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How to Transform Your Past Hurts Into a Massive Business Advantage | Ep. 96



For most people, their past hurts turn into baggage.  That baggage, in turn, weighs them down and slows them down on their pathway to greater success. What if I told you that out of all your past hurts there is a core wound that is your roadmap of how you can help the world in your own unique way? Are you ready to hear its message? Every human being has a core wound.  And from that core wound, you have developed beliefs and habits that hold you back from having the business (and life you want). In today’s podversation, Jeffrey Van Dyk, a leader in the conscious entrepreneur movement, reveals how to get to know your wound and discover what your entire life has been preparing you to do. You’ll see why tapping into the wisdom of your core wound gives you a huge advantage as an entrepreneur and makes your success practically guaranteed!   Get a free copy of my book - YES: Conversations that Sell and learn my #1 strategy for talking to potential clients so they practically enroll themselves into working with you.