Beyond Devices Podcast



The Beyond Devices podcast is brought to you by Jan Dawson and Aaron Miller. Jan is the author of the Beyond Devices blog, as well as the owner and Chief Analyst at Jackdaw Research, a research and advisory firm focused on the consumer electronics market. Aaron is a business school professor, but in a past life ran one of the most popular iMovie blogs and co-authored several books in the iMovie: the Missing Manual series with David Pogue, and remains an avid follower of all things Apple.Jan can be found on Twitter at @jandawson, while Aaron is @aaronmiller. We welcome your feedback on any of our episodes or the podcast in general.


  • Episode 36 – Explaining the All Writs Act, AT&T's New Video Offers

    02/03/2016 Duration: 56min

    Our News Roundup covers three topics, triggered by two news stories each: * Yahoo – stories about Verizon being the most likely buyer for the core business, and indications that Yahoo may have to further write down the Tumblr asset * Live video – Twitter is focusing heavily on live in general and live video specifically in 2016, while there are also signs Facebook is getting increasingly serious about this space * Mobile payments – there are reports MasterCard will expand Apple Pay into several new markets this year, and Google is trialling a new "Hands Free" payment technology in the Bay Area. Our Question of the Week is: "What's the broader significance of the Orenstein court order?" and refers to the decision this week from a New York District Court in a case involving Apple and the FBI, which has some similarities to the San Bernardino case. Aaron draws on his legal background to dissect the decision and its legal basis, and talks us through the logic and the implications for the California case. Our f

  • Episode 35 – State of the Smartphone Market, more Apple/FBI

    24/02/2016 Duration: 50min

    This week, our News Roundup covers Apple's response to beta users' feedback on iPad Pro Pencil navigation support in iOS 9.3, smartphone announcements from Mobile World Congress, and Fitbit's earnings. Our Question of the Week is "What's the state of the global smartphone market?", which Jan addresses. We talk about whether the smartphone market is growing, and where, which players are growing (and which aren't), we talk about the fact that iOS/Android and Apple/Google are no longer the most interesting competitive dynamics, and offer some predictions for the future. Our final topic is a sequel to last week's discussion about Apple and the FBI, given all the new information that's emerged since our earlier discussion. We wrap up with our Weekly Pick, as usual, which this week is a website recommendation from Aaron. As usual, you’ll find some links to related content as well as other ways to listen to the podcast on the website at

  • Episode 34 – Apple's Cash and Borrowing, Apple and the FBI

    19/02/2016 Duration: 51min

    episode goes on. It only appears when Jan is talking, so it doesn't affect Aaron's side of the audio, but you may find it irritating to listen to. Unfortunately, it's on the master recording of Jan's audio, and so it can't be removed. Our apologies for the audio issues, and hopefully we'll be back to normal next week! This week's episode begins as usual with our news roundup, in which we cover the launch of Apple Pay in China, Indian regulators' shutting down of Facebook's Free Basics program in that country, and John Gruber's interview last week with Eddy Cue and Craig Federighi of Apple. Our Question of the Week concerns Apple's borrowing to finance its share repurchase and other cash return programs. We discuss the logic of this activity, why Apple does it, and Aaron even offers a guesstimate of how much Apple saves by borrowing rather than repatriating cash. Our other major topic today is the court order the FBI obtained this week which requires Apple to assist in unlocking an iPhone used in the San Bern

  • Episode 33 – iMessage as a Platform, Twitter Earnings

    12/02/2016 Duration: 49min

    We kick off this week's episode with our usual news roundup. This week, our topics are 5G (and AT&T's announcement on this topic earlier today), Apple's rumored March event, and ASICS' acquisition of the Runkeeper fitness app. Our Question of the Week is finally back after a two-week hiatus for earnings season, and this week we talk about whether Apple should turn iMessage into a platform, and what that would mean. The context here is the Asian messaging apps, such as WeChat, LINE, and Kakao, and the way in which they've built platforms around the core messaging experience. As this trend continues, the question becomes whether Apple needs to follow suit, albeit not as a business model but as a way to stay competitive. We talk about what this might actually look like in practice, were Apple to announce it, including user and developer/business features, and the potential for more social elements. Our last topic is Twitter's earnings this week, and what they signify. We wrap up with our Weekly Pick, which this

