Belief Hole



Conspiracy, the paranormal.. and brother fights. Three brothers explore, question and debate everything alternative from the average Bigfoot encounter to the fringiest of fringe conspiracy theories, challenging their own beliefs and often each other's sanity. Good humor, good drinks and good discussion.


  • 4.16 | Terrifying and Untold True Haunted House Stories – Halloween Special!

    30/10/2022 Duration: 01h33min

    Every street has one. And Every kid knows the legend. There it sits, like a sentinel. Perched on the hill, emanating a darkness and a hunger. Waiting and watching. Crouching back in shadow from the protective glow of the street lamp light. The haunted house at the end of the block. From tree-line demons calling from the shadows to astral battles with evil intruders, On this Halloween episode of Belief Hole, we detail four incredible, previously unheard accounts of true American hauntings. So tuck the kids in by curfew and check and turn off the porch light, as we walk the halls and explore the hidden world just beyond the walls.

  • SWAPCAST! The Confessionals Podcast - The Oak Ridge Dogman Portals

    21/10/2022 Duration: 01h31min

    Episode 468: The Oak Ridge Dogman Portals In this episode, we bring Adam into the studio. I've been vocal recently about my belief in a parallel world akin to the 'Upside Down' in Stranger Things. I'm almost convinced that this world exists, and it's more complex and dangerous than depicted in the show. Adam reached out to me after hearing my discussions about CERN, Oak Ridge, and the portals at these locations. In his email, Adam mentioned a chilling experience involving Oak Ridge and the evil, demonic entities he believes are emerging from there. He described it as unlike anything we've ever heard, involving a creature called 'Dogman,' which he believes is from another dimension. Understanding the gravity of his story, I knew we had to have Adam in the studio immediately. He recounted an event that spanned three days and multiple locations. It began with a late-night fishing trip near the Oak Ridge facility in Tennessee, where he witnessed UFOs acting in ways never discussed on our show before. This sig

  • 4.15 | Inhuman Imposters, Nightmare Trolls, Mimics, and the Owlman! Strange Listener Stories 16

    14/10/2022 Duration: 01h25min

    As the year turns to autumn and the wind groans more menacingly within the creaking of the trees, the lingering spirits shiver restless in the world just beyond. This season, ripe with Halloween lore and ghost stories, awakens all manner of strange and hungry things hastening their approach. When owls wear the shape of men and loom above our children's cribs, and snatching disembodied hands creep beneath your bed, thrashing to pull you down into the dark, reality itself is shifting. From four-foot troll-face demons, to black hounds slinking through the graveyards, the season of the supernatural and paranormal encounters is upon us. So, as you explore haunted places or listen to spine-chilling horror podcasts, bolt the doors and keep your smile from being too inviting, as sinister things may be hiding behind human masks of the living! In this world of urban legends and cryptid sightings, remember to tread carefully through these dark folklore tales.

  • 4.14 | Hat Man Encounters, Shadow People and Paranormal Parasites!

    28/09/2022 Duration: 01h11min

    It finds you when you believe you're secure... it finds you there, in the darkness, immobilized by fear, confronted by its grotesque and empty face. It draws near, inhaling your essence. Tonight, it has chosen you as its prey, arriving to feast! Cloaked in darkness and malevolent intent, the being known as the Hat Man is the ultimate embodiment of nighttime terror. What hidden truths linger in the shadows? What eerie patterns mark its journey through diverse cultures and epochs? In this installment of Belief Hole, a leading podcast on supernatural phenomena, we delve deep into these spectral stalkers and recount bone-chilling tales of encounters with the master of the macabre. So ignite a candle and join us, venturing into the abyss of the unknown. Also.. The hypnogogic state, sleep paralysis, and the reality of astral insects!

