I Love My Shepherd



I Love My Shepherd Ministries and ilovemyshepherd.com exists to offer encouragement and usable resources for those in ministry and for those they minister to. Writer, Deaconess, and licensed independent social worker and mental health professional-Heidi Goehmann advocates for women, mental health, and genuine relationships across life stages & cultures.I love my husband, my kiddos, post it notes, Jesus, red wine, dark chocolate, Star Wars, and new ideasnot necessarily in that order. If I could pour time and energy into anything in this life it would be loving our Savior and the people around me, even when Im hangry or slangry.


  • Lack (and Enough)

    26/11/2019 Duration: 24min

    Episode 6 – Lack (and Enough) New series: Episode 5: Vulnerability (and Boundaries) Episode 6: Lack (and Enough) Episode 7: Courage (and JOMO) What is lack? Lack can be real, but hyperawareness creates scarcity Where do we see it in individuals, families, and the church? (and what's the result) 1 fear and shame 2 hyperawareness and fixation v awareness of what we need 3 tucking in rather than connecting 4 never satisfied, running on empty Lack as an individual What dynamics play into our experience of lack v enough? What areas did we experience a sense of lack in our family of origin? Lack in community Where is lack surfacing in your church, workplace, or other organization – is creativity and/or brainstorming allowed? What has God given us here? What is it that He has given us that is enough? What does God say about lack? Jesus in the Gospels Philippians 4:9-13 Genesis 22 Romans 3:23-25 How do we combat lack? Practice of enough – You are enough. I am enough. He is enough. Enough in Christ. Culture of grat

  • Vulnerability (and Boundaries)

    19/11/2019 Duration: 22min

    Episode 5 – Vulnerability (and Boundaries) New series: Episode 5: Vulnerability (and Boundaries) Episode 6: Lack (and Enough) Episode 7: Courage (and JOMO) Vulnerability Definitions - the good, bad, and ugly New definition: Brene Brown, Daring Greatly https://amzn.to/2pYlyE2 (affiliate link) Vulnerability mantra or repeated phrase: “Because I love God, I love people. I will be vulnerable.” Vulnerability without grace on the return closes the relationship Vulnerability with grace = safety and growth God the Father as the Safest Space 3 Concepts of Strength in Vulnerability Strength 1 - It chooses to see the bigger picture. Colossians 3:1-4 Strength 2 - It’s connecting. 2 Corinthians 6:11-13 Strength 3 - It’s a spiritual practice. Because I love God, I love people. I will be vulnerable. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

  • The Mystery of Prayer

    22/10/2019 Duration: 23min

    Episode 4 – Mystery of Prayer   Special Guest: Michelle Diercks, Peace in His Presence Podcast  https://michellediercks.com/podcast/   Mighty and Mysterious Release episode with Heidi: http://traffic.libsyn.com/michellediercks/heidi.mp3   Colossians 3:15-17 A Reading from The Mighty and The Mysterious, pg. 179   Where do dwelling and prayer connect? Making time for God Reading the Word Listening to music about God Awareness of His presence   Bob Goff quote – Love Does https://amzn.to/2odEwpr   Prayer and our relationship with God Sometimes God changes us, rather than fixes things for us. God enjoys us even when we’re not enjoyable.   Prayers impact on our relationships with our family and close friendships Colossians 1:9-11 Psalm 27:14 and connecting where God has put someone we love, even far away The mystery and might of praying together in marriage Friendship stamina – prayer as a response to friendship struggles   The Church and the mystery of prayer When church is painful The intimacy under the surface

  • The Mystery of the Church

    08/10/2019 Duration: 20min

      Episode 3 – Mystery of Church   A reading from the Mighty & The Mysterious, pg. 214 – a little glimpse into the Church on Earth   The Church = people, community, life together Perfect & Far from Perfect Broken & Redeemed   Order and organization + Family Life How is the church mysterious like family? How would the church look different if we treated it like a family?   Family life -> church life Affection             Ephesians 5             Song of Songs             Value of each person Vulnerability Connecting activities/rituals             Celebrating Pentecost ideas: https://blog.cph.org/read/to-the-church-on-her-birthday Eating together and learning/growing together Impact of criticism, contempt, isolation, and dysfunction   What questions do you have about the mystery of the Church on Earth?     Podcast Question – What is a relationship that has influenced you? Jeanie, mentor and friend   The Mighty and The Mysterious: https://amzn.to/34SF98i Simple Church: https://amzn.to/2LBbdpW     (

