Jane Hamill | Podcast



The show for creative entrepreneurs - helping you deal with the crazy-brain, market more, sell more, and live a happy life.


  • Lead Magnets (part 2): How Does It Work and Where Do I Put It?

    31/07/2020 Duration: 10min

    Today's episode is Part 2 in a series of episodes about list building and audience building for your online store. If you haven't listened to Part 1, I would do that first. What is a Lead Magnet? It's premium content that you give in exchange for your customer's email address. What we cover in Part 2... How does a Lead Magnet really work? How do I set it up? How to I deliver the cheatsheet or PDF thingy I promised? Where do I PUT the Lead Magnet? How do I drive traffic to it? Have a listen... https://janehamill.com/magnet2/ ‎

  • What is a Lead Magnet and Do I Need One for My Online Business?

    24/07/2020 Duration: 32min

    This week, there was an lot of confusion in the List Builders membership about Lead Magnets. This episode will help you understand the role Lead Magnets play in building your online business.  BTW...this is Part ONE in a series of episodes about email marketing and List Building.  In this episode, I’m teaching you 4 things. Grab a pen… What is a Lead Magnet? Can I just offer a coupon code to collect emails and build my list? I have a pop-up on my site for list building, isn't that enough My business is different, my customers don't like getting emails, blah blah blah... Show Notes and Links:  www.janehamill.com/magnet1 Check out the List Builders membership:  www.janehamill.com/listbuilders  

  • Doing it Scared: I Launched Something New This Week & it Scared the Crap Out of Me

    17/07/2020 Duration: 09min

    Do you ever feel scared to do something even though you know it's not logical?  That was me this week. I launched a new membership program, List Builders.  And it was scary. For 2 main reasons. Enjoy! Jane

  • My 10 Best Email Subject Lines and the Open Rates

    10/07/2020 Duration: 25min

    I looooooooove email marketing.  It's easy, it's fun, and it makes money. For me and my clients - it's the BEST use of our marketing time and money.  That's why I launching a brand-new list building group program, called List Builders.  www.janehamill.com/listbuilders Today I share my best email subject lines and exactly what the open rates were. Many  of them were split tested against a second version.  The results are fascinating. Please feel free to "steal" these to use as your own. xoxo Jane www.janehamill.com

  • Why Your Email List is Useless Right Now

    03/07/2020 Duration: 19min

    If you have an email or text list and you're not using it "right", it's useless. So many entrepreneurs work hard to build a list and then we falter... we don't talk to the people on our list or keep in touch we worry about the perfect images to include we don't know what to say we're worried we'll run out of topics we get anxious about saying the wrong thing and offending people or getting unsubscribes we have those fraud-y feelings (how can I send out tips about getting organized when my desk   is a  hot mess?) Email is the #1 ROI of any marketing activity. It converts better than anything else and most studies show that for every $1 spent on email, you get between $37 - $44 back.  Whaaaaaa???? So why aren't you crushing the email game? In this episode I share 7 things you MUST know about sending emails to your audience. My hope is that you will BELIEVE ME when I say these are important. Have a listen! https://janehamill.com/useless/ Also, I'm hosting a free LIVE webinar series for creative business ow

  • Stop Wasting Time on Instagram!

    26/06/2020 Duration: 10min

    Instagram is NOT a marketing strategy. It's only one piece of a strategy. And yet, so many entrepreneurs obsess over it and it frustrates me. I have a question for you and please be honest. How much time do you spend on Instagram? And what's the ROI of your time spent? Are you making money with Instagram?  Is the effort you put in resulting in sales in a significant way -- or any way at all? This week, I'm not exactly sure why, so many of our members came to the coaching session and were really frustrated with Instagram. What am I doing wrong with Instagram? Why isn't this working better? What am I supposed to be posting? What's the aesthetic? How do I get my brand message across? Why can't I grow my account? My response...guys, stop wasting so much time on Instagram! There are a few ways to use it that are important and great. I'm not dissing on Instagram. I'm just telling you, it's not driving that much traffic for that many people. There are 3 main ways to use IG to actually move the needle on your busin

