Belief Hole

4.14 | Hat Man Encounters, Shadow People and Paranormal Parasites!



It finds you when you believe you're secure... it finds you there, in the darkness, immobilized by fear, confronted by its grotesque and empty face. It draws near, inhaling your essence. Tonight, it has chosen you as its prey, arriving to feast! Cloaked in darkness and malevolent intent, the being known as the Hat Man is the ultimate embodiment of nighttime terror. What hidden truths linger in the shadows? What eerie patterns mark its journey through diverse cultures and epochs? In this installment of Belief Hole, a leading podcast on supernatural phenomena, we delve deep into these spectral stalkers and recount bone-chilling tales of encounters with the master of the macabre. So ignite a candle and join us, venturing into the abyss of the unknown. Also.. The hypnogogic state, sleep paralysis, and the reality of astral insects!