Beyond Devices Podcast

Episode 29 – News Roundup, Fitbit, Apple Betas



We kick this week's episode off with a new format, which is a rapid-fire review of three news items from this week: IDC's new PC sales numbers for Q4, Buzzfeed's article about Apple removing itself as the sales middleman for iAd, and rumors that Time Warner is up for sale and both Amazon and Apple might be buyers. We've dropped our Question of the Week item for the past two episodes because we had so much else to talk about, but it's back this week with a review of Fitbit and why its share price has taken such a dive lately. Our final topic is the beta versions of updates to all of Apple's major software platforms this week, some of which involved fairly major updates somewhat uncharacteristic of Apple's point software releases. As ever, we wrap up with our Weekly Pick, which this time around is a card game recommendation from Aaron. Links to many of the items we discussed along with Aaron's Weekly Pick and some other stuff are available on our website at