  • The Mystery of Relationships

    24/09/2019 Duration: 25min

    Episode 2 – Mystery of Relationship Intro: God as the Great Connector mystery to God’s connecting work the gift of God’s connecting work   Know and Being Known Genesis 1 Genesis 2:18-25 – the creation of marriage, not just marriage Knowing with God the connection of grace to knowing – forgiveness, questions, confessing our stuff, telling him our difficult emotions and pain What could we ask God if we had no shame before Him? Knowing with our Family and Friends Is there anyone you feel you can be your true self with and still be loved and accepted? What does that relationship look like that helps us know we are known and it’s that place of acceptance and grace? Knowing in the Church God’s idea for giving us a place to be known and be safe How do we know each other in the church than in the people of God differently outside of that? What depth should there be in the relationship of believers? How do we build up that knowing in the Body of Christ? How does hiding (Genesis 3) impact knowing?     Safety Th

  • The Mystery of God

    10/09/2019 Duration: 19min

    Welcome to Season 3!  Episode 1 – The Mighty Mystery of God   4 Episode series: The Mighty Mystery of God The Mighty Mystery of Relationships The Mighty Mystery of Prayer The Mighty Mystery of the Church   Episode Design- this mystery’s impact on our relationship with God, our relationship with others, and our relationships within the church   Mystery of God 101 It’s time to become OK with questions. God is not deceptive. God is mighty. He is bigger than we are.   What is the impact of the mystery of God on my relationship with God? The place of mightiness The place of honesty The place of control The place of knowing   What is the impact of the mystery of God on my relationship with other people? Conversation about creation and the Creator Admitting we are uncomfortable, don’t know, or don’t understand   What is the impact of the mystery of God on my relationship with the community of the church? Imagine if we could have an open place to ask our questions and admit we don’t have all the answers We have to ta

  • Life in Relationship

    20/08/2019 Duration: 01min

    Name change time! I Love My Shepherd -----> Life in Relationship What's coming at you this season? Where do I get the resources? First episode drops September 10th. In the meantime, visit me at heidigoehmann.com   YouTube @heidigoehmannwrites Facebook @heidigoehmannwrites Instagram @heidigoehmann Snapchat @heidiadventures  

  • Prodigal Mercy

    14/05/2019 Duration: 29min

    ILMS25 – WII: Prodigal Mercy Release Date: May 14 Special Guest: Paula Isakson, Faith Family Reunions   Paula’s Story   The “I Don’t Know” Moment The connection between childhood experience and faith development             We all have shame and grace moments             Lies we believe and the whiny voice             God writes our testimonies Restoration is better than what we started with             Law as a shape for grace             Looking forward to the reunion in heaven             Shame is nothing in Jesus   Who helps you sort through Who God is?   Faith Family Reunions Website:  https://www.faithfamilyreunion.com Newsletter Sign Up:  https://www.faithfamilyreunion.com/contact-us   Welcome With Video:  (at bottom):  https://www.faithfamilyreunion.com/welcome Testimony Video:  https://www.faithfamilyreunion.com/announcements   Link to curriculum:  https://www.faithfamilyreunion.com/Faith-Family-Reunion-Curriculum-     heidigoehmann.com or ilovemyshepherd.com YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c

  • YA: Still

    07/05/2019 Duration: 15min

    ILMS24 – YA: Still Release Date: May 7 Psalm 46:10-11   Let’s take a poll – How many of you want to live your best life? How many of you want to live a junky life, or even a so-so life?   What do people need for their best life? (Consider as a group or on your own.)   Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs https://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html     We look at this list and can see some of our problems in the spaces on the pyramid Where are my friends? Do I have them? Worried about money for college or even food and our homes We might struggle with some sadness or depression What the heck am I here for? What should I do with my life? In down moments, we wonder if we’re really worthwhile, if we’re loved.   We start to feel anxious, certainly don’t feel like we’re living that best life.   Our #1 Need is…knowing God. Knowing we have a real present God. Our pyramid forgot its foundation.   Let’s find the foundation in Psalm 46:10-11: “Be still, and know that I am God.     I will be exalted among the nations,     I wi

  • Ten Minutes of Compassion

    02/05/2019 Duration: 12min

    IMLS 23 - Ten Minutes of Compassion Ten Minute Truth #1 - Compassion assumes some discomfort Ten Minute Truth #2 - Compassion includes the "and" of truth and mercy What about discipline and truth? Psalm 119:77 -Let your mercy come to me, that I may live; for your law is my delight. Ten Minute Truth #3 - compassion includes a “but” Nehemiah 9:16-19a  Ten Minute Truth #4 – love them anyway We are going to need it ourselves Mark 6 Matthew 9 heidigoehmann.com or ilovemyshepherd.com YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/ilovemyshepherd Facebook - @ilovemyshepherd Twitter -  @heidigoehmann Instagram - @heidigoehmann Snapchat - @heidiadventures ESV Bible translation - Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

