Beyond Devices Podcast

Episode 36 – Explaining the All Writs Act, AT&T's New Video Offers



Our News Roundup covers three topics, triggered by two news stories each: * Yahoo – stories about Verizon being the most likely buyer for the core business, and indications that Yahoo may have to further write down the Tumblr asset * Live video – Twitter is focusing heavily on live in general and live video specifically in 2016, while there are also signs Facebook is getting increasingly serious about this space * Mobile payments – there are reports MasterCard will expand Apple Pay into several new markets this year, and Google is trialling a new "Hands Free" payment technology in the Bay Area. Our Question of the Week is: "What's the broader significance of the Orenstein court order?" and refers to the decision this week from a New York District Court in a case involving Apple and the FBI, which has some similarities to the San Bernardino case. Aaron draws on his legal background to dissect the decision and its legal basis, and talks us through the logic and the implications for the California case. Our f