Beyond Devices Podcast

Episode 18 – Microsoft event, US wireless market, Steve Jobs



This week, we follow up last week's coverage of Google's event with discussion of Microsoft's big Windows 10 event, which had a very different feel to it. We evaluate the big announcements, but we also talk about the presentations and demos and the overall tone of the event, which felt much more energetic and compelling than previous Microsoft events. Our Question of the Week this week is "What's going on in the US wireless market, and who's winning?" Jan provides some context by discussing each of the major US wireless providers and their background, and then talks through some different definitions for measuring which of them is "winning". We also talk about what's next for the US wireless market. Our final topic is Steve Jobs – both the man and the movie that's coming out soon, along with the controversy over the movie, and the reaction from both Steve Jobs' widow and from Apple executives. And Aaron has our Weekly Pick for this episode, which is a book recommendation. As ever, there are quite a few links