The Big Shift: The Business Of Making A Difference | Personal Growth | Marketing | Sales | Conscious Business | Get Clients



The Big Shift is a podcast, a community, and a movement. It is our aim to help those who want to make a difference, have success in carrying out their mission. The goal of our podcast is to inspire heart-centered entrepreneurs to create their dream business, do what they love, and make the world a better place in the process.We will help you get there by sharing with you the best marketing, sales/enrollment and mindset practices known to humankind today All of these practices are tested and come from the people who are the very best at utilizing and teaching them. These will be some of the most extraordinary people on this planet. Get ready for your Big Shift!The Big Shift podcast is hosted by Bill Baren, one of a handful of top transformational business coaches in the world.To get to the podcast website cut and paste this link into your browser.


  • Why The Pressure to Make Money Makes You Less Money | Ep. 98

    06/01/2016 Duration: 21min

    Imagine if you felt no pressure to succeed, make money, or even to be happy. What do you think that would bring you? Everything you want! You are meant to be successful and happy. And wanting that for yourself is a wonderful part of human nature. But what if that “wanting” is the thing that’s preventing you from having the financial success you want? In this episode, we’ll look at where true joy comes from and why when you can want things without needing them, it can be a true game-changer in your business.   Get a free copy of my book - YES: Conversations that Sell and learn my #1 strategy for talking to potential clients so they practically enroll themselves into working with you. Get your copy here →

  • How a Note on a Napkin Became a Blockbuster Business | Ep. 97

    30/12/2015 Duration: 41min

    What would you do if an inner voice instructed you to create a business that seemed way outside your expertise? Here’s the story of a woman who chose to follow that inner guidance, and the incredible rewards it brought her. It all started with a simple message that popped into Melinda Cohan’s head while she was riding on the freeway. Then came the sentence she spontaneously wrote on a restaurant napkin. Melinda didn’t know exactly what it meant, and she didn’t have a business plan. But she’d found her mission—and the faith and strength to make it happen.   Get a free copy of my book - YES: Conversations that Sell and learn my #1 strategy for talking to potential clients so they practically enroll themselves into working with you. Get your copy here →

  • How to Transform Your Past Hurts Into a Massive Business Advantage | Ep. 96

    23/12/2015 Duration: 47min

    For most people, their past hurts turn into baggage.  That baggage, in turn, weighs them down and slows them down on their pathway to greater success. What if I told you that out of all your past hurts there is a core wound that is your roadmap of how you can help the world in your own unique way? Are you ready to hear its message? Every human being has a core wound.  And from that core wound, you have developed beliefs and habits that hold you back from having the business (and life you want). In today’s podversation, Jeffrey Van Dyk, a leader in the conscious entrepreneur movement, reveals how to get to know your wound and discover what your entire life has been preparing you to do. You’ll see why tapping into the wisdom of your core wound gives you a huge advantage as an entrepreneur and makes your success practically guaranteed!   Get a free copy of my book - YES: Conversations that Sell and learn my #1 strategy for talking to potential clients so they practically enroll themselves into working with you.

  • How to Make the Right Business Decisions Every Time | Ep. 94

    16/12/2015 Duration: 37min

    Do you put lots of effort into figuring out the right strategies to move your business forward? Well, you can stop struggling now. The key to knowing EXACTLY what to do with your biz is much closer than you think. You can discover the perfect next step to take in your business, right now, without listening to one more expert on the subject. Well…maybe just one more. My guest today, Jeanna Gabellini, is here to give you a crash course on how to bring your inner guidance into your business. Mastering the art of hearing and acting on the guidance that’s coming through you every moment of every day will transform entrepreneurship into a game that you feel blessed you get to play.   Get a free copy of my book - YES: Conversations that Sell and learn my #1 strategy for talking to potential clients so they practically enroll themselves into working with you. Get your copy here →