  • Episode 32 – Alphabet, Facebook, Yahoo Earnings

    04/02/2016 Duration: 43min

    As usual, we kick off this episode with our News Roundup. This week, we discuss Microsoft and Amazon's earnings briefly, including the rather counterintuitive investor reaction to each of them. Then we have a quick conversation about the positive video subscriber additions both Time Warner Cable and Comcast have reported recently, and why they shouldn't lead us to question the cord cutting trend. Our main topic today is Alphabet (formerly Google) and Facebook's earnings. We discuss Alphabet's new reporting structure and the performance of its "Other Bets" (something Jan wrote about this week on the Beyond Devices blog). We also talk about the fact that both these ad-centric businesses are investing heavily in non-ad businesses that have yet to deliver meaningful revenue, at significant cost, and why that might be. We also talk about the meaning of monthly and daily active user numbers, and the significance of each. To wrap up, we discuss Yahoo's earnings and the state of Yahoo, as well as the challenges fac

  • Episode 31 – News Roundup, Apple Earnings

    28/01/2016 Duration: 48min

    This week, we once again did our brief news roundup on several topic items, but then we spent the bulk of the time on Apple's fiscal Q1 2016 earnings, which came out earlier this week (and skipped our Question of the Week and Weekly Pick features). Our news roundup covered three items: the FCC's move to open up the cable set-top box market, the disclosure of what are purported to be Google's revenues from Android as part of the Oracle-Google court case, and insights from the earnings of the US wireless carriers. In our discussion of Apple's earnings, we covered the iPhone and guidance for the March quarter, what's going on with iPhone growth and when it's likely to turn around again. We talked about the significant foreign exchange impact Apple has been facing, and the fact that it's been forced to talk about it now that its growth has slowed dramatically. We discussed Apple Watch sales briefly, talked about China and India specifically, and also discussed the iPad, Mac, and the potential for new products i

  • Episode 30 – News Roundup, Media M&A, Apple Earnings Preview

    21/01/2016 Duration: 44min

    This week, we again kick off with a quick roundup of a few news items, and we're feeling like this is probably how we'll start all our episodes going forward. One side effect is that many of our episodes will end up being a little shorter than before – closer to 45 minutes than an hour. This week, the three news topics we discussed up front were Netflix's earnings, reports that Apple is applying to open its own stores in India, and the launch on Wednesday morning of an updated GarageBand app for iOS as well as a new Music Memos app. We discuss each of these items briefly and highlight what we think are the most significant aspects. Our Question of the Week this week is about M&A activity in the video content world, and specifically whether big tech companies should expect to be able to fix their streaming video rights issues by acquiring media companies. The context here is the continuing reports that Time Warner might be for sale, and that big tech companies like Apple or Amazon might be buyers. Aaron dive

  • Episode 29 – News Roundup, Fitbit, Apple Betas

    13/01/2016 Duration: 46min

    We kick this week's episode off with a new format, which is a rapid-fire review of three news items from this week: IDC's new PC sales numbers for Q4, Buzzfeed's article about Apple removing itself as the sales middleman for iAd, and rumors that Time Warner is up for sale and both Amazon and Apple might be buyers. We've dropped our Question of the Week item for the past two episodes because we had so much else to talk about, but it's back this week with a review of Fitbit and why its share price has taken such a dive lately. Our final topic is the beta versions of updates to all of Apple's major software platforms this week, some of which involved fairly major updates somewhat uncharacteristic of Apple's point software releases. As ever, we wrap up with our Weekly Pick, which this time around is a card game recommendation from Aaron. Links to many of the items we discussed along with Aaron's Weekly Pick and some other stuff are available on our website at

  • Episode 28 – CES, Netflix Everywhere, App Store Numbers

    08/01/2016 Duration: 58min

    For our first episode of 2016, we focus mostly on CES and the announcements made there. Jan was there in person, while Aaron followed the news remotely. We discuss the following trends and products, among others: * The rise of USB-C * Cars, technology, and autonomous vehicles * Fitness and wearables – Fitbit Blaze and Withings Thermo * Drones * Virtual and augmented reality * Headphones, including Apple's reported moves here * 4K and Ultra High Definition plus HDR in TV sets. We also spend a few minutes specifically discussing Netflix's big international expansion news from CES, including Jan's post from this week about the possible financial implications. Lastly, we discuss the new App Store numbers Apple released this week and what they might mean. And, as always, we wrap up with our Weekly Pick, a product recommendation. As usual, lots of relevant links and other information are available on the website at

