I Love My Shepherd

YA: Still



ILMS24 – YA: Still Release Date: May 7 Psalm 46:10-11   Let’s take a poll – How many of you want to live your best life? How many of you want to live a junky life, or even a so-so life?   What do people need for their best life? (Consider as a group or on your own.)   Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs https://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html     We look at this list and can see some of our problems in the spaces on the pyramid Where are my friends? Do I have them? Worried about money for college or even food and our homes We might struggle with some sadness or depression What the heck am I here for? What should I do with my life? In down moments, we wonder if we’re really worthwhile, if we’re loved.   We start to feel anxious, certainly don’t feel like we’re living that best life.   Our #1 Need is…knowing God. Knowing we have a real present God. Our pyramid forgot its foundation.   Let’s find the foundation in Psalm 46:10-11: “Be still, and know that I am God.     I will be exalted among the nations,     I wi