I Love My Shepherd

Altogether Beautiful



ILMS 22 – Altogether Beautiful: Middle Schoolers and Teens   Altogether Beautiful Identity Concept of the Sense of Self   They are asking: What are my personal values and beliefs? What are my goals? What are my ideas? Can I share them? Ask: What they think about a current event? A big topic?   Build trust by listening, with no judgement, freedom to disagree, gentle guidance/boundaries   Dealing with comparison Say: You are beautiful. But also You are strong. You are smart. You messed up. You are forgiven. You can figure this out. I’m happy to help. Tell me what you need.   Altogether Beautiful Friendship Teach social skills: learning to listen, valuing conversation, asking questions, what demands a text, what is a snap chat, social media post, etc. what is public and private, humor v making fun,   Teach friendship skills: showing up when someone needs them, friendship is different than teamwork, friendship is different than similar interests, trust and confidentiality, listening to know, inviting and acceptin