in a world that doesn’t always see muscles as feminine.  If you listen closely, you just might hear her pig, Layla, in the background.   Cortney’s IG: @im53batch The Snort Life’s Singlets IG: @thesnortlifesinglets

  • Passionately Protest Mediocrity - Episode 08

    21/11/2016 Duration: 14min

    Passionately Protest Mediocrity; Ep.08 Do you ever get in a funk in the gym, start going through the motions, and forget to be great?  Love yourself enough to work harder, keep your eyes on your goals, and don’t settle for mediocre training or a mediocre life!  

  • Positivity in Training, A Powerful Tool - Episode 07

    14/11/2016 Duration: 16min

    Positivity in Training, A Powerful Tool - Episode 07 Have you ever noticed how a kickass training session tends to carry over into the rest of your day?  Likewise, a bad day in the gym can make for a bad day overall.  Today we discuss strategies to create a positive gym experience, how to redefine your expectations and create a positive LIFE!

  • Flexible Dieting - Episode 06

    07/11/2016 Duration: 16min

    Flexible Dieting - Episode 06. Doughnuts, broccoli and abs?! What?! Fiercely Fueled Nutrition coach, Dr. Kristin Lander, discusses flexible dieting, and what her philosophy is on the subject. If you thought flexible dieting was all about the junk food, you’re in for a surprise.

  • Strength Sport Expert, Lauren Rutan, Episode 05

    31/10/2016 Duration: 21min

    Strength Sport Expert, Lauren Rutan, Ep.05 Lauren Rutan, National level powerlifter and multiple state record holder, tells us how she went from cheerleader to figure competitor to regional level CrossFitter and then on to semi-professional weightlifter and now powerlifter.  Basically, she’s done it ALL!!  Hear about the lessons she has learned along the way and how she makes time for training while being mom to 4 kids.   IG: @rutan422 Website: www.laurenrutan.com Email: rutan422@gmail.com

  • Why Rest Days Are So Important- Episode 04

    24/10/2016 Duration: 12min

    Episode 04. Are you team no-days-off? Do you find yourself struggling to get through your days (let alone your workouts)? Your body might be screaming for a rest day, and it’s about time you listened to it. Kristin Lander IG: @KristinLander Website: www.fiercelyfueled.com IG: @FiercelyFueledNutrition Mary Morton IG: @astoldbymary

  • Jennifer Thompson: Mother, World Champion Powerlifter and Female Badass. - Episode 03

    17/10/2016 Duration: 40min

    Episode 03 Do not let others or your circumstances define you, build your own awesome life.  Our guest today did just that. Jennifer Thompson is a mother, an elite Powerlifter and a female badass who holds multiple records at the international, national and state levels. In this episode we discuss how Jennifer Thompson got to where she is today, lessons she has learned and how she was Empowered by Iron. Where to find Jen: IG: @jenthompson132 Website: www.132poundsofpower.com Jen’s YouTube: 132 Pounds of Power Thompson’s Gym YouTube: Thompson’s Gym Iron Sisters: IG: @Ironsisterhood Website: www.ironsistersusa.com

  • A Lion Doesn't Concern Oneself with the Opinions of Sheep - Episode 01

    10/10/2016 Duration: 23min

    Episode O1. The nay-sayers, the shit-talkers, the people who have nothing better to do than put a damper on your day. Those people are sheep, and we are lions & lions do not concern themselves with the opinions of sheep.  

  • Kristin Pope - Olympic Weightlifter & Female Badass - Episode 02

    10/10/2016 Duration: 18min

    Episode 02. In this episode we interview olympic weightlifter & female badass, Kristin Pope. From level 10 gymnast to national level weightlifter & nutrition coach, Kristin has tackled many obstacles in her journey. Through weightlifting, she found “her people” and a place where she could finally let her true self shine. Kristin discusses how she found weightlifting, why passion is so important and offers some sound advice to all athletes interested in competitive lifting. Kristin Pope: Instagram: @Kris10Pope YouTube: Kris10Pope Nutrition Coaching: www.barbellsandbows.net

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