  • Q&A with Jane: Questions I Got from the Build a Following Students

    19/06/2020 Duration: 13min

    I'm changing things up a bit. Today's podcast is rapid fire Q & A day. I just had the most fantastic experience with the students from my Build a Following Before You Have a Product Ready to Sell and I want you to hear just a few of the great questions I got. www.janehamill.com/rapidfire www.janehamill.com/following  

  • 6 Steps to Extreme Productivity with Stephanie Waslyk

    12/06/2020 Duration: 35min

    What's the difference between a good week and a bad week?  A week feels productive. You're energized and excited. A bad week feels draining, exhausting, and you feel like you worked a lot but got nothing done. In this episode, I talk with one the the Coaches in my membership program, Stephanie Waslyk. Stephanie runs the Monday morning "Next 3 Steps" accountability groups for us. She's an expert at helping members go  from overwhelmed and frustrated to having clarity & a weekly plan for the next 3 most important steps in their business. Like a laser beam, she can focus in on the BS work and switch it to the money making activities.  In this episode you'll get her 6 ninja productivity steps + you can download the EXACT weekly worksheet we use for our members to keep them accountable and productive.  Get the FREE worksheet (Your Next 3 Steps) at this link:  https://janehamill.com/extremeproductivity Jane's Monthly Coaching Membership: https://janehamill.com/membership

  • I'm Listening...

    05/06/2020 Duration: 03min

    It's been such an emotional week. Our hearts are broken.  In this week's episode, I'm listening. And that's all. Jane https://janehamill.com/

  • I'm Feeling Behind in My Business and I Hate It. What Can I Do?

    30/05/2020 Duration: 15min

    I was feeling "behind" for 3 straight days this week. Which caused me to NOT make much progress. It really sucked and I felt a low level of anxiety and deep frustration that I couldn;t quite pinpoint. Then I realized 2 things... 1) I had set a 30 day goal and was working towards it when I UPPED the goal in the middle of working on it. I changed the rules on myself. 2) I forgot the golden rule of productivity - there's a time to THINK and make a plan. And there's a time to ACT and implement the plan. Think vs. Act. These two can't happen at the same time. If they do, we second-guess  our plan and our decisions. We start to think there's a "better" plan and our brain spins. Then  we feel behind and nothing gets accomplished.  This episode explains what to do about it so you can achieve extreme productivity.  Not to mention peace of mind - because feeling "behind" feels like crap.  Show Notes:  www.janehamill.com/feelingbehind Build a Following online workshop:  www.janehamill.com/following        

  • The #1 Startup Mistake and How to Avoid It

    16/05/2020 Duration: 12min

    Right now is a time to think so much bigger than you have before.  In this episode, we discuss... what kills most startups even though it is SO avoidable new thinking + new action = new results perfect is good but DONE is better new ways of doing business "Our situation is new and we need to ACT anew..." risk tolerance your business is NOT just what you sell times of great struggle are times of great growth how can you think BIGGER? what's the real purpose? it's not just about selling "stuff"  - it never is Show Notes: https://janehamill.com/perfect

  • Connecting & Marketing to Your Customers in Different Ways with Cathy Wagner from Retail Mavens

    08/05/2020 Duration: 25min

    Today's guest is my mentor and business coach Cathy Wagner from RETAILMavens. Cathy has over 30 years experience both as an owner and consultant. She is a wiz with financials and has the super power of coming up with crazy creative ways to market and create additional income streams.  Today she shares how to come up with creative marketing messages during these unprecedented times. Check it out here: www.janehamill.com/retailmavens  

  • Overwhelmed with Marketing? Just Do These Three Things

    01/05/2020 Duration: 04min

    Overwhelmed with all the different ways you could market your business? I feel ya. We're all distracted right now and our productivity is way down.  And the truth is that there are really only a few things you need to  do consistently to get real results. Let's keep it simple and focus on the THREE things that matter most with your marketing.  Do these three and you'll be fine.  Show Notes: www.janehamill.com/threethings  

