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[LIVE] How to Fail Like a Pro (So You Can Succeed Like One) | Ep. 81



A lot of us think “failure” is practically a dirty word. But the most successful people are not afraid of failure at all. The truth is, the better you get to know failure, the better your business will be. Most of us live our lives and run our businesses as if winning were everything. But winning couldn’t exist without losing. And you can’t know success if you don’t also know failure. In fact, experiencing failure is a critical element of creating huge success. So in this episode, we’re going to take the dread and fear out of failure and bring back the fun. Yes…Fun! You’ll see why your failures are something to celebrate and why celebrating whenever you fail makes your success inevitable.   Get a free copy of my book - YES: Conversations that Sell and learn my #1 strategy for talking to potential clients so they practically enroll themselves into working with you. Get your copy here →