  • Altogether Beautiful

    10/04/2019 Duration: 47min

    ILMS 22 – Altogether Beautiful: Middle Schoolers and Teens   Altogether Beautiful Identity Concept of the Sense of Self   They are asking: What are my personal values and beliefs? What are my goals? What are my ideas? Can I share them? Ask: What they think about a current event? A big topic?   Build trust by listening, with no judgement, freedom to disagree, gentle guidance/boundaries   Dealing with comparison Say: You are beautiful. But also You are strong. You are smart. You messed up. You are forgiven. You can figure this out. I’m happy to help. Tell me what you need.   Altogether Beautiful Friendship Teach social skills: learning to listen, valuing conversation, asking questions, what demands a text, what is a snap chat, social media post, etc. what is public and private, humor v making fun,   Teach friendship skills: showing up when someone needs them, friendship is different than teamwork, friendship is different than similar interests, trust and confidentiality, listening to know, inviting and acceptin

  • YA: Brought

    04/04/2019 Duration: 12min

    ILMS 21 – YA: Brought The best way to make sense of God’s work in destruction is to remember what He is done and Who He is.   Psalm 46:8-9 Come, behold the works of the Lord,     how he has brought desolations on the earth. He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;     he breaks the bow and shatters the spear;     he burns the chariots with fire.   Brought Desolations End to war The grey area of destruction God does destroy and allow destruction, Ecc 3, God created for our benefit but He will work in destruction to reveal Himself, without Good Friday there is no Easter Hebrew for desolations = waste or horror (Shawmah) to (shawbath)     Come behold the works of the Lord what is there to behold that the Lord does? He place of rememberance in getting through life’s hard stuff Brainstorm- God creates God provides God disciplines God watches over God changes - hearts and history God saves   God brings in rest and restoration   Brought Israelites out of Egypt – Exodus 14-15 What were the hard parts (the des

  • Ministry Talks: Friendship and Ministry

    04/04/2019 Duration: 40min

    ILMS 20 – Ministry Talks: Friendship and Ministry 1 Samuel 14:1-7 - Jonathan and his armor bearer   Step One of Friendship: Prayer   Step Two: Admitting friendship isn’t easy Friendship will continue to be a challenge as long as we walk the earth - God = relational, Genesis 2:25 - Satan likes isolation - dual relationships - Ministry and friendship are both personal   Step Three: Vulnerability = walking into a situation exposed - no hiding - Boundaries with flexibility How do we drop the armor satan would put on us and pick up God’s armor so we can walk vulnerably into relationships? 1) Do the inviting 2) Know there will be hurt and pain 3) Two things that grow relationships – awkwardness and forgiveness 4) Addressing expectations directly, having uncomfortable conversations 5) Finding a script   Step Four: Mindfulness = awareness, bringing what is unconscious to consciousness - consider the dynamics at play 6 things to be particularly mindful of for friendship in ministry 1) confidence and confidentiality 2)

  • Ten Minutes of Consolation

    28/03/2019 Duration: 10min

    ILMS 19 – Ten Minutes of Consolation Consolation – “…the comfort received by a person after a loss or disappointment; a person or thing providing comfort to a person who has suffered…” (google dictionary)   Ten minute truth #1 – There are many and various losses and griefs of life   Ten Minutes Truth #2 – There are two types of consolation we can offer people: The wrong way – Job 2 The Jesus way – John 11   Ten Minute Truth #3 – The power of showing up   Philippians 2:1-2   Ten Minutes Truth #4 - The Spirit intercedes Advocate, Comforter, Counselor   The value of words of restoration     ilovemyshepherd.com YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd0fe9BbadMkIZwWx-esd-g Facebook - @ilovemyshepherd Twitter -  @ilovemyshepherd Instagram - @ilovemyshepherdministries   ESV Bible translation - Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

  • YA: With

    23/03/2019 Duration: 17min

    ILMS 18 – YA: With   We often formulate our ideas of God based on our ideas of people. Psalm 46:7 7 The Lord of hosts is with us;     the God of Jacob is our fortress.  This is a refrain of Psalm 46 Refrain: something repeated   Question: Why might this be a useful chorus to repeat to ourselves or one another in our own lives? What kinds of things happen in the Psalm and in our lives that draw us to remember and need God? What kinds of things cause us to forget God or set God aside?   God with us = Never alone, even at our loneliest, God in the middle of everything   Spiritual truth- We have a “With Us” God   Biblical Proof: Zephaniah 3:17 What does God enjoy watching you do in life?   Joshua 1:9 Where is God going with you today?   Psalm 23:4 What kinds of shadows is God walking through with us?     Consider how God is with each person in these passages and what that means for us: Judges 6:12 Matthew 28:20 Isaiah 7:14   Proverbs 18:10 - running to God to be with Him The name of the Lord is a strong tower;