  • 3 Video Prompts to Use So You Don’t Feel Stupid Making Videos for Your Business

    27/04/2020 Duration: 19min

    Today I'll teach you a quick & dirty video strategy to build a bigger audience and get more sales quickly. If you hate the idea of being on video and being the face of your brand, you're not alone.  I hated being on video when I started and it's still not my favorite thing. However, making videos means making sales. COntent marketing is always effective for getting traffic and getting found online.  Marketing with VIDEO as your content format is so effective to boost the all important KLT factor (know, like, trust) of the buyers' journey. So duh, I force myself to do them. They just work!! For me and for every single entrepreneur on the planet. So let's agree that we can all feel stupid making videos, get over it right now, and get started. I could have also called this episode "The 3 Video Prompts to Use So You Don’t Feel Stupid Making Videos for Your Business". Listen up to this episode and learn the 3 prompts, choose your favorite, and START. Simple as that.  And when you do, head over and let me know

  • Build an Audience from Scratch

    18/04/2020 Duration: 26min

    I get this question every week... How do I get a bigger audience? What are the steps to take to build my list and get people to know I exist? Today gives you the exact steps to building an audience - even if you haven't started your business yet! Show Notes and Links: www.janehamill.com/audiencebuilding/  

  • Don't Stop Selling

    10/04/2020 Duration: 14min

    Some of you feel weird about selling right now. Some of you are telling me it feels inappropriate to sell right now. Some are saying I can't charge full price. I have to put everything on sale. None of that is true, no, no, no, no, no. Here's what I want you to focus on instead... Enjoy! Jane Show Notes for This Episode: www.janehamill.com/dontstop Business Coaching with Jane: www.janehamill.com/membership Start a Clothing Line from Scratch - online course: www.fashionbrainacademy.com/ndp    

  • Starting or Pivoting a Business During Covid-19: Five Questions You MUST Ask Yourself

    03/04/2020 Duration: 28min

    This week, the chatter the in my membership program was about evolving with the times:  do I need to pivot? do I need to add another stream of income to my business?  what the heck am I doing? Will this even work? I also got a TON of people reaching out to start a clothing / accessories product from scratch and inquiring about the steps to launch. (If that's you, go here: www.fashionbrainacademy.com/ndp). The current state of the world is making us questions everything. EVERYTHING. There's also a tremendous amount of creative energy right now. It’s a huge silver lining to the Covid situation. This  episode walks you through the 5 Q's you MUST ask yourself before you decide to pivot your current business or start a new one.  I hope it helps you.  Jane www.janehamill.com/pivot  

  • "I'm Worried About Losing My Business" with Dr. Scott Terry

    27/03/2020 Duration: 43min

    42 minutes that will change your life I'm serious about this. In today's podcast, I interview Dr. Scott Terry. It will blow your mind.  He tells you what to do NEXT for your business in this climate. It's life-changing. You and your business can THRIVE, even during challenging times.  Show Notes and Links: www.janehamill.com/scottT

  • 98% Open Rates? Believe it.

    20/03/2020 Duration: 24min

    In this episode I tell you about the power and effectiveness of SMS/Text marketing. Want 98% open rates?? Yup, get on it and start your text list ASAP!  I've collaborated with Claire Wolfson from Bean Goods to teach you all the things SMS - including her ONE text last Friday that resulted in $4,000 in sales. Crazy.  Register for the workshop here:  https://janehamill.com/SMSclass/ I also tell you how some of our members are handing their business during the Covid- 19 crisis. We all came together today and hashed out our feelings, rollercoaster emotions, and plans for the business.  Show notes and links on the blog:  https://janehamill.com/98openrate/

  • How to Deal with Coronavirus (Covid- 19) for Your Small Business

    13/03/2020 Duration: 12min

    We're living through some strange times. If you're anxious about everything that's going on, you are not alone. Today's episode gives you strategies to help your small business amidst the coronavirus situation.  I hope this helps you.  Much love,  Jane www.janehamill.com    

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