  • How to De-Stress Your Path to Success | Ep. 93

    09/12/2015 Duration: 44min

    Building your business triggers is an instinctual drive in you called the “survival response.” How well you understand it can determine what happens to your business, your health, and your happiness. As an entrepreneur, a certain amount of stress is an unavoidable part of your journey. But my guest today, Irene Lyon, says that burnout, anxiety, depression, and a host of other issues rampant among entrepreneurs are definitely NOT unavoidable. They are the result of your survival response kicking up old emotional wounds (that practically every human being has), which are still lodged in your nervous system. Today’s podversation is a crash course in releasing that energy-sucking stress so you can start showing up in your business and your life with more clarity and positive power than you ever thought possible! Sign up to be one of the first to receive a free copy of my new book - High End Package Manifesto: The Antidote To Under Charging & Under Earning. Get your copy here →

  • How to Market Your Business in a Way You’ll LOVE (and Your Clients Will Too) | Ep. 91

    02/12/2015 Duration: 40min

    Do you want to learn a game-changing, incredibly effective approach to marketing that you’ll actually enjoy? As a heart-based entrepreneur, you probably find traditional approaches to promoting your business uncomfortable. Those approaches can force you to communicate in ways that sometimes feel manipulative and self-serving…and you went into business determined not to be either of those things! So you’ve gotta get to know my guest today, Michele PW, a copywriter extraordinaire with a whole new way to market that’s all about leading with your heart. Tune in to discover how to make marketing your biz a rewarding opportunity to share your love and wisdom with the world!   Sign up to be one of the first to receive a free copy of my new book - High End Package Manifesto: The Antidote To Under Charging & Under Earning. Get your copy here →

  • [LIVE] Is Confidence Really a Predictor of Success? (Surprising Findings) | Ep. 89

    25/11/2015 Duration: 16min

    A lot of people think confidence is a great predictor of success as an entrepreneur. But confidence can also foreshadow spectacular failure. So when is confidence called for in business, and when is it a really bad idea? We’re surrounded by images of cocky entrepreneurs boasting about all they’ve accomplished. But the truth is, the greatest entrepreneurs know that sometimes confidence can be the biggest hindrance to lasting success. Tune in to find out how allowing your confidence to come and go (at just the right times) paves the way for your success to remain constant.   Sign up to be one of the first to receive a free copy of my new book - High End Package Manifesto: The Antidote To Under Charging & Under Earning. Get your copy here →

  • [LIVE] What To Do When Someone Asks You For A Discount | Ep. 87

    18/11/2015 Duration: 18min

    Do you get flustered when a potential client asks for a discount on your services? Here’s how to keep your cool, your price, AND your client. Most entrepreneurs hate the “can I have a discount” question. If you say yes to it, you can wind up seriously undervaluing your service. If you say no, your potential new client might walk away. Today I’ll explain how to deal with this question so that both you and your client feel like you’re getting a good deal.   Sign up to be one of the first to receive a free copy of my new book - High End Package Manifesto: The Antidote To Under Charging & Under Earning. Get your copy here →

  • [LIVE] 2 Simple Things That Will Make Your Clients Eager to Pay Your Premium Fees | Ep. 85

    11/11/2015 Duration: 20min

    What would make your clients eager to pay you top dollars for your services? Actually, it’s just 2 simple things – these very things will also help you up your enjoyment and effectiveness as an entrepreneur. You went into business to do great work for your clients and to make a great living. And only when you’re achieving both of these goals, will both you and your clients be totally happy. Today I’m going to lay out 2 time-tested things that are guaranteed to increase the perceived value of what you do AND improve the actual results you deliver for your clients. Making a big promise, delivering a big result, and being well rewarded…this is about to become your delightful new reality.   Sign up to be one of the first to receive a free copy of my new book - High End Package Manifesto: The Antidote To Under Charging & Under Earning. Get your copy here →

  • [LIVE] How to Break Free From Feeling Like a Fraud (and Rock Your Business) | Ep. 83

    04/11/2015 Duration: 28min

    As soon as you start offering a service that’s really important in the world, guess what happens? You often begin to exhibit symptoms of the “imposter syndrome.”  Fortunately, there’s a simple formula for banishing that painful feeling forever. To be a successful entrepreneur, you have to promise your clients big results and deliver on that promise. But when you’re starting out, making a big promise and trusting yourself to deliver on it can be really scary. You’re likely to wonder, “Who am I to be doing this?” This extreme self-doubt that can derail your business is so common it’s been named “the imposter syndrome”. If you’ve been suffering from it, your suffering ends today! I’m going to reveal how a few simple things you already do naturally prove you have exactly what your clients need.   Sign up to be one of the first to receive a free copy of my new book - High End Package Manifesto: The Antidote To Under Charging & Under Earning. Get your copy here →