  • Ten Minutes of Agape

    14/03/2019 Duration: 12min

    ILMS 17 – Ten Minutes of Agape With Pastor Matt Schuler   What in the world is Agape?   Ten Minute Truth #1 - Agape = sacrificial love Sacrificial love v love for my pizza What do we do when relationships disappoint?   Ten Minute Truth #2 - Agape = love that isn’t disrupted by anything Romans 8:38-39 – What can separate us from God’s Agape Love?   Bethel Music – You Make Me Brave https://youtu.be/MLgpFMWboYw   Ten Minute Truth #3 - Agape = no preference Matthew 5 –brave love of those we don’t really want to love Brave love against prejudice   Ten Minute Truth #4 - Agape = there when we fail John 21     ilovemyshepherd.com YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd0fe9BbadMkIZwWx-esd-g Facebook - @ilovemyshepherd Twitter -  @ilovemyshepherd         Instagram - @ilovemyshepherdministries   ESV Bible translation - Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

  • YA: Voice

    05/02/2019 Duration: 13min

    Show notes: The nations rage, the kingdoms totter;    he utters his voice, the earth melts. – Psalm 46:6 What images come to mind from this verse?How do people generally picture the end of the world?  Hebrews 1:1-3 Just like us, God speaks in different ways, speaking different messages at the different times we need them. Sometimes God speaks loud and sometimes God speaks soft. Examples of God’s voice in the OT- Find the example in each, how and where is God speaking.What do we learn about God and His character from the passage?What’s the message and why does the person need it? Moses and bush – Exodus 3 David asking to build a temple – 2 Samuel 7 Eli and Samuel – 1 Samuel 3 Elijah and small voice – 1 Kings 19   How do we hear God’s voice?When does God speak loud in life figuratively and when does He speak soft figuratively? How do we use our voices?What kinds of things do we say and do each day which speak God and do not speak God?   ilovemyshepherd.com YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/ilovemyshepherd Fac

  • Ministry Talks: 6 Ministry Marriage Dynamics

    31/01/2019 Duration: 34min

    ILMS 15 – Ministry Talks: 6 Dynamics of Ministry and Marriage Vocation and amplification   Marriage Dynamic 1 – What’s Love and Respect Got to Do with it? criticism and sensitivity questions and practical suggestions   Marriage Dynamic 2 –They appreciate me! Communicate early and often: Ministry is not less when done at home State what you need Assume the best Get very creative   Marriage Dynamic 4 – I don’t want to burden him/her! The crazy caregiver cycle What all needs your time - block days and creating time   Marriage dynamic 5 – But we have no money! I wish we had just a little more The miracle of a paycheck Honoring provision The struggle of debt (Ministry Talks - Finances and Budgeting -https://youtu.be/g4uIlLk4arQ   Marriage Dynamic 6 – The Spiritual Mountain top and the Spiritual Desert Tending to faith and Co-conspirators   I Love My Shepherd, Marriage and Family page - https://ilovemyshepherd.com/marriage-and-family-1/ Gottman Institute - https://www.gottman.com/     ilovemyshepherd.com YouTube -

  • Ten Minutes of Joy

    24/01/2019 Duration: 11min

    ILMS 14 – Ten Minutes of Joy With Matt Schuler   For the moment and eternally Psalms emphasis on Joy, worshipful   John 16:22 – Jesus’s promise of Joy in Him, no one can take away   Grief transformed – looking to the Psalms   James 1:2-3 – joy in trials…for real?   Delight Biblically related to time with God, awareness of God working, time in God’s Word   Matthew 28 – the resurrection of Joy   Paradox and joy   Matthew 25 – humility and joy, abundance in joy, finding our place in joy   ilovemyshepherd.com YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/ilovemyshepherd Facebook - @ilovemyshepherd Twitter -  @ilovemyshepherd Instagram - @ilovemyshepherdcommunity   ESV Bible translation - Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

  • YA: Help

    01/01/2019 Duration: 15min

    Show notes-  YA: Help Fun Question: What kinds of New Year’s resolutions do people make? - Health - Money - Relationships - School/Work        Psalm 46:1-5, focus on v. 5   The sandwich of Help in Psalm 46, verse 1 and 5   Look at one example in the Bible of needing help and not asking for it, and one of wisely asking for help: Exodus 18:13-17 Acts 6:1-6    What do you need help with?   Challenge: make a resolution and include who you will ask for help from  

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