Belief Hole

4.1 | Astral Worms, Devils in Dumbwaiter, and Sinister Grinners | Strange Listener Stories 12



You turn out the lights. You slip beneath your cozy covers, eager to drift into a new dream. All seems well from beneath the sheets... Until something strange begins to happen. A curious vibration begins at the back of your head, pulling you out of your body. You sink beneath the bed to find a disturbing face, grinning at you from the darkness... Some... thing you didn’t know was there. From light-beaming astral worms to camp counselor pyrokinesis, we explore the reality hidden just beyond the veil. So dim the lights and stoke the campfire, as we present to you, curious listener strange but true tales of the inexplicable and the unknown. Also.. OBEs, Haunted Restaurants, and Secret Automotive Technology TIMESTAMPS