  • Episode 27 – News Roundup, Predictions for 2016

    18/12/2015 Duration: 59min

    For our final episode of the year, we decided to focus on our predictions for 2016. We kick off the episode with a review of three news items from the past few days: the Apple management changes announced on Thursday, December 17th; the recent Morgan Stanley report calling for lower iPhone sales; and the open-sourcing of Swift and the related interview of Craig Federighi by John Gruber. Following a roughly 15-minute roundup of these news items, we spend the rest of the time discussing our predictions for 2016, starting with our predictions for Apple's various product lines, and then broadening out to cover other industry trends and companies, including Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Microsoft. We hope you enjoy this last episode of 2015 – we'll be taking a break for the weeks of Christmas and the New Year, and will be back the week of CES, which Jan will be attending January 4-7. Enjoy the holidays and we'll see you in January! As ever, you can find related links and links to other formats for the podcast on

  • Episode 26 – Pixel C Reviews, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Apple Shelving TV Plans

    10/12/2015 Duration: 56min

    Our first topic this week is the reviews for Google's new Pixel C tablet, and what they signify about the state of Android. We also talk about the overall state of the tablet market and (the lack of) tablet-optimized operating systems. Our second topic is the decision by Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan to give the bulk of their wealth to causes they care about, which is the subject of our Question of the Week, "Is the Zuckerberg announcement really philanthropic?" We tap into Aaron's expertise in the field of philanthropy and non-profit work to discuss the basics of various organizational structures and their tax implications, the pros and cons of the LLC structure the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative has adopted, and whether the gift is likely to be beneficial to society. Our last topic is the reporting in the last 24 hours or so before we recorded to the effect that Apple may be shelving its TV service plans for the time being. As usual, we wrap up with our Weekly Pick, which this week is a game recommendation

  • Episode 25 – Clayton Christensen, Apple Resellers, Samsung Mobile

    03/12/2015 Duration: 50min

    We kick off the discussion this week with a conversation about Clayton Christensen and his theory of disruptive innovation. Specifically, we talk about the recent controversy about whether his theory has a monopoly on the use and definition of the term disruption and its application in the technology market, and whether it even works and applies in the consumer technology market specifically. Our second topic is our Question of the Week, in which we discuss Apple's changing relationship with its resellers. Specifically, Aaron runs us through some of the differences this Thanksgiving shopping season compared with last year. The final topic is the change in leadership at Samsung's mobile division this past week, and what it might signify for the future of the business. As ever, we finish with our Weekly Pick, which this week is a handful of applications for the new Apple TV. As ever, relevant links and other information can be found on our website at

  • Episode 24 – Mac App Store, Facebook's Meta OS, Apple Watch Dock

    19/11/2015 Duration: 49min

    This week, we kick off our discussion with a review of what's happened over the last week or so with the Mac App Store, which suffered from a certificate-related bug that broke a number of apps previously downloaded from the store. We also use this as a jumping-off point for a broader discussion about the Mac App Store and the various other issues developers have been complaining about for some time now. Our second topic is our Question of the Week, which is about why Facebook has so many apps beyond the main Facebook app. This ties into a post Jan wrote on Techpinions last week (link in the show notes). Our third topic is the new dock Apple has just released for the Apple Watch in somewhat under-the-radar fashion, and again we broaden the discussion to cover Apple's strange history with docks for its products.

  • Episode 23 – iPad Pro Reviews, Apple Watch vs. Apple TV, Cord-Cutting

    12/11/2015 Duration: 56min

    We kick off this week's episode with a discussion of the iPad Pro reviews that came out on Wednesday. We talk through the common themes – both the consistent gripes and the things that were consistently praised – as well as some of the unique things particular reviews picked up on. Our second topic is our Question of the Week, in which we pick up on a conversation we started last week around the Apple Watch and Apple TV and the prospects for these two devices. In particular, we talk about the total addressable market, the developer-related challenges each device faces, and the other constraints holding each device back, as well as the ultimate potential of each device. Lastly, we discuss cord-cutting, in the light of a post Jan wrote this week, and whether it's likely to accelerate. We also talk some more about Apple's potential TV service and how that might factor into all this.

  • Episode 22 – Apple TV, Payments Primer, Twitter Faves

    05/11/2015 Duration: 01h44s

    On this week's episode, we kick off the discussion with Jan's thoughts on the new Apple TV, which he's been using for five days now, and broaden the conversation into a review of where it might go from here. Our second topic (starting at 25:35) is our Question of the Week, which is all about how the payments industry works, who the players are, where the money goes, and how new players such as Square, Apple, Google, and Samsung fit in. And our final topic (starting at 47:00) is Twitter's change this week to its Favorites feature, and what it says about Twitter's broader challenge of attracting new users while retain its existing ones. As usual, we wrap up with our Weekly Pick, which this week is a movie recommendation from Jan.