  • 4.13 | Camp Creeply 2 - Wilderness Horror Stories, Fairy Encounters and Sylvan Dread

    11/09/2022 Duration: 01h26min

    In the last days of summer, when autumn winds whisper darkly among the trees, the unspoken things within the woods are watching ever more closely at the campers huddled around their dimming fires. What dark phantoms and shadowy cryptids wait among the shadows with wide, haunting eyes and gnashing teeth? From grinning ghosts in cabin corners to unsettling encounters with the fairy folk and forest spirits... on this episode of Belief Hole, we bring you Camp Creeply 2 - terrifying true tales of the darker forest trails, and campground accounts with forgotten and hidden things, exploring the realms of paranormal activity and supernatural folklore.

  • 4.12 | Superstition Mountains - Inhuman Wraiths, Cursed Gold, and Desert Portals

    23/08/2022 Duration: 01h17min

    If you listen closely when among the haunted crags and rocky cliffs of the Superstition Mountains, you just might hear the echoes of lost gold and cursed treasure. A dark legend of many men who’ve met their end.  But what stories lie stranger still beneath this alleged stone abode of the Apache thunder god? From rumors of glowing desert portals to encounters with cloaked inhuman wraiths, join us on this episode of Belief Hole as we hike deeper into the mystery and seek the stranger side of the Superstition Mountains.

  • 4.11 | Strange Listener Stories 15 – Swimming Pool Nightmares, Mirror Demons, and Dark River Dwellers

    06/08/2022 Duration: 01h13min

    It’s a warm summer night. You’re all alone in the orange grove and decide to take advantage of the solitude by diving into the still waters of a strangely placed swimming pool. All is peaceful.. until you begin to feel that something’s wrong. There’s an ominous brooding in the air.. and you feel as though you’re being watched! You shake it off and tell yourself it’s your imagination. After all, you’re all alone, swimming in the dark. But when you push off from the slick cement, something grabs you by the ankle!! From Roadside Hyena Monstrosities to Occult rituals in the Redlands, on this Episode of Belief Hole, we tread the dark, back-country of the bizarre to bring you true, terrifying tales of the inexplicable and the unknown. Also.. Jon is a Starchild, Jeremy urnes for Dogman Awakening, and Chris is a Whore for Horror

  • 4.10 | Montauk Project – the Real Stranger Things

    03/07/2022 Duration: 01h42min

    For the last 50 years, the quaint, coastal village of Montauk has been haunted by a dark legend. Whispers carry through the town of secret military projects, bizarre creatures, portals to other times, and still stranger things. On this episode of Belief Hole, join us as we explore government mind control and psychic experiments, hidden underground facilities and time travel technology, and endeavor to unravel fact from fiction within the extreme and controversial claims of the Montauk Project.

  • 4.9 | Not Deer, Shapeshifters and Hoofed Horror!

    17/06/2022 Duration: 01h18min

    It’s late at night. You’re driving a lonely stretch of forested road. Up ahead you catch a glimpse of something in your headlights. As you start to slow down you’re thinking to yourself, “It must be a deer.” But there’s something wrong. There’s something about it that’s not quite right. It’s not quite a deer. As you begin to process what you’re seeing, your stomach sinks. As the thing rises up to meet its eyes to yours, its disfigured joints begin to crack and pop into place, and with a predator's stare and sinister grin, it is eager to meet you. This is no deer. On this episode of Belief Hole, we dissect alleged true accounts of the Appalachian Not Deer and compare them to strange reports from the early 20th century. Join us, as we explore the hoofed horror of animal mimics, shapeshifters, and sinister imposters. TIMESTAMPS 3:59 | Not Deer / Deor introduction 5:53 | Description of the Not Deer 6:47 | No Creepypasta Allowed 8:20 | Imposter Entities/ Animal Mimics 11:00 | Description continues 11:27 | Za

