Belief Hole

4.8 | Dark Reality of Imaginary Friends - True Stories of Creepy Kids



Recent studies indicate that the majority of children are communicating with someone or something that isn’t quite there. We call these invisible companions.. imaginary friends. Logic dictates that on the whole, these are innocuous, invented beings, playmates concocted by the child as a social supplement or as creative expression, but when unexplainable things begin to happen and little Jonny begins describing the horrid and unimaginable, might we consider that the unseen friend peeking from behind the closet door is not only NOT Imaginary, but also, might not really be a friend? On this episode of Belief Hole, join us as we recount tales of close encounters with unseen Imposters Entities! TIMESTAMPS 01:00 | Intro Preview - The Reality of Imaginary Friends 03:26 | Topic Introduction - Imaginary Friends that aren’t so Imaginary 07:54 | University of Washington Study 10:49 | Inherited Friends | STORY 11:48 | Inherited Friends 2 | STORY 12:20 | Tulpa Discussion 13:29 | Where Johnny Lives | STORY 15:34 | In t