  • [LIVE] How to Fail Like a Pro (So You Can Succeed Like One) | Ep. 81

    28/10/2015 Duration: 16min

    A lot of us think “failure” is practically a dirty word. But the most successful people are not afraid of failure at all. The truth is, the better you get to know failure, the better your business will be. Most of us live our lives and run our businesses as if winning were everything. But winning couldn’t exist without losing. And you can’t know success if you don’t also know failure. In fact, experiencing failure is a critical element of creating huge success. So in this episode, we’re going to take the dread and fear out of failure and bring back the fun. Yes…Fun! You’ll see why your failures are something to celebrate and why celebrating whenever you fail makes your success inevitable.   Get a free copy of my book - YES: Conversations that Sell and learn my #1 strategy for talking to potential clients so they practically enroll themselves into working with you. Get your copy here →

  • How to Become Irresistible to Money | Ep. 79

    21/10/2015 Duration: 43min

    What if the real secret to having all the money you want is to turn your relationship with money into a passionate romance? While a lot of us want money in our mind, in our hearts we experience money as a scary monster. No wonder we tend to keep struggling with money no matter how much we try to develop a good “money mindset.” My podversation guest, Morgana Rae, goes beyond your thoughts around money, touching what’s hiding deep inside your heart. You don’t want to miss her keys to transforming money from a monster that haunts you into a devoted lover that can’t get enough of you!   Get a free copy of my book - YES: Conversations that Sell and learn my #1 strategy for talking to potential clients so they practically enroll themselves into working with you. Get your copy here →

  • [LIVE] DO NOT Follow Your Bliss (surprising findings) | Ep. 77

    14/10/2015 Duration: 13min

    Many business experts and spiritual teachers advise you to figure out what you are passionate about and then follow your bliss. But if you want to build a business you love, that’s might not be the best idea in the world. Passion is not a predictor of your success. Following your bliss is no guarantee of long-lasting fulfillment. Real, lasting joy about what you do comes from an entirely different approach. In this episode, I’ll tell you exactly what that approach is. And if you’ve been pulling your hair out trying to find your passion, you can finally give your scalp a rest. You’re going to discover the one question you need to answer to ensure there’s plenty of passion in your future. Get a free copy of my book - YES: Conversations that Sell and learn my #1 strategy for talking to potential clients so they practically enroll themselves into working with you. Get your copy here →

  • How to Build a Purpose-Driven Business (and Discover Who You Are Meant To Be) | Ep. 75

    07/10/2015 Duration: 54min

    If you make meeting your goals the be-all and end-all of your business, you can start feeling like a Ping-Pong ball that’s constantly slapped by two paddles. One paddle says “Work Harder!” and the other says “Give Up!” Do you want to know the secret to never getting slapped by either one again? My guest today, Christine Kane, knows that secret. She’s helped thousands of entrepreneurs build purpose-driven businesses that bring meaning and fulfillment to their lives. Christine says avoiding burnout or the temptation to quit too soon all comes down to one big thing… It’s about setting goals not because of what you’ll get but because of who you’ll become along the way. Tune in for this inspiring podversation that lays out the path for discovering what you’re meant to achieve in this lifetime while loving the journey to getting there.   Get a free copy of my book - YES: Conversations that Sell and learn my #1 strategy for talking to potential clients so they practically enroll themselves into working with you. Get

  • [LIVE] What Every Business Owner Really Needs to Know | Ep. 73

    30/09/2015 Duration: 15min

    The majority of new entrepreneurs quit while they’re still in the early stages of building their business. I bet they wouldn’t quit if they truly understood what any skilled gardener knows about planting fruit trees. Every fruit tree follows a natural trajectory to go from a vulnerable young plant to a majestic tree that reliably bears delicious fruit. And it’s virtually the same trajectory that your business needs to follow to start bearing all the fruits you’re dreaming your business will provide for you. In this episode, I’ll explain why a garden holds the secret to growing your business in a way that allows you to relax and trust the process. Yes…I actually said RELAX while growing your business!   Get a free copy of my book - YES: Conversations that Sell and learn my #1 strategy for talking to potential clients so they practically enroll themselves into working with you. Get your copy here →