  • 4.8 | Dark Reality of Imaginary Friends - True Stories of Creepy Kids

    31/05/2022 Duration: 01h10min

    Recent studies indicate that the majority of children are communicating with someone or something that isn’t quite there. We call these invisible companions.. imaginary friends. Logic dictates that on the whole, these are innocuous, invented beings, playmates concocted by the child as a social supplement or as creative expression, but when unexplainable things begin to happen and little Jonny begins describing the horrid and unimaginable, might we consider that the unseen friend peeking from behind the closet door is not only NOT Imaginary, but also, might not really be a friend? On this episode of Belief Hole, join us as we recount tales of close encounters with unseen Imposters Entities! TIMESTAMPS 01:00 | Intro Preview - The Reality of Imaginary Friends 03:26 | Topic Introduction - Imaginary Friends that aren’t so Imaginary 07:54 | University of Washington Study 10:49 | Inherited Friends | STORY 11:48 | Inherited Friends 2 | STORY 12:20 | Tulpa Discussion 13:29 | Where Johnny Lives | STORY 15:34 | In t

  • 4.7 | Haunted Paintings, Static People and Hawaiian Succubus | Strange Listener Stories 14

    15/05/2022 Duration: 01h22min

    In your rented home, alone for now, with roommates weeks away, there’s nothing to keep you company in the dead hours of the night, except for that macabre painting you noticed when you arrived -the one at the end of the hall – a grim scene of highway murder… It shares the idle hours with you. And in the silence, things are beginning to stir. Something dead is pulling itself through its painted prison and into your hallway, and it’s walking toward your room! From insane asylum key masters to Hawaiian spirit seduction, we pull at the threads of the ever-thinning veil as we arrive halfway to Halloween to bring you true and terrifying tales of the inexplicable and the unknown!

  • 4.6 | Mystery of the Tsarichina Hole, Psychic Attack and Buried Entities

    28/04/2022 Duration: 01h16min

    In 1990 Bulgaria, a story is whispered in the small village of Tsarichina. A secret buried beneath the earth. But the promise of ancient treasure quickly becomes the quest for an ancient being – a cosmic progenitor of all human life, entombed in a catacomb sought by the Bulgarian Military who are guided by psychics and remote viewers to dig, triggering inexplicable phenomena, witnessed by villagers and military personal alike. On this episode of Belief Hole, join us as we excavate the mystery of the Tcarichina Hole and recount tales of strange flying craft, unknown entities, and psychotronic attack

  • 4.5 | Creeping Hairy Hands, Grimoire Demons and Confounding UFOs! | Strange Listener Stories 13

    09/04/2022 Duration: 01h08min

    It’s late at night. You begin to hear whispers drifting down the hall. In the bedroom, you find your little sister talking to something in the dark.. Something disembodied and scratching at the wall. From unearthly craft above your woodland cabin, to grimoire summonings gone terribly wrong, we present to you, curious listener, tales of the inexplicable and the unknown! Also.. Jon pulls the big brother card, Chris thinks his neighbors are haunted and Jeremy's Knight Worms Cometh!

  • 4.4 | Astral Adventures and Journeys Out of the Body (OBE's)

    24/03/2022 Duration: 01h11min

    Strange vibrations begin. A warm sensation ripples through your body, gently pulling you from yourself, and out, into an undiscovered plane of existence. You are now an astral traveler.. The out-of-body experience is a globally shared phenomenon that reaches back to the very genesis of human existence.   Today up to 20 percent of the population claims to have experienced these strange adventures. What celestial landscapes lie beyond? What sorts of entities have been contacted, and what guardians oversee the barriers between them?    On this episode of Belief Hole, we step through the looking glass and enter the realms of Elsewhere.   Also.. Dad dreams of Vacuumed balls, Jeremy the Unfortunate Marine Biologist, and we discover Flacko Density!   

  • 4.3 | Dark Amusements 2: Haunted Lake Shawnee, and Ghosts of Disney

    08/03/2022 Duration: 01h06min

    Ah yes, who doesn’t love the joyful escape that is the amusement park? But beneath the din of cheerful screams and creaking coasters, what darkness lurks? From aviator apparitions at Universal Studios to the cursed and sacred grounds of Lake Shawnee, and with a final stop at Disney’s dark side, we explore some of the creepiest accounts from the happiest places on earth. So please, Belieflings, fasten your safety belts, and keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times, as we seek out Dark Amusements and embark through the treacherous gates of the Belief Hole.