  • Episode 21 – Apple September Quarter Earnings, Mashable Article/Interview

    28/10/2015 Duration: 53min

    This episode is devoted almost entirely to Apple's September quarter earnings (Apple's Fiscal 2015 fourth quarter, and calendar quarter Q3 2015). Following up on last week's preview episode, we discuss the guidance for next quarter and what it signifies, but also individual results for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch (such as we can glean them), and so on. We also discuss Tim Cook's remarks on China and Apple's rapidly-growing enterprise business. We wrap up the episode with a discussion of Mashable's excellent article on Apple's design process, based on interviews with Phil Schiller and VP of Mac and iPad engineering John Ternus. And of course there's our Weekly Pick as usual, with Jan recommending an album he's discovered recently. As ever, all the related links are on the website at

  • Episode 20 – New iMacs and Peripherals, Apple Earnings Preview, Surface Book Reviews

    22/10/2015 Duration: 52min

    This week, we kick things off with a discussion of Apple's new iMacs and associated peripherals – Aaron has been using the new Magic Keyboard and Magic Trackpad and talks about his experience with them. We also discuss the surprisingly basic hard drives which ship with the new iMacs, and what this signifies about Apple's strategy for its lowest-tier products. Our Question of the Week is, "What should we be expecting from Apple's earnings next week?" and we discuss expectations for the iPhone, Apple Watch and other products, and what Tim Cook is likely to say about China. And our final topic is a quick run-through of the reviews of the new Microsoft Surface Book, which we discussed in some depth two weeks ago in Episode 18. As usual, we wrap up with our Weekly Pick, in which Aaron recommends a Bluetooth speakerphone he uses with his iPhone for conference calls.

  • Episode 19 – Music Survey Results, Elon Musk and Foxconn, Overcast and iOS Business Models

    15/10/2015 Duration: 53min

    Our Question of the Week this week concerns Elon Musk's recent comments on Apple's car efforts. In an interview with a German newspaper, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said (among other things), "You can't just go to a supplier like Foxconn and say: Build me a car." Our Question of the Week is to what extent Elon Musk's comment was justified. Around that middle topic, we have two others: we kick of the episode with a review of some of the findings of Jan's recent music consumption surveys and what they tell us about Apple Music usage and subscribership. And our third and final topic is Marco Arment's new Overcast app and its unique patronage-based business model, the controversy it's caused, and what it says about the state of the iOS app market. And we wrap up, as always, with our Weekly Pick.

  • Episode 18 – Microsoft event, US wireless market, Steve Jobs

    08/10/2015 Duration: 53min

    This week, we follow up last week's coverage of Google's event with discussion of Microsoft's big Windows 10 event, which had a very different feel to it. We evaluate the big announcements, but we also talk about the presentations and demos and the overall tone of the event, which felt much more energetic and compelling than previous Microsoft events. Our Question of the Week this week is "What's going on in the US wireless market, and who's winning?" Jan provides some context by discussing each of the major US wireless providers and their background, and then talks through some different definitions for measuring which of them is "winning". We also talk about what's next for the US wireless market. Our final topic is Steve Jobs – both the man and the movie that's coming out soon, along with the controversy over the movie, and the reaction from both Steve Jobs' widow and from Apple executives. And Aaron has our Weekly Pick for this episode, which is a book recommendation. As ever, there are quite a few links

  • Episode 17 – Google Event, A Series Chips, iPhone and Apple Music Impressions

    01/10/2015 Duration: 57min

    We kick off this week's episode with a discussion of Google's event on Tuesday. We discuss the new Nexus phones and the history of Google's Nexus programs, the new Chromecast devices, and Google's strategy for the TV. Our Question of the Week is about Apple's A-Series Chips, and Aaron's been doing some research into how Apple has managed both to make such rapid advances and to compete so effectively against other approaches. Aaron explains the differences and relationships between fabless manufacturers, foundries, and Integrated Device Manufacturers, the role of Apple's PA Semi acquisition, the importance of the ARM architecture, and more. Our final topic is a discussion of our personal experiences with Apple's new iPhones, as well as our conflicting responses to Apple Music (Jan has just allowed his trial to roll over into a paid subscription, while Aaron has cancelled). And Jan's Weekly Pick is the Launch Center Pro app, which in its latest version makes interesting use of Apple's new 3D Touch Quick Action

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