Beyond Devices Podcast

Episode 34 – Apple's Cash and Borrowing, Apple and the FBI



episode goes on. It only appears when Jan is talking, so it doesn't affect Aaron's side of the audio, but you may find it irritating to listen to. Unfortunately, it's on the master recording of Jan's audio, and so it can't be removed. Our apologies for the audio issues, and hopefully we'll be back to normal next week! This week's episode begins as usual with our news roundup, in which we cover the launch of Apple Pay in China, Indian regulators' shutting down of Facebook's Free Basics program in that country, and John Gruber's interview last week with Eddy Cue and Craig Federighi of Apple. Our Question of the Week concerns Apple's borrowing to finance its share repurchase and other cash return programs. We discuss the logic of this activity, why Apple does it, and Aaron even offers a guesstimate of how much Apple saves by borrowing rather than repatriating cash. Our other major topic today is the court order the FBI obtained this week which requires Apple to assist in unlocking an iPhone used in the San Bern