  • 4.2 | Stardust Ranch: Portals, Entities and Mayhem in the Desert!

    20/02/2022 Duration: 01h18min

    In the 1990s, the dusty Arizona winds carried strange tales from Rainbow Valley. Whispers of unusual lights, bizarre creatures, and a haunted ranch with a bloody past. A Psychiatric counselor and his wife were looking for a fresh start in this beautiful and barren land. But unbeknownst to the couple, fate had set them on a lonely trail, into horrifying high-strangeness and mind-bending terror. On this episode of Belief Hole, we explore the incredible accounts and interdimensional happenings at Stardust Ranch.  Also.. ET Executions, Homeless Monster Hunters, and Interdimensional Madness!

  • 4.1 | Astral Worms, Devils in Dumbwaiter, and Sinister Grinners | Strange Listener Stories 12

    04/02/2022 Duration: 01h15min

    You turn out the lights. You slip beneath your cozy covers, eager to drift into a new dream. All seems well from beneath the sheets... Until something strange begins to happen. A curious vibration begins at the back of your head, pulling you out of your body. You sink beneath the bed to find a disturbing face, grinning at you from the darkness... Some... thing you didn’t know was there. From light-beaming astral worms to camp counselor pyrokinesis, we explore the reality hidden just beyond the veil. So dim the lights and stoke the campfire, as we present to you, curious listener strange but true tales of the inexplicable and the unknown. Also.. OBEs, Haunted Restaurants, and Secret Automotive Technology TIMESTAMPS 

  • 3.20 | National Parks Containment Theory & Missing 411

    04/01/2022 Duration: 01h23min

    For centuries, dark stories of unusual events have been whispered around campfires in the wilderness of North America. From strange stories of lurking creatures and unusual clusters of unexplained disappearances to the countless folktales and unsettling native lore that shroud the landscapes of these majestic regions- these luring places of mysterious beauty that have become our National Parks. What dark secrets do they hide? What strange power might they conceal? The trail is laid thick with danger and whispers of the unknown. So grab your compass and triple-check your firearm as we venture deep into the heart of the Belief Hole and explore National Parks: Containment Theory.

  • 3.19 | Strange Twin Stories - ESP, Synchronistic Death, Dual Destiny

    19/12/2021 Duration: 01h26min

    The amount of High Strangeness that orbits the world of twins is daunting. From Evidence of ESP and Shared Dreams to Unexplained, Synchronistic Deaths, Studying the curious accounts relayed by multiples gives us a peek through the very fabric of reality. What does their seemingly bifurcated destiny say about the connectedness of humanity in general and even reality itself? Join us as we explore truly bizarre tales of 'twinly' happenings (including some of our own;). Also.. Jon is a nimble deer, Chris wonders if Jeremy is a figment of his imagination, and Motel Golf Gambling LIVE synchronicities (stick around after the thank yous for the mind-blowing revelation!) CHECK OUT THE FREAKY DEAKY PODCAST  The Freaky Deaky Website Listen on Spotify Freaky Deaky on Youtube

  • 3.18 | The Confessionals Crossover | Dogman Theory, Sky Creatures and Conspiracy Culture

    01/12/2021 Duration: 01h31min

    Well hello hello Belieflings! On today's episode, we pull out the pick axe and make room in the Belief Hole for a fellow intrepid explorer of the bizarre and the unexplained. Tony Merkel from The Confessionals podcast joins us as we dissect some conspiracy culture and recount true tales of coyote chomping dogmen, wounded sky beasts, alien abduction, and Bigfoot bigotry. So turn up the volume and open your mind, as we set out into the void!  Also… Cynocephali breakdown, Tony’s love language, and Jon gets abducted!

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