  • How to Build a Business that Doesn’t Feel Like Work | Ep. 71

    23/09/2015 Duration: 45min

    When your business is a perfect reflection of your unique genius, you have no competition, you draw clients easily, and you feel fully alive. It doesn’t even seem like work because you’re getting paid just to be you. So how do you get there? For a lot of people, it starts by listening to my podversation guest, Nancy Marmolejo. Nancy is a genius at helping others identify their genius—that special spark inside you that allows you to build a business that feels practically effortless. She can take you to that deepest place within that’s been waiting your entire life to share your gift with the world. You’ll love her formula for cutting through all the noise so you can first hear the call of your own talents and then get the rest of the world to pay attention, too. Get a free copy of my book - YES: Conversations that Sell and learn my #1 strategy for talking to potential clients so they practically enroll themselves into working with you. Get your copy here →

  • [LIVE] Why Attention is the New Currency (and How to Get It)| Ep. 69

    16/09/2015 Duration: 21min

    Your prospective clients have over a billion websites to look at, a game of Angry Birds in the palm of their hand, and hundreds of adorable cat videos to watch on YouTube. So how do YOU get their attention? Thanks to the web and social media every entrepreneur has a platform for getting their message out to the world. But the downside is that the playing field is so crowded, it’s harder than ever to actually get attention. Attention is the new currency. And here’s the big secret to getting it… No matter what business you’re in, you have to be as captivating to your target audience as that YouTube sensation, the piano-playing cat. In today’s episode you’ll discover how to grab the attention you deserve by thinking way outside the box… and letting your inner cat out of the bag.   Get a free copy of my book - YES: Conversations that Sell and learn my #1 strategy for talking to potential clients so they practically enroll themselves into working with you. Get your copy here →

  • [LIVE] How to Build a Business that Makes You Happy | Ep. 67

    09/09/2015 Duration: 15min

    Do you ever have days when being in business feels more like solitary confinement than the fulfillment of a dream? A lot of entrepreneurs do. Fortunately, drug-addicted rats can show you the solution. If you don’t regularly feel a sense of community and joy in your business, then you’re probably neglecting the one critical element of your work that many entrepreneurs fail to consider. And that could be inadvertently setting you up for burnout and maybe even failure. Today we’ll explore the easy fix that will give a major boost to your long-term professional success and personal happiness—with a special shout out to the lab rats that made this discovery possible.   Get a free copy of my book - YES: Conversations that Sell and learn my #1 strategy for talking to potential clients so they practically enroll themselves into working with you. Get your copy here →

  • How to Do More, Better, Faster (With Way Less Effort) | Ep. 65

    02/09/2015 Duration: 22min

    One simple principle has allowed me to accomplish in an hour what used to take me a whole day. Most entrepreneurs feel like they have too much to do and too little time. But what if the real issue is that you have too much time? Today I’ll tell you how to set your workflow on warp speed but work less and get better results. Get a free copy of my book - YES: Conversations that Sell and learn my #1 strategy for talking to potential clients so they practically enroll themselves into working with you. Get your copy here →

  • How to Design Your Business So It Grows Forever | Ep. 63

    26/08/2015 Duration: 19min

    Would you like your clients to do your marketing for you…and thus ensure that your business just keeps growing and growing?  Turns out, this is much easier to achieve than you think. Just imagine if every client you had reliably brought you one additional client. Your business would grow forever! Yet most businesses aren’t designed to make people want to spread the word about what they do. Is yours? If not, you need to hear today’s episode and discover how simple it is to set the stage for never-ending positive word of mouth about you and what you do. Inspiring your clients to WANT to market for you, and to feel delighted about doing it, is the essence of “going viral.” And that’s the key to success in the 21st century. So get ready to make the change that can bring you more business than you ever imagined…without having to do any additional marketing yourself.   Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here

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