Peak Performance Kitesurfing

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 1:20:56
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Podcast by Tantrum Kitesurf


  • Losing Weight After 35? Why You're Buggered Before You Get Out Of Bed

    06/05/2022 Duration: 07min

    I looked at the test results again…looked back at the doctor. “So, you’re telling me if I do the same amount of exercise as my younger brother, and eat the exact same food, I’ll be 2 kilos heavier than him by the end of this year?” The doctor took his glasses off, cleaned them and looked up, slightly sheepishly… “That’s the joy of getting old I’m afraid.” Well, bugger... Find out more here

  • Are Diet & Exercise REALLY The Most Important Things We Can Be Doing?

    26/04/2022 Duration: 05min

    The body has a hierarchy of needs. A hierarchy of things without which it will die. A lot of these we know about from birth. - We can go for years without exercise. - We can go for months without food.  - We can go for about a week without sleep. - We can go for a few days without water. - We can go for a few minutes without oxygen. If we want to affect a system, the higher up the hierarchy we go the more control we can exert over that system. (Think about a river, the closer to the source you can divert it, the easier it is to divert and the greater effect you can have on its route).  In todays episode I show you how to gain control over these systems.

  • Mouth or Nose Breathing?

    20/04/2022 Duration: 03min

    Should you be breathing through your nose or your mouth? There’s a lot of talk about the benefits of nose breathing but then you go to a Yoga class and they tell you to breath through your mouth… What gives?

  • Building Young Muscle

    13/04/2022 Duration: 05min

    Muscle is one of the chief determinants of how fast you will age. The older your muscles the faster you age.  Today I’m going to show you how to keep your muscles young. Want more? Click here >> 

  • A Really Simple Hack To Recover Faster After Exercise

    07/04/2022 Duration: 07min

    Whenever I read a post on improving recovery they all seem to be talking about the same stuff:  magnesium,  compression garments,  active recovery etc… And with good reason, they all work. But…what if we could use the bodies own natural systems but amplify them. In this short episode I tell you how.

  • HIIT or Cardio, Which Should You Be Doing After 40?

    03/03/2021 Duration: 08min

    There are tonnes of discussion online about HIIT vs Cardio after 40 and which you should be doing. Today I take a deeper dive focussing especially on which you should be doing as a kitesurfer. Grab you free copy of my latest book here:

  • Why Porn Will Destroy Your Kitesurfing

    25/02/2021 Duration: 10min

    This is a video I've been on the fence about doing for years...on one hand it's a really important message, on the other it's quite a taboo subject and well, quite frankly, embarrassing. However however witnessed and experienced the destructive effect porn can have on people lives and by extension on their kitesurfing I decided just couldn't keep quiet. So if porn is something you use or you know someone who does, this video could be an eye the answer is a resounding can definitely ruin your kiting. Grab your FREE copy of my latest book here:

  • Why Building Muscle After 40 Is Hard

    22/02/2021 Duration: 07min

    Every week I take a question asked in our group and dive into it in more detail, this week one of our members asked, "I've been reading a lot that it becomes much more difficult to build muscle after 40, why is that and what can I do to stop it?" So in this episode I dive into this in more detail and reveal why I believe this is mostly scaremongering and what you do to ensure you don't start to shed muscle after the BIG 4.0. Grab your free copy of my latest book packed full of secrets to ensure you keep building muscle easily after 40:

  • Recover Much Faster After Kitesurfing Once You Pass 40

    18/02/2021 Duration: 25min

    The biggest problem we see on our camps is people just not being able to recover fast enough from day to day. So that by day 3 they're physical wrecks, totally unable to enjoy or take full advantage of the wind and kicking themselves as they sit on the beach watching others have all the fun. In this episode I cover some simple techniques to help you recover faster in between sessions so you can have a great kitesurf session, and then do the same the next day...and the next...and the next... Grab your FREE copy of my latest book: