Jane Hamill | Podcast

Starting or Pivoting a Business During Covid-19: Five Questions You MUST Ask Yourself



This week, the chatter the in my membership program was about evolving with the times:  do I need to pivot? do I need to add another stream of income to my business?  what the heck am I doing? Will this even work? I also got a TON of people reaching out to start a clothing / accessories product from scratch and inquiring about the steps to launch. (If that's you, go here: www.fashionbrainacademy.com/ndp). The current state of the world is making us questions everything. EVERYTHING. There's also a tremendous amount of creative energy right now. It’s a huge silver lining to the Covid situation. This  episode walks you through the 5 Q's you MUST ask yourself before you decide to pivot your current business or start a new one.  I hope it helps you.  Jane www.janehamill.com/pivot