The Big Shift: The Business Of Making A Difference | Personal Growth | Marketing | Sales | Conscious Business | Get Clients

How to Market Your Business in a Way You’ll LOVE (and Your Clients Will Too) | Ep. 91



Do you want to learn a game-changing, incredibly effective approach to marketing that you’ll actually enjoy? As a heart-based entrepreneur, you probably find traditional approaches to promoting your business uncomfortable. Those approaches can force you to communicate in ways that sometimes feel manipulative and self-serving…and you went into business determined not to be either of those things! So you’ve gotta get to know my guest today, Michele PW, a copywriter extraordinaire with a whole new way to market that’s all about leading with your heart. Tune in to discover how to make marketing your biz a rewarding opportunity to share your love and wisdom with the world!   Sign up to be one of the first to receive a free copy of my new book - High End Package Manifesto: The Antidote To Under Charging & Under Earning. Get your copy here →