

Building your business triggers is an instinctual drive in you called the “survival response.” How well you understand it can determine what happens to your business, your health, and your happiness. As an entrepreneur, a certain amount of stress is an unavoidable part of your journey. But my guest today, Irene Lyon, says that burnout, anxiety, depression, and a host of other issues rampant among entrepreneurs are definitely NOT unavoidable. They are the result of your survival response kicking up old emotional wounds (that practically every human being has), which are still lodged in your nervous system. Today’s podversation is a crash course in releasing that energy-sucking stress so you can start showing up in your business and your life with more clarity and positive power than you ever thought possible! Sign up to be one of the first to receive a free copy of my new book - High End Package Manifesto: The Antidote To Under Charging & Under Earning